Please describe your proposed solution
<u>Our Solution</u>
We aim to create a prototype focused on training Wada hub leaders as entrepreneurs. This novel approach allows hub leaders to learn quickly and then contribute as teachers since we will be repurposing the Andamio: a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider. This can help onboard other leaders and generate revenue through their contributions. The goal of this proof of concept is to synthesize our successes and insights from various areas and prior Catalyst funded projects—including technical and business training, mentoring, and coaching programs, and hub leader support. We will integrate AI into content provision and delivery, combining these elements to create a Web3 (blockchain & AI)-based, edutech community learning platform, which is also very entrepreneurial focussed.
The avatar for this proof of concept is our community hub leaders - as by building an effective Web3 community of hub leaders we will both test the concept as described, and also support the community hubs directly in becoming self sustaining organisations - ones that can run effectively as businesses, build relationships with Universities, colleges and other agencies, form partnerships, and position and market themselves effectively both locally and globally.
Wada is built off of three pillars: Infrastructure, Education and Innovation. So far we have been working through these pillars one by one to build Wada to what it is today. Our efforts in getting solid on-the-ground connections and partnerships have facilitated our local footprints and boosted our own local infrastructure, created our own educational content and courses, and produced applications fitting local use cases. This has given us a great platform to build from.
Now we have the opportunity to build on these foundations. By deploying a digital Edtech platform approach, and Exponential Organsation (ExO), methodologies, we can create a Web3 based learning and teaching community. That will in turn provide the opportunity to radically scale up our activities and impact in producing Web3 capable, disruptive tech Dev’s in Africa.
Current Activity - Phase 1 Establish local hubs
Since Fund 4 we have developed 11 hubs on the ground across the continent from South to West, and Central Africa each with their own office space, reliable internet and electricity.
Current Activity - Phase 2 Sustainable and independent community hubs
In Fund 9 we launched the second big phase of our hub strategy focusing on each hubs’ sustainability and independence plan - its business infrastructure. All hubs had the opportunity to go through an accelerator program aimed at Increasing their business awareness, with the end result of producing their own business plans and self sustainability model - this was a success.
Current Activity - Phase 3 Test an edtech enabled, online community environment
In Fund 8 we worked with Edify on projects aimed at testing, supporting and developing a robust Online community for learners - which used a commercial edtech platform as a proof of concept for this approach - this was also a success. Edtech Service
This proposal - Phase 4 Build a Web3 enabled Edtech platform and Community for Hub Leaders
For this proof of concept we plan to combine all of the elements outlined so far to build a functioning Web3 enabled community for hub leaders to learn about leadership and how to run an effective, self sustainable, advanced technology education platform. This is a new approach, utilising new organsiational structures and technologies.
Next steps - Phase 5 Web3 enabled Edtech platform and Community for Web3 Capable Dev’s to learn contribute
Once we have completed this POC our next stage is to continue working with community hubs, both individually and collectively to leverage the capabilities of the hub leaders to build and run scalable, self sustainable programmes, for graduates to complete, and in turn lecture on, and then develop the WADA Web3 community platform itself, in order for them to become Web3 capable Dev’s ready for employment in the African market and beyond.