<u>Leveling Up CardanoIndonesia IG</u> so what’s does this about?
Back then in February 2021, We couldn’t find a community where we can learn about Cardano in simple terms. We believe that at that particular time, it’s hard to seek for credible resources to learn about Cardano in Indonesian language, that’s why we want to fill that gap, which triggered the start of CardanoIndonesia Instagram. At that time,we have goals in which to grow this community organically by providing them with high-quality content that is packed with compact and clean visualization.
As of February 2022, we manage to reach about 2000 followers on our Instagram, which we are surprised since we don’t do paid promotions at all, as we rely on our belief in delivering good quality content, not quantity.We put a lot of emphasis on picking the relevant topics that people can relate to at that particular time. Now as we reached this milestone, we feel that we are in the stagnant phase, where we need to reach out to more masses, so it’s important to level up in order to reach this target.
We believe that this will bring a huge exposure for Cardano, especially in Indonesia, as this will attract newcomers to know more about Cardano, and also it help to engage with our current existing followers as well.
Our Instagram: Instagram.com/CardanoIndonesia
Our solution for this challenge:
<u>Interactive Marketing</u>
This is our main solution in order to level up our Instagram, so to elaborate more, we want to do more engaging communication with our followers, so through Instagram Story/Post/Live. This is where we can have a conversation and also keep engaging and at the same time maintain followers, we are going to design the merchandise that we personally design, which we believe can organically attract newcomers.
The main challenge should be there are not many newcomers that are interested in this campaign, but for this issue, we believe that even though this doesn't work at least we manage to engage with our current followers, so it's like killing two birds with one stone.