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Location and wildlife data traceability using Cardano Blockchain - Real world use case (
Current Project Status

Create fully transparent on-chain wildlife location data, bridging People / IoT detection devices with tools to record, read, sign, validate and process this data from chain into their own systems


Expose wildlife and location data for non native species so communities can address problems such as the Asian Hornets. Enable Local / Charities / Educational bodies to operate with defined protocols

Impact Alignment
Value for money


2 members

Location and wildlife data traceability using Cardano Blockchain - Real world use case (

Please describe your proposed solution

<u>The problem:</u>

Open access to nonnative wildlife location data is fundamental in effectively addressing problems at both community and national levels such as the Asian Hornet issue. Similar data is currently collected and disseminated by Charities / Scientific teams and Educational bodies, usually stored in centralised systems of spreadsheets, often resulting in paid memberships, controlled access, or to be part of an educational body to be allowed access to these data sets, combined with not being a scalable approach this creates a sub standard data set when considering trying to solve these problems. Additional nonnative species information:


<u>Current data sources:</u>

  1. Current systems to report and collate data are bottlenecked with organisations such as the BKAA and National Bee Unit which have manual processes to record and share data.
  2. These are not sufficient to address scaling problems like Asian Hornets.
  3. Various communities and organisations store nonnative spices data in incompatible structs and not currently shareable across systems unless manually shared.
  4. - BKAA reporting tool for Asian Hornets
  5. <> - NBU public reporting results


We have already engaged with representatives from associations and community members through our proof of concept web2 build early 2024 ( Our next step is to workshop with these and other community members as we develop the Cardano solution:

  1. National Bee Unit's
  2. BKAA (British Beekeepers Association)
  3. Local Bee keepers and Farmers across the UK who form the primary reporting user base
  4. On-chain data specialists

<u>The Solution:</u>

Stage 1 - Community workshop and engagement - The outcome of this stage (detailed above in Engagement section) will be a consensus of opinion that will further inform data structures and the fact users will likely not understanding web3 technology and how this can be used to maximise ease of adoption and overall impact of data transparency.

Stage 2 - Data struct definition - On-chain data struct definitions informed from the stage 1 workshop and the beta web2 build at

Stage 3 - Cardano Service development - Development of self contained services that invoke Cardano blockchain allowing systems to integrate with the data structs:.

  1. Wallet creation for users, IoT devices and system owners
  2. Submit location data submission
  3. Sign and validate submitted data
  4. Read and query data

Stage 4 - Integration with - We have self funded the fully working beta build with web2 technologies currently being used by about 200 community members across the UK in preparation of this next stage. This system will be the use case for the implementation of the solution:

  1. Update user system to cater for web3 identities
  2. Replace web2 reporting and validating data with Cardano services
  3. Replace web2 data reading and query with Cardano services

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Cardano is in need of more diverse real world use cases, implemented in live products that are not web3 focused and have an audience. By onboarding new users from previously untapped communities interested in data reporting and transparency, and educating these new users on the merits of the Cardano blockchain in their industry.

The project will add a real world use case of an active system for a growing problem, that is also applicable to worldwide use cases for the same or similar location data problems, paving the way for other projects to use the open source elements of the solution within their systems.

<u>Qualitative measures</u>

  1. Output from the community workshops - process and results will be public.
  2. Participant testimonials on how the implementation has improved their reporting capability, the transparency and access of reported data, and their trust in the data.
  3. Developer feedback and testimonials on the ability to use and share data cross systems.

<u>Quantitative measures</u>

  1. The number of community members we onboard as a result of them wanting to report or read the on-chain data.
  2. The number of transactions created as a result of reporting data.
  3. The number of transactions validating other peoples data points.
  4. The number of other systems / organisations implementing the solution in their systems using the same processes we make open source.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

<u>Development Experience:</u>

WEB2 - We are well positioned to deliver this project with 12+ years experience in web2 system architecture and implementation. Along with contracted projects Mark leads Pendulum Development ( on delivering custom web solutions and working on community projects for a variety of start ups and extending established client systems.

WEB3 Cardano and EVM - Developing web3 integrations such as the Token Gate Puzzle ( used for giveaways, SPO listings at In EVM we have built backend integrations to index and query EVM data across multiple chains.

<u>Community Experience:</u>

Mark Hall - actively involved in the Cardano Community since 2021, operating a Cardano Stake Pool, and hosting Cardano community events and Governance Workshops in the UK ( Participating in these key Cardano processes gives us the necessary insight so we can maximise the Cardano Community impact from the project. Also involved in the UK Kent bee keeping.

Tony Warren - Involved in the Kent Bee keeping communities and is where this idea began its journey upon realising its need. Knows who to connect and has established relationships within these communities to enable appropriate collaboration and adoption.

<u>Ensuring Feasibility &amp; Success:</u>

  1. Structure workflow - following milestone delivery process. We have clear deliverables defined to ensure accountability of milestone completion.
  2. Team Development Experience - The full team has worked together on development projects pre this proposal, ensuring a productive and focused team. Delivering startup web2 implementations, and web3 data and UI integrations shows our ability to deliver on this project of similar nature.
  3. Technical literacy - Our development team understands blockchain technology and its application in creating open ledger data and its advantages (and disadvantages) that inform the build and core decisions developers make every day. This ensures we do not wast time on dead ends and have done our research.
  4. Community involvement - The team are present daily in their respective communities, described above in Community Experience. This allows us to ensure community engagement and
  5. Financial accountability - Our team has long experience in managing budgets for development projects. Tony has long experience as CFO at his previous company giving us the necessary experience to ensure managed cash flow through the projects lifecycle.

