Here are some of the things we are currently developing to attract businesses to use Blockchain & Digital Currencies B2B & B2C:
General Commerce
- Plugins for popular shopping carts to accept ADA - 4 Produced in the last 14 Days.
- A Remitance system for ADA (Similar to PayPal) - offering affordable small private payments.
- Point of Sale system for small retailers - using both smart phones, Cell phones and Paper Wallets.
- Developing Cloud Stakepools that businesses and projects can simply subscribe to without needing to know anything about setting up or running the servers, all based in high security servers around the world.
- Automated dashboards that will automatically convert ADA into Djed stable currency at the point of sale to protect their income.
MetaVerse 3D Projects
CardanoVerse: <> - This will provide Virtual Cardano Community Hubs (vCCH), these will be themed for all the countries in the world and available in multiple languages. Incorporating Virtual meetups, education, financial support and income to real-world Hubs.
Cardano MetaBowl: <> - This will be a Virtual Stadium offering a variety of shows, Gaming Contests and very interesting NFT's while producing revenues & profitable through a wide range of virtual events.
VResorts: <> - This will mirror existing and soon-to-be-developed Leisure Resorts, the virtual resort will support the development & operation of the real-world resort. The VResort will be able to promote the occupation of the live resort, also to offer virtual activities that would not be possible in real life.
These are just a sample of our innovation, to follow developments please visit: <>
Our objective is to provide "Bolt-On" ways for businesses to be able to trade in ADA and other native digital currencies.
Also to develop and promote the various benefits & use-cases of the Cardano Blockchain to businesses.
Businesses do not need to know "How it Works", just that It Does! and <u>their funds are safe</u>.
just the usual resistance of anything new arriving on the scene and the uncertainty regarding pending regulations imposed by various governments.