Please describe your proposed solution.
<u>Market-fit product upgrade based on our learnings and progress through F6 & F8</u>:
Both our problem identification and its proposed market-fit solution has been backed by the research, developments, testing and commercial launch of the Cooperativa Local team during 2 years of progress and support from four Catalyst Fund6 and Fund8 proposals ($71.850 dollars total funding) and a world's top-10 tech accelerator: Start-Up Chile. During this time, we have collaborated with over 300 potential clients of this proposal, such as 200 cultural agents, 150 artists, 30 city governments, public transportation system and over 10 private venues.
At 2022, Cooperativa Local launched its web3 cultural platform that aims to seamlessly onboard the same agents we aim to serve on this F10 proposal, but from this point, we will serve agents distributed worldwide. Cooperativa Local started its journey at the Latin American market, and because of that it has sensibly approached Web3 adoption, adapting it social and blockchain technology to the emerging markets necessities. Our F8-backed multi-chain web-app built on DeSo Blockchain offers the traditional social-network features Metamask log-in, Cardano tags and filters, an integrated crypto-wallet able to swap cryptos, NFTs, POAPS, an event billboard, a creative marketplace and other thematic tags/filters. Since its launch, it has achieved several KPIs and milestones in terms of platform use, exhibitions, partnerships, B2B proposals, collaborations, and social media growth. The platform has generated 85,000 interactions from 1,300 visitors, 300 of which were non-web3 adopters that have used Web 3.0 features for the first time through our friendly platform.
We have produced 9 physical multi-chain exhibitions on some of the most importan cultural venues of LatAm, such as GAM. We have also executed phygital-VR exhibitions such as 2023 Global Pizza DAO Party Chile, nd partnerships with benchmark Web3 brands such as NounsDAO, Snapbrillia and Metacorral, among others. At NFT.NYC 2023 we exhibited and meet with agents sharing intentions and objectives. We counted over 1.200 attendees, 150 participants and renowned NFT artists.
<u>Vision of our Start-up</u> (Specific Fund10 Proposal comes afterwards)
Due to all our collaborations and leads with private and public physical agents, we intimately involved ourselves in all aspects of a trendy cultural event (with Web3 experience) design, funding, production, execution processes. We identified that Cardano would maximize its impact by powering -through Fund10- an accesible market-fit service of event ticketing, integrated with trendy brand experiences.
Event ticketing and sponsorship are the most suitable market where Cardano could get a massive market-fit approach in the entertainment industry, while trendy brand experiences are easily integrable with this ticketing model, making it possible for us to offer fair on-chain commercial opportunities to all the stakeholders of event producing, as well as audiences. Historically, brands have been the main sponsorships for the entertainment industry, and they happen to be numerous, diverse and of multiple industries that -through us- could provide their first entertaining on-chain experience for their audiences of potential customers.
This strategy would mark the first steps of our end-vision: creating a strong market-fit event-producing global network, able to onboard producers, brands, artists, workers and audiences to Cardano. This platform will decentralize and enhance on Cardano the deals and contract-execution between six different stakeholders: (A) Event planners, (B) Event producers, (C) Brands, (D) Venues, (E) Artists and (F) Audiences: during the twelve stages of event-production:
- Preliminar event proposal: Event planner proposes offer with considerations and needs.
- Event planning communications: producers, brands and venues respond and start modular communications and negotiations.
- Production deals and contracts: deals are agreed between agents, into contracts.
- Artist booking: artists are booked, into contract.
- Pre-event contracts execution: payments as production is delivered according to deals.
- Ticketing: tickets are available.
- Marketing Campaign: event is promoted, brands as sponsors..
- Event experience: event happens, brands as sponsors.
- Post-event contracts execution: event profit are distributed according to deals.
- Post-event content: is distributed and the experience can be extended on our multi-chain cultural platform.
- Open 360º feedback cycle report: from all stakeholders.
- Private performance operation AI-analytics report and public reputation: will be made available on the platform.
<u>Specific Solutions of our Fund10 Proposal</u>
As explained above, our vision and F10 roadmap will start by approaching a market-fit basis, through trendy web3-powered decentralized (6) on-chain Ticketing plus (7, 8) decentralized brand sponsorships and event-experiences.
(6) <u>Cardano-powered Smart Ticketing</u>: event planners, producers and artists will be able to easily offer tickets for their events, powered by Cardano in order to provide simplified managing, traceability, authenticity, transferability and data analysis, as well as a secondary market that eliminates scalping and combating frauds. Moreover, they will be offered to easily include an entertaining set of web3-experiences for buyers, such as NFTs, POAPs and limited on-chain merchandising, using our already operating web3 cultural platform build with Fund8. By the last quarter of our F10, we will be able to approach a global market and generate revenues that integers a fees from $1 dollar per ticket.
(7-8) <u>Trending Brands Phygital Experiences and Marketing Campaigns</u>: event planners and producers will be able to register to offer brands (and viceversa) to sponsorship events and provide (or request) either monetary funding, budget or sampling for the joint-marketing campaigns. Communications will be free through chat, but also modular and templated in order to drive a standard of clear negotiations and agreements on Cardano smart-contracts. These brand campaigns will also be able to include the web3-experiences that our platform already delivers. By the last quarter of our F10, we will try a market approach that 5% commissions of the event-sponsorship deals.
(11-12) <u>Reports: 360º Feedback and AI-powered Performance Analytics:</u> Both products will integrate insightful reports. On one hand, we will promote and deliver 360º Feedback Reports which consider the opinions and experiences of all stakeholders related with our event-ticketing and brand experience product, as well as internal business-operations analytics with AI-insights for event-planners and brands. Morover, a public reputation score that will be generated to signal the quality of our stakeholders, what's crucial to achieve the product decentralized market-fit by the last quarter of this proposal 1-year roadmap.
<u>Our clients share the same desire</u>: showcasing at events is fundamental for brands, cultural organizations and artists, but most can't access suitable deals with venues and production: inefficiency that minimizes the potential market to which they could expose and offer. Events are diverse in themes, scales and locations, as well as artists, brands and venues. Events are unique opportunities to engage with customers, audiences and partnerships, creating lasting awareness and building loyalties or a sense of community, what can translate into increased sales, reputation, reach and retention. Even more, web3 features serve as a differentiator that can push their success forward. Thus, aggregating these opportunities in a decentralized market on Cardano and complementing it with an extended web3-social experience can foster convenient scales of technology adoption.
<u>The ticketing and event market are adopting technology at high-rates and doubling their market volume every 5-years</u> : According to Statista, the global smart online ticketing market is anticipated to grow to USD 34.8 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 15.6%, while the global online event ticketing market is expected to grow from USD 77.49 billion in 2023 to USD 97.36 billion by 2028. Mordor Intelligence quotes that the growth in these ticketing products can be attributed to the fundamental millennial population and their preference for convenience. On the other hand, VMR states that in 2020 the commercial event market was valued at USD 886.99 billion and it is predicted to grow 147% to 2.2 trillion USD with a CAGR of 13.48%. This market including includes concerts, festivals, sporting experiences, corporate events, to trade shows and conferences. Following the same trend, Researchdrive estimates that by only combining the global market of sponsorships for festival and sports events, they will grow 50% and sum USD 160 billion by 2028.
Our start-up aims to expand from the Chile even market to LatAm and the rest of the world: Chile is known for hosting huge annual events that celebrate art, music, sports, literature, dance, and culture. According to the Annual Statistics Report 2019, between 2015 and 2019, 23,436 concerts were carried out in Chile, with more than 15.5 million attendees, an increase in 14.5% between the years 2015 and 2018. On a larger regional scope, the updated case of the Latin American market is promising, resulting in a projected market volume of $473.90 millions USD, and as quoted by ANARA: 'Mega events such as Lollapalooza continue to attract major local and international names, drawing publics of over 100,000, and with sponsorship from the beer, food and telecommunications companies', referring to Lollapalooza and other massive festivals happening in Chile, Brasil, Argentina, México and Colombia.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
<u>Particular Benefits</u>
- Already operational MVP backed by F8 as a case of success: We consider that our developments through Catalyst F8 is outstanding and could inspire and bench-mark multiple projects to follow a similar path. Our market-fit approach already has an MVP multi-chain social platform for the event-experience related with audiences and brands. At the same time, there are so many scales of event-planners and brands that we will be able to pilot our new products at small-scale, and develop MVP-products as we progress through our Fund10 roadmap.
- Supporting Brands of Cardano and Web3: Our event-producing platform will not just aim to onboard brands that aren't adopters of web3-technologies, but also web3 brands that require to provide experiences at events with technology and culture as main components. Thus, Cardano start-ups and Catalyst projects will have access to multiple diverse-scale events through our platform.
- Cardano product piloting and progressive market-fit: We expect to validate our operations and market-fit by delivering our off-chain beta-product with 3 events, our on-chain MVP-product with other 3-MVP events and finally decentralize at least one event ticketing and sponsorships. This effort would requiere that at least 7 event-planners and brands participate, and for it we will propose to at least four-times more agents: 28 event planners and 28 brands. Finally, from MVP we will be able to charge our respective commissions and fees.
<u>Benefits mentioned on the Challenge Brief that our products are aligned with:</u>
- "Increased quality of existing products & integrations through improvements and new functionality": our F8-backed multi-chain social platform will be a main component of this proposal, as it will enhance the experiences for artists, event producers and brands willing to provide trendy web3 features for their campaigns towards audiences and attendees.
- "Integrations with other existing services, products and protocols that improve the end user experience": our-F8-backed multi-chain social platform was built improving end-user experience to the point it become able to seamlessly onboard non-adopters cultural agents to the web3 and use the available tools on it, such as integrated-wallets, on-chain posting, NFTs, encrypted messaging and micro-tipping.