Long term experience managing budgets in business, enabling us to manage the ADA budget in view of the volatile market price and ensure spending is appropriately applied throughout the projects life cycle.

We understand the complexity of custom web development and the importance of maintaining open conversations of project progress, spending, and addressing unexpected development issues, and being accountable to investors for our choices during development.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1 - Workshop and community data collection (1 month)

  • Objective - Host a community workshop with Bee keepers, wildlife experts and Charity organisations listed above.
  • Deliverables - A list of questions we have asked the community, the results from their answers, published for review.
  • Success Indicator - Above 20 attendees and a consensus result for each question asked.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2 - Data struct definition (1 &gt; 2 months)

  • Objective - Full definition of location data and connected wildlife data objects.
  • Deliverables - A schema defining the data structs.
  • Success Indicator - Published schema on open source repo, review from on-chain data expert.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3 - Cardano Service development phase 1 (2 &gt; 3 months)

  • Objective - Development of self contained services that invoke Cardano blockchain using the specific data structs defined in stage 2.
  • Deliverables -
  • Wallet creation for users, IoT devices and system owners
  • Wallets can submit and sign location data
  • Wallets can sign and validate other users location data
  • Success Indicator - Open source repo showing wallet creation, creating location data and signing other users location data.

Final Milestone: Milestone final - Integration with real world product

  • Objective - Integration with
  • Deliverables -
  • Update user system to cater for web3 identities
  • Replace web2 reporting and validating data with Cardano services
  • Replace web2 data reading and query with Cardano services
  • Success Indicator - Published updates on the live beta website usable by the public.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

<u>Tony Warren</u>

Role - Project administration, Financial officer, Bee and wildlife community coverage.

Responsibilities - Project administration, financial / invoicing

<u>Pendulum Development</u>

Role - Providing development support to dev lead

Experience - 9 years operating development agency in London for many Startups and established brands.

Responsibilities - Action development tasks issued by the development lead at fixed cost agreements.

Website -

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1 - (16,000 ADA total)

  1. Project management - 3,000 ADA
  2. Budget management, invoicing / paperwork
  3. Schedule planning
  4. Organising attendees
  5. Workshop - 12,000 ADA
  6. Venue and materials and workshop running costs (costs based on previous workshop prices we have operated)
  7. Process results - 3,000 ADA
  8. Formalise results from input
  9. Collate output to publish to progress to milestone 2

Milestone 2 - (22,000 ADA total)

  1. Project management - 3,000 ADA
  2. Budget management, invoicing / paperwork
  3. Schedule planning
  4. Schema design - 16,000 ADA
  5. Wildlife and data research and schema draft
  6. Blockchain optimisation ensuring efficient modelling of on-chain data representation
  7. Review and publish - 3,000 ADA
  8. Review final schema
  9. Publish to open repo to progress to milestone 3

Milestone 3 - (35,000 ADA total)

  1. Project management - 5,000 ADA
  2. Budget management, invoicing / paperwork
  3. Schedule planning
  4. Services development - 22,000 ADA
  5. Service build 1 - Wallet creation (from user perspective and IoT perspective)
  6. Service build 2 - Wallets submit and sign location data
  7. Service build 3 - Wallets can sign and validate other users location data
  8. Testing - 8,000 ADA
  9. Test case code validating each service method input and output
  10. Tester to ensure data integrity and accurate test code
  11. Publish to open repo to progress to milestone final

Milestone final - (27,000 ADA total)

  1. Project management - 5,000 ADA
  2. Budget management, invoicing / paperwork
  3. Schedule planning
  4. final milestone summary, video and validation of complete scope
  5. Backend development - 10,000 ADA - Services supplied by Pendulum
  6. Integrating services with backend layer.
  7. Update user system to cater for web3 identities and authentication
  8. Replace web2 reporting and validating data with Cardano services from milestone 3
  9. Replace web2 data reading and query with Cardano services from milestone 3
  10. UI development - 6,000 ADA - Services supplied by Pendulum
  11. Integrating wallet connect with
  12. Update authentication flows
  13. Testing: 6,000 ADA
  14. UI tester
  15. IoT end to end test case

All management, operational and and development tasks are conducted by Tony (management) and Mark (development), with Pendulum (development) contracted for the final milestone who build the original code base for

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

Milestone 2 brings open source implementations of wallet creation with IoT devices and reusable services any other project that needs to do the same, can copy / adjust the implementation and save this cost in the future.

The cost we have applied to this project reflect a low development cost for a high impact example of real world blockchain use when compared to other proposed and completed funded projects.

We have worked together on development projects in the past, have established workflows enabling us to deliver on our milestones at the estimated costs.

Selecting Pendulum to complete 'Milestone final' will be good value for money, due to them being the original coders for the React and backend APIs and having no learning curves or misunderstandings of the requirement details.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa