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From Old to New: Leadership For Hubs As Self Sustaining Web3 Edtech Providers
Current Project Status

Develop an edtech prototype that integrates Andamio’s tech platform and Edify’s business strategies to expand and monetize Wada’s Web3 education and onboarding content.



Content that has been produced with Catalyst funding lacks effective distribution and usage channels

Value for Money
Impact Alignment


2 members

From Old to New: Leadership For Hubs As Self Sustaining Web3 Edtech Providers

Please describe your proposed solution

<u>Our Solution</u>

We aim to create a prototype focused on training Wada hub leaders as entrepreneurs. This novel approach allows hub leaders to learn quickly and then contribute as teachers since we will be repurposing the Andamio: a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider. This can help onboard other leaders and generate revenue through their contributions. The goal of this proof of concept is to synthesize our successes and insights from various areas and prior Catalyst funded projects—including technical and business training, mentoring, and coaching programs, and hub leader support. We will integrate AI into content provision and delivery, combining these elements to create a Web3 (blockchain &amp; AI)-based, edutech community learning platform, which is also very entrepreneurial focussed.

The avatar for this proof of concept is our community hub leaders - as by building an effective Web3 community of hub leaders we will both test the concept as described, and also support the community hubs directly in becoming self sustaining organisations - ones that can run effectively as businesses, build relationships with Universities, colleges and other agencies, form partnerships, and position and market themselves effectively both locally and globally.


Wada is built off of three pillars: Infrastructure, Education and Innovation. So far we have been working through these pillars one by one to build Wada to what it is today. Our efforts in getting solid on-the-ground connections and partnerships have facilitated our local footprints and boosted our own local infrastructure, created our own educational content and courses, and produced applications fitting local use cases. This has given us a great platform to build from.

Now we have the opportunity to build on these foundations. By deploying a digital Edtech platform approach, and Exponential Organsation (ExO), methodologies, we can create a Web3 based learning and teaching community. That will in turn provide the opportunity to radically scale up our activities and impact in producing Web3 capable, disruptive tech Dev’s in Africa.


Current Activity - Phase 1 Establish local hubs

Since Fund 4 we have developed 11 hubs on the ground across the continent from South to West, and Central Africa each with their own office space, reliable internet and electricity.

Current Activity - Phase 2 Sustainable and independent community hubs

In Fund 9 we launched the second big phase of our hub strategy focusing on each hubs’ sustainability and independence plan - its business infrastructure. All hubs had the opportunity to go through an accelerator program aimed at Increasing their business awareness, with the end result of producing their own business plans and self sustainability model - this was a success.

Current Activity - Phase 3 Test an edtech enabled, online community environment

In Fund 8 we worked with Edify on projects aimed at testing, supporting and developing a robust Online community for learners - which used a commercial edtech platform as a proof of concept for this approach - this was also a success. Edtech Service

This proposal - Phase 4 Build a Web3 enabled Edtech platform and Community for Hub Leaders

For this proof of concept we plan to combine all of the elements outlined so far to build a functioning Web3 enabled community for hub leaders to learn about leadership and how to run an effective, self sustainable, advanced technology education platform. This is a new approach, utilising new organsiational structures and technologies.

Next steps - Phase 5 Web3 enabled Edtech platform and Community for Web3 Capable Dev’s to learn contribute

Once we have completed this POC our next stage is to continue working with community hubs, both individually and collectively to leverage the capabilities of the hub leaders to build and run scalable, self sustainable programmes, for graduates to complete, and in turn lecture on, and then develop the WADA Web3 community platform itself, in order for them to become Web3 capable Dev’s ready for employment in the African market and beyond.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Our proposed solution directly addresses the challenge of supporting the Cardano ecosystem community. By delivering this prototype, we provide comprehensive support and resources to community hubs, enabling them to develop the necessary business skills, commercial knowledge, and cultural understanding to succeed.

The benefits of our solution to the Cardano ecosystem are multifold. Firstly, it enhances the overall reliability, security, and performance of the Cardano network by supporting hubs in building viable and sustainable edtech services. Strong and successful community hubs attract potential web3 devs, increase Catalyst investment returns, and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration within the the Wada hubs community

Our solution promotes innovation and collaboration within the Cardano community. Through the Wada community hubs network and its interactive learning environment hubs in other communities can also learn to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?


This is not a new idea, what is new with this prototype is the ability to automate, scale and enable us to build a thriving sustainable learning community. We have been working already with Edify on a pilot program to train the hubs in business initiatives. We are happy to report an initial success with this pilot project where we launched: <>. We have 50 users so far on the platform, and are already seeing a need to transition this effort to something we manage ourselves which is what we seek to do through this proposal.

Wada and Edify have a solid track record in managing educational and Cardano projects. Prototype development will focus on community feedback and iterative design, ensuring alignment with technological capabilities and community needs.


In addition to Wada content, we will use the Edify Colab’s Leadership Coaching programme - which in this project, will be tailored to support the Community Hub Leadership teams in upgrading and expanding their knowledge and operations so as to develop sustainable business models.

This proof of concept- prototype, will use Andamio tech by Gimbalabs. Many of the services needed are already developed by Andamio and some adjustments and addons will be developed to support specific needs. These specific features will also add value to the other projects using Andamio in the Cardano community. Andamio is an Open Source project and contributions from Wada and our partners will be added to this codebase so other projects can learn from and use these features.

Andamio have now released a Pro version of their LMS build which means that much of the LMS system can now be modularised and so implemented by our own development team


As with our previous F7 and F8 projects all KPI’s and reviews are included in our project close out reports and the community will have access to it. We will also provide monthly updates on the technical and non technical aspects or the project in arenas such as the Catalyst monthly townhall meetings and Gimbal labs Playground sessions.

Also as this is a Proof of Concept, we plan to compile a brief set of 'train the trainer' videos explaining the main elements of the programme development, initially as a guide for use by the relevant community hub leaders and partners. We plan to make this open access as well, to support subsequent members of the Catalyst community that may wish to use the Andamio platform.

We also plan to run multiple taster sessions during the programme development and delivery period to both build on the MVP and also build awareness of the programme within the community.


We have a tried and tested system of content and content delivery, and technical support in loading this onto a Learning Management System, and we have a pragmatic set of milestones and implementation programme both for building the system and testing it as a concept with the first cohort of community hub leaders - meaning that we will be able to validate our programme progress and pivot as required if necessary to ensure programme success.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Technology Development and Integration

  • Deliverable 1.1: Define the target user profile for the prototype and selection of two Wada hubs to participate in this project.
  • Output: Detailed profile of the intended user base.
  • Deliverable 1.2: Customize the Andamio platform to meet the needs of the target user.
  • Output: Adapted Andamio platform tailored for the target user.
  • Deliverable 1.3: Integrate additional technological enhancements suitable for the target user.
  • Output: Technology solutions optimized for user engagement and functionality.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Content Development and Licensing

  • Deliverable 2.1: Develop an educational curriculum that caters to the target user.
  • Output: A curriculum that addresses the specific needs and challenges of the target user.
  • Deliverable 2.2: Localize content to ensure cultural relevance for the target user.
  • Output: Educational content that resonates with the cultural context of the users.
  • Deliverable 2.3: Secure necessary content licenses to ensure a broad and legal use.
  • Output: Acquired licenses for content distribution.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Community Engagement and Testing

  • Deliverable 3.1: Conduct workshops with potential users to refine prototype.
  • Output: Engaged target users and collected feedback for improvements.
  • Deliverable 3.2: Perform extensive user testing with the defined avatar group.
  • Output: Validated user satisfaction and practical feedback for further refinement.

Final Milestone: Milestone 4: Project Management, Administration, and Reporting

  • Deliverable 4.1: Coordinate and oversee project activities to ensure alignment with user needs.
  • Output: Effective management ensuring the project meets user expectations.
  • Deliverable 4.2: Manage administrative tasks to support project execution.
  • Output: Smooth administrative operations facilitating project progress.
  • Deliverable 4.3: Evaluate project impact on the target user and compile comprehensive reports.
  • Output: Detailed evaluation report demonstrating the project's impact on the target user.
  • Deliverable 4.4: Conduct ongoing data collection and analysis to continually adapt to user feedback.
  • Output: Continuous improvement of the project based on user data and feedback.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

<u>Wada: General Oversight &amp; Coordination</u>

Wada is a web3 community network focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain, AI and other emergent technology. 35+ funded and completed proposals on public Catalyst record with strong partnerships within the Cardano Catalyst ecosystem. We are a trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.

Lead contact: Samuel Kobi - Has 10+ years hands-on experience in IT Business Management and Administration. Possesses a wealth of expertise to his role as the Hubs Coordination and Licensing Lead at Wada Global Ltd. Currently pursuing an MBA with a specialization in IT Management in Berlin, Germany. Samuel is committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends while leveraging his practical knowledge to drive impactful initiatives within the organization.

<u>Edify Team Lead: </u>Harry Hellyer

Harry specialises in helping enterprises and organisations of all sizes and flavours, deliver scalable growth based around full-value based, impact innovation. He believes that Education should be delivered debt free - as a basic human right. And his focus is to support people to appreciate, attain and realise their full value. He has coached and mentored hundreds of leadership team members from small tech firms to global organisations, including Fellows at Cambridge University, and Imperial College London’s Education dept. For the last 24 months he has been actively involved in the Catalyst community, working with the Edify Colab team to deliver funded proposals around scalable exponential growth, in F7, F8 and F9.


This project will use the Andamio platform to enhance our capabilities in delivering educational content and managing contributions effectively. As a platform-as-a-service provider, Andamio offers us tools for content management, skill registration, and secure transaction handling, which are critical to our project's success. This integration ensures robust infrastructure support without involving Andamio as a subcontractor

<u>Andamio platform</u>

Andamio offers the following specific services:

  • Technical Support: Assistance with using and implementing the Andamio Platform, including troubleshooting and user support.
  • Platform Features:
  • A content management system for organizing and delivering educational content.
  • On-chain skill registration to validate and recognize user achievements.
  • An on-chain treasury system for secure financial transactions.
  • Contribution management tools to monitor and reward community contributions.
  • Smart contracts to facilitate secure, automated payments.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1: Technology Development and Integration

Budget: 44,000 ADA

  • Deliverable 1.1: Define the target user profile for the MVP.
  • Output: Detailed profile of the intended user base.
  • Budget: 5,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 1.2: Customize the Andamio platform to meet the needs of the target user.
  • Output: Adapted Andamio platform tailored for the target user.
  • Budget: 22,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 1.3: Integrate additional technological enhancements suitable for the target user.
  • Output: Technology solutions optimized for user engagement and functionality.
  • Budget: 17,000 ADA

Milestone 2: Content Development and Licensing

Budget: 20,000 ADA

  • Deliverable 2.1: Develop an educational curriculum that caters to the target user.
  • Output: A curriculum that addresses the specific needs and challenges of the target user.
  • Budget: 10,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 2.2: Localize content to ensure cultural relevance for the target user.
  • Output: Educational content that resonates with the cultural context of the users.
  • Budget: 7,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 2.3: Secure necessary content licenses to ensure a broad and legal use.
  • Output: Acquired licenses for content distribution.
  • Budget: 3,000 ADA

Milestone 3: Community Engagement and Testing

Budget: 15,600 ADA

  • Deliverable 3.1: Conduct workshops with potential users to refine the MVP.
  • Output: Engaged target users and collected feedback for improvements.
  • Budget: 6,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 3.2: Perform extensive user testing with the defined avatar group.
  • Output: Validated user satisfaction and practical feedback for further refinement.
  • Budget: 9,600 ADA

Milestone 4: Project Management, Administration, and Reporting

Budget: 19,000 ADA

  • Deliverable 4.1: Coordinate and oversee project activities to ensure alignment with user needs.
  • Output: Effective management ensuring the project meets user expectations.
  • Budget: 5,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 4.2: Manage administrative tasks to support project execution.
  • Output: Smooth administrative operations facilitating project progress.
  • Budget: 5,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 4.3: Evaluate project impact on the target user and compile comprehensive reports.
  • Output: Detailed evaluation report demonstrating the project's impact on the target user.
  • Budget: 6,000 ADA
  • Deliverable 4.4: Conduct ongoing data collection and analysis to continually adapt to user feedback.
  • Output: Continuous improvement of the project based on user data and feedback.
  • Budget: 3,000 ADA
  • Total Project Budget: 98,600 ADA

We will use the Edify Colab’s leadership coaching program - which in this project, will be tailored to support the Wada community hub network leadership teams in upgrading and expanding their knowledge and operations so as to develop sustainable business models. We will also use the resources of Edify Colab’s as a strategic consultancy to support the development and rollout of the overall programme: from this concept phase, through to MVP and then deployment.

We will use the Andamio platform-as-a-service by Gimbalabs. Many of the services needed are already developed by Andamio and some adjustments and addons will be developed to support specific needs.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The project leverages Cardano’s blockchain technology to transform community hubs into economic and educational powerhouses, offering a scalable, impactful investment that promotes widespread technological entrepreneurship, education and adoption, enhancing both local and Cardano global communities at large.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa