not approved
Fighting child hunger and malnutrition with enviromentally friendly plant-based proteins, powered by sustainable science and Cardano
Current Project Status

We will create sustainable plant-based protein isolates based of native Lupin, donating this highly nutritional product to various foundations fighting famine and hunger in Latin America.


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Hunger and famine in Latin America persist as problems, affecting the livelihoods and well-being of vulnerable populations (7,9% of South America, 2020) & specially children (13,3 MILL 2020, UNICEF).

Value for money
Impact / Alignment
Fighting child hunger and malnutrition with enviromentally friendly plant-based proteins, powered by sustainable science and Cardano

Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution aims to address the persistent problem of hunger and famine in Latin America, with a specific focus on child hunger. This problem has a significant impact on the livelihoods and well-being of vulnerable populations, as indicated by the high prevalence rates of food insecurity in the region (7.9% in South America, 2020) and the alarming number of children affected (13.3 million in 2020, UNICEF).

To combat this issue, our approach is to produce and donate environmentally friendly plant-based proteins, with a primary focus on high-quality lupin protein isolate. We have chosen this approach due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, plant-based proteins offer a sustainable alternative to animal-based proteins, reducing the environmental impact associated with livestock production and mitigating climate change. Secondly, lupin protein isolate has shown great potential as a highly nutritious and versatile protein source, which can effectively address the nutritional needs of children and alleviate malnutrition.

Our project will engage a range of stakeholders to ensure the success of our solution. We will collaborate with local charities, food banks, and humanitarian organizations working on the ground to identify the most vulnerable communities and distribute the donated lupin protein isolate effectively. By partnering with these organizations, we can leverage their expertise and established networks to reach those in dire need of nutritional support.

To demonstrate and prove our impact, we will implement robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. We will track the distribution and consumption of the donated lupin protein isolate, collecting data on the number of beneficiaries reached, nutritional improvements, and overall well-being. Through surveys, assessments, and feedback from beneficiaries, we will assess the effectiveness of our solution in addressing child hunger and improving their nutritional status.

What makes our solution unique is the combination of sustainable science, the power of Cardano, and a targeted focus on child hunger. By utilizing environmentally friendly plant-based proteins, we promote a sustainable and resilient food system that aligns with Cardano's principles. The integration of Cardano's blockchain technology ensures transparency, traceability, and accountability in the donation process, inspiring confidence in the distribution of resources. This solution will benefit not only the children suffering from hunger and malnutrition but also the communities and regions affected by food insecurity in Latin America.

Supporting this initiative should be important to Cardano for several reasons. Firstly, it aligns with Cardano's commitment to social impact and sustainability, addressing a pressing global issue and making a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable populations. Secondly, the integration of Cardano's blockchain technology provides a transparent and secure platform for tracking and validating the impact of the project. By leveraging Cardano's ecosystem, we can showcase the potential of blockchain technology in humanitarian efforts, setting a precedent for future innovative solutions. Finally, as Cardano continues to expand its presence globally, supporting projects that focus on Latin America demonstrates a commitment to fostering inclusive and equitable development in the region.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Our proposed solution directly aligns with the aims of the Challenge by addressing the challenge of hunger and famine in Latin America. By focusing on child hunger specifically, our project aims to alleviate the suffering and improve the well-being of vulnerable populations, in line with the Challenge's objective of promoting social impact.

The impact of this project extends beyond funding the project team. It brings substantial value to the Cardano ecosystem in several ways. Firstly, it showcases the practical application of blockchain technology, specifically Cardano's ecosystem, in addressing real-world humanitarian challenges. By utilizing Cardano's blockchain, we ensure transparency, accountability, and traceability in the distribution of resources, setting a precedent for future projects and establishing Cardano as a platform for impactful solutions.

Secondly, our project has the potential to attract new users and participants to the Cardano community. By addressing a critical problem like child hunger, we can create awareness and engage individuals and organizations who share the vision of making a positive difference in the world. This increased engagement can strengthen the Cardano ecosystem, fostering collaboration, innovation, and a sense of purpose among its participants.

In terms of impact quantification, within a reasonable timeframe during or shortly after the project completion, we anticipate the following outcomes:

  1. Reach and Engagement: Our project aims to reach and positively impact a significant number of vulnerable children affected by hunger in Latin America. We anticipate distributing and donating a substantial quantity of lupin protein isolate, reaching thousands of beneficiaries.
  2. Awareness and Adoption: Through our project's implementation, we aim to raise awareness about the potential of sustainable solutions and the benefits of blockchain technology, specifically Cardano. This could lead to increased adoption of Cardano's ecosystem by organizations and individuals interested in making a social impact.
  3. Collaboration and Partnerships: As we engage with local charities, food banks, and humanitarian organizations, we expect to establish strong partnerships within the Latin American region. These collaborations can foster lasting relationships between Cardano and key stakeholders, further strengthening the ecosystem's presence and impact.
  4. Scalability and Replicability: By demonstrating the effectiveness of our solution in tackling child hunger, we hope to inspire similar initiatives in other regions. This scalability and replicability can contribute to the growth and expansion of the Cardano ecosystem as a global force for positive change.

While precise numbers may vary depending on various factors, we are committed to achieving significant user engagement, expanding the Cardano community, and showcasing the tangible impact of the project within a reasonable timeframe.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

Measuring the success of our project involves both quantitative and qualitative assessments to gauge the impact on addressing child hunger in Latin America and the benefits it brings to the Cardano ecosystem. We will employ the following metrics to evaluate our project's success:

  1. Number of Children Reached: We will measure the number of children who directly benefit from our donation of Lupinus Albus L protein isolate. This will provide an indication of the project's reach and its effectiveness in addressing child hunger.
  2. Improved Nutritional Status: We will assess the impact of the protein isolate