This proposal will bring an Indigo Academy educational library focused on synthetic assets and their uses to the Cardano ecosystem, all within the Metaverse. Indigo is already partnered with Metadams, owns an estate in Pavia, and developing with the Cornucopias metaverse project!
Metadams partnership:
This Academy will consist of several modules, allowing users to dive deeper into the DeFi world as they progress through the course while interacting with the metaverse environment.
Indigo has been making progress towards presence in a variety of current Metaverse projects.
Indigo will plan to release its curriculum over the course of several weeks. Each week will include a written article and a video related to the topic of the week. Users will ultimately be able to interact and learn about Indigo throughout various Cardano Metaverse projects. Indigo has been working with the community to develop Metaverse assets in preparation for this project. Some of these rendered 3d assets are attached to this proposal.
Ultimately, We would like to host AMAs and workshops where we can interact with the Cardano community in place of more traditional methods like Twitter spaces and discord-hosted calls. We believe the metaverse will be a viable social platform in the near future. By adopting these platforms early on, we hope to inspire users and other metaverse projects to participate in Cardano.
By creating a Metaverse environment that is easy to use and interactive, we will bring a new method of DeFi education to Cardano Ecosystem participants who seek to learn about DeFi in as many ways as possible!
Indigo is planning to develop across multiple Metaverse projects. We've mitigated some of the risks of putting everything on one platform by building across multiple projects.