- "The more interesting and useful the products and integrations are in the ecosystem the more reasons people have to interact with the Cardano blockchain that can help further drive more adoption": the same UX sensibility mentioned above will guide the new products we are briefing on this proposal: we aim to be the first-web3 experience of multiple off-chain agents such as brands, event producers, venues, cultural workers and artists.
- "Feedback and further innovation": precisely, feedback and community-innovation is a main component of both products we are proposing. In terms of the overall event experience (using our ticketing, sponsorship decentralized agency or our multi-chain social platform), our platform will promote 360º feedback-cycles between all the agents involved in the event-experiences, including the attendees. Also, private analytics and insights -powered by AI- will be provided for both the event planner and the participating brands. In terms of our multi-chain social platform, we expect to progressively decentralize its governance as a DAO.
- "Cardano needs a thriving ecosystem of different products and integrations for the community to use that increasingly become the better alternatives over current centralised providers": our products aim to approach the consolidated ticketing and sponsorships market, which are increasingly becoming digitalized. Because of that, we consider that our Cardano-backed services and web3-features for campaigns and interaction will differentiate by leading the current trends and providing access to all scales of event producers and sponsors. This diversity characterizes our clients and because of that, we expect to rapidly reach market-fit within our F10 participation as we progressively pilot and deliver our platform from smaller event-stakeholders (that need access to digitalization) and larger scales agents (that require outstanding experiences).
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
According to this particular question brief, the 'Impact' and 'Success' assessed should happen on Cardano, quote: '(1) Describe, and where possible measure, the project’s benefits for the Cardano ecosystem, and why the measures are realistic in your opinion' and '(2) How will the innovation affect Cardano’s productivity and growth, in both the short and the long term?'
As our Our project development is aimed to achieve market-fit in terms of validating operations, overall client experience and business model convenience, the success on our own proposal will directly impact on Cardano. Precisely, our project's progress in terms of helpfulness, onboarding, accessibility, brand awareness, cost-reducing and sales-enhancer will impact positively on Cardano. Now, to measure these impacts we can make use of two actual pillars of our products: reporting softwares, such as an (1) open 360º feedback reports which consider the opinions and experiences of all stakeholders related with our event-ticketing and brand experience product, as well as (2) internal operation-business analytics reports with AI insights.
Considering that, what's left is to specifically define which of measurements and analytics of the reports in terms of our product, can also work as metrics for impact on Cardano. Firstly, we have to remember that our product stakeholders are (A) Event planners, (B) Event producers, (C) Brands, (D) Venues, (E) Artists and (F) Audiences. Secondly, we can identify that all stakeholders have different levels of scale in terms of business or reputation magnitude (in the case of audiences and venue, the scale is related with the event attendees). Then, we can identify that events planned can have different thematics, and that brands can come from different industries.
On one hand, for our product we will promote that a 5% to 10% of each category of stakeholders will actually report to us on the 360º Feedback Cycles. On the other hand, our business and operation analytics will identify what is the engagement that each stakeholder achieve within our Cardano-powered product, identifying how deep they go through it in terms of interest, adoption, usage of features both on-chain and off-chain, and retention. Then, as we cross the data from both reports data-sets, we will be able to provide significant archetypal metrics and insights, that will be able to also integrate what characterized each one of these stakeholders in terms of prior web3 and Cardano adoption.
Finally, the magnitude of our market-fit validation will be provided by our team's insights considering the first and last stage of our market-funnel. First, how many stakeholders are presented the product but not converted to clients and which were their characteristics: and finally, what are the revenues and incomes generated at the late-end of the event producing and sponsorship campaign experiences.
These impact measurements will be presented monthly on our website, through a visual logic model connected to the monthly public data-set and management, as described bellow.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
- Visual logic model connected to monthly public data-set and management: we will publish on our website a visual logic model that represent our projects activities, outputs, and expected outcomes each month. This visual logic model will be fed by our data management plan which outlines how and what data generated by the project is collected, stored, analyzed, and shared.
- Simplified-tracking of detailed break-down into 1-month stages: This proposal has been presented with highly detailed breakdown, where we have broken-down the project into smaller phases of one month-each, prioritizing understandable and clear inputs -> outputs at the each phase. These includes measurements such as the project's objectives, budget, piloting, development and feedback from our users.
- Key transparency of financial disclosure statements and evidence of matching funding and community support: we will work to ensure transparency, efficiency, and accountability of the project, sharing it on the data set and former visual logic model.
- Open 360º feedback and operation-analytics are a pillar of our start-up product, and so our shared outputs: we will ask our piloting and business partners to let us share with the Cardano and Catalyst communities each one of the 360º feedback-reports (jointly-inputs from all the agents involved in the event-experiences, including attendees) and also disclosable analytics and AI-insights brought by event-planners and brands that subscribe our services during piloting and commercial stage.
- Building trust, accountability and engaging with Cardano Catalyst: By following these best practices, our project's outputs will be shared in a transparent and efficient manner while ensuring that Cardano, Catalyst and our Clients are informed and engaged throughout the process and how the updated will be used in future research and development activities, including any potential collaborations with other Cardano researchers, media or organizations.