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Key Cardios for Cardano Build Up: expanding the ecosystem
Current Project Status

Survey tech-curious students unfamiliar with Cardano but drawn to innovation & sustainability. Show Cardano’s distinctions & philosophies, expand ecosystem through promotion, education and data.


Fact: Cardano’s ecosystem boasts unique features & philosophy, differentiating it from other blockchains.

Problem 1: Limited external awareness

Problem 2: Internal insights on outsiders’ views lacking

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


2 members

Key Cardios for Cardano Build Up: expanding the ecosystem

Please describe your proposed solution

Cardios aka Cardano's unique features

(game of words, also reflecting the term cardio as its used in general human physical endurance, someone with good endurance - has good cardio.)

  • Key Cardios for Cardano Build Up' embodies the essence of Cardano's philosophy, emphasizing principles of sustainability, decentralization, inclusivity.

  • Our proposed solution involves creating a comprehensive survey to promote those Cardios aka Cardano's unique features and philosophical principles.


The problem at hand is the lack of awareness among individuals outside the Cardano ecosystem regarding its distinguishing factors. We aim to tackle this issue by promoting the key differences of Cardano in the survey and by targeting tech-curious students at universities and studies that have a strong focus on innovation, technology, and sustainability.

We chose this approach because engaging with students not familiar with Cardano provides an opportunity to not only gather valuable insights through the survey but also potentially cultivate new members for the Cardano community.


Our solution stands out due to its targeted approach in engaging tech-curious students unfamiliar with Cardano yet attracted to its innovative technology and sustainable philosophy. By focusing on this demographic, we tap into a potential pool of new community members and advocates.

  • Benefits extend to multiple stakeholders:
  • **Tech-Curious Students:**They gain exposure to Cardano's unique features and philosophical principles.
  • Cardano Community: This data provides insights into how Cardano is perceived by targeted individuals outside the ecosystem. By understanding external viewpoints, the community gains strategic insights for refining messaging, enhancing outreach efforts, and tailoring development priorities.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

This data-driven approach strengthens Cardano's ecosystem by fostering informed decision-making and adaptive strategies, ensuring its continued growth and relevance in the blockchain space.

We will measure the impact quantitatively by tracking metrics such as the number of survey responses. Qualitatively, we will assess the depth of understanding and perception of Cardano among survey participants through analysis of their responses.

Outputs will be shared within the Cardano community through various channels, social media platforms, and video presentation. Additionally, a detailed report summarizing the survey findings, insights gained, and proposed action points will be made available to everyone within the Cardano ecosystem, ensuring transparency and facilitating collaborative decision-making.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Capabilities: Proof of concept

The team has already demonstrated a successful approach for conducting such research, as seen by the results of our recent work as Thesis & Dysmorphia. The results were presented both as a research paper in PDF form and on the Fork It platform.

One of the pages of the 81 pages long research paper (find NFTs on JPG)

Image file

This past October we published the results of a year-long study of the Cardano NFT space, addressing multiple questions of interest and collaborating with 46 projects while gathering a total of over 3500 answers to various surveys. We minted a special NFT collection containing a link to the paper in the form of a PDF file. We created Fork It platform and displayed all the data in charts and graphs there.

During our year-long study, we proved that we have a feasible approach, we gathered many connections and community trust along the way, and we delivered everything we promised to deliver.

With such experience and expertise, we believe we are well-suited to continue gathering and delivering such research data to the public. In addition, please see our team members’ descriptions in the “Team Members” section below.


The progress of the project will be shared publicly on our website, showing the passing of each Milestone.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Survey Development and University Collaboration Established

  • Milestone outputs:
  1. Survey questionnaire finalized, including questions targeting key Cardano differentiators and demographic information
  2. Collaboration agreements established with at least 3 universities
  • Acceptance criteria:
  1. Survey questionnaire approved by project team and relevant stakeholders
  2. Written agreements or MOUs signed with universities outlining the terms of collaboration
  • Evidence of milestone completion:
  1. Copy of finalized survey questionnaire
  2. Copies of signed collaboration agreements or MOUs with universities

Milestone 2: Survey Deployment and Data Collection

  • Milestone outputs:
  1. Survey deployed to target universities and accessible to students
  2. Data collection process initiated, with responses being recorded
  • Acceptance criteria:
  1. Survey successfully launched at target universities, with no technical issues reported
  2. Data collection process actively recording responses from participants
  • Evidence of milestone completion:
  1. Screenshots or links demonstrating the survey deployment
  2. Progress report showing ongoing data collection efforts and initial response numbers

Milestone 3: Data Analysis and Report Preparation

  • Milestone outputs:

  • Data collected from the survey analyzed and summarized

  • Comprehensive report prepared, highlighting key insights and findings.

  • Acceptance criteria:

  • Data analysis conducted, with results organized and interpreted.

  • Report completed, including clear presentation of survey findings and recommendations.

  • Evidence of milestone completion:

  • Summary of data analysis findings, including charts or graphs illustrating key points.

  • Completed report document, ready for dissemination.

Final Milestone: Project Close-out Report and Video

  • Milestone outputs:
  1. Project close-out report compiled, summarizing project activities, achievements, and lessons learne
  2. Video presentation created, providing an overview of the project, its objectives, outcomes, and impac
  • Acceptance criteria:
  1. Close-out report finalized, covering all project milestones, deliverables, and evaluation
  2. Video presentation completed, meeting quality standards and effectively communicating project highlight
  • Evidence of milestone completion:
  1. Copy of the project close-out report, including all required section
  2. Link to or copy of the video presentatio

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The team is comprised of:

  • Matea Sedlaček, PhD, Thesis & Dysmorphia co-founder, the scientific lead for the project
  • (, Linkedin
  • Entrepreneur, successful business owner, researcher, PhD in the field of physiology, with great interest in blockchain and NFT space, community and quickly changing sentiments and behaviours in crypto.
  • Marina Minko, Thesis & Dysmorphia co-founder, project manager & PR manager
  • (
  • Diverse background in philosophy, with a strong interest in human psychology and behaviour. Her extensive professional journey includes positions in general management, financial management, strategic development and foreign agency contracting.
  • Additional Team Members (to be recruited):

1. Peer Review

Reviewing and validating the content for accuracy and relevance.

Strong subject knowledge in the relevant academic areas.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Budget Breakdown:

1. Survey Development and University Collaboration:

  • Survey development: 5,000 ADA
  • University collaboration agreements: 3,000 ADA

2. Survey Deployment and Data Collection:

  • Deployment platform subscription: 2,000 ADA

3. Data Analysis and Report Preparation:

  • Data analysis software license: 3,000 ADA
  • Peer-review and proof-reading: 3,000 ADA
  • Report preparation: 8,000 ADA
  • Report design: 3,000 ADA

4. Project Close-out Report and Video:

  • Video production services: 5,000 ADA
  • Project close-out report: 2,000 ADA

5.Promotional and Marketing Costs:

  • Graphic designer : 2,000 ADA
  • Marketing: 6,000 ADA

Remaining Budget (for unforeseen expenses or contingency): 4,000 ADA

Total Budget: 46,000 ADA

Image file

The project depends on universities collaborating on the survey. This partnership is crucial for accessing the target audience of tech-curious students and ensuring the survey's effectiveness.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The budget breakdown reflects a careful consideration of resources needed at each stage of the project. Costs have been allocated based on industry standards for survey development, data analysis, and promotional activities.

We prioritize quality in all aspects of the project. This ensures that survey development, data analysis, and report preparation meet high standards, providing valuable insights to the Cardano community.

Competitive Pricing: The budget includes reasonable costs for software licenses, collaboration agreements, and promotional materials, reflecting market rates and ensuring affordability without compromising quality.

We are committed to transparency in budget management, ensuring that funds are used efficiently and effectively. Any unused portion of the budget will be reallocated to priority areas or returned to the Cardano community as per Fund Rules.

Overall, the project's cost represents value for money by delivering high-quality outcomes that contribute to the growth, sustainability, and relevance of the Cardano ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa