Will host networks events in Bombay, India once a month. We will have an educational segment, followed by a keynote speaker, followed by networking among attendees with refreshments. There will be incentives for those who wish to attend our networking events. Attendees will be onboarded to Eastern town hall, have them create an ADA wallet, a raffle for those who attend could win payment in ADA and merchandise.
Network events will increase interest in Cardano and onboard new potential project catalyst proposers. These events would bring new minds to invigorate the Cardona community in India.
Issues that may arise would be finding space to host events, security, and finding good keynote speakers. However, due to having an expansive networking connection, we would be able to get around these issues with ease. As for security, we would hire a guard to do checks at the door in order to ensure the safety of our events. For our keynote speakers, we would call upon our connections in order to bring new and relevant information to each event.