What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1: Milestone 1 (1 month): Completion of tx graphic viewer
Outputs : Implementation of an MVP for a webapp that is able to draw a transaction from a CBOR or a tx hash making the necessary queries to some blockchain indexer. At this moment a very rudimentary version is already implemented with basic functionality.
Acceptance Criteria: The webapp can read a CBOR or a tx hash and display the diagram of a transaction with arrows for inputs and outputs, showing in a user-friendly way the main information: utxos’ value and datums, minted and burned tokens, tx fees, among others.
Evidence of Milestone Completion: The source code is publicly available in a repository. A video-demo will be recorded showing the main use cases.
Milestone 2: Milestone 2 (1 month): Integration between Lace Anatomy and tx graphic viewer
Outputs: UX design for adapting the existing Lace Anatomy webpage adding the necessary sections to include the graphic view of transactions.
Acceptance Criteria: The Lace Anatomy webpage includes the tx graphic viewer integrated into the UI. A user can read and learn about tx components, together with their graphical representation.
Evidence of Milestone Completion: The source code is publicly available in the laceanatomy open-source repository,. A video-demo will be recorder showing the main use cases.
Milestone 3: Milestone 3 (1 month): Definition of a DSL for specifying transactions
Outputs: Definition of a DSL capable of specify a cardano transaction. Documentation describing precisely the language and boilerplate of the implementation of a parser.
Acceptance Criteria: The DSL contains constructions for specifying a cardano transaction.
Evidence of Milestone Completion: Document and boilerplate of language definition is included in Lace Anatomy repository.
Milestone 4: Milestone 4 (1 month): CBOR generation from DSL
Outputs: Implementation of a parser/code-generator for reading a tx spec written in the DSL and producing a CBOR.
Acceptance Criteria: A sentence in the DSL can be parsed and a CBOR is generated.
Evidence of Milestone Completion: The implementation is included in the Lace Anatomy public repository. Video-demo showing use cases.
Final Milestone: Final milestone (2 months): CBOR generation integration into Lace Anatomy webpage, deployment of webapp, final report
Outputs: UI design and integration of CBOR generator from the DSL into the Lace Anatomy webpage. Deployment of integrated version of Lace Anatomy webapp. Final report.
Acceptance Criteria: The Lace Anatomy webapp containing features for displaying tx graphics and building a tx from the designed DSL is publicly available.
Evidence of Milestone Completion: Video-demo showing the final version of webapp deployed and publicly available, and closure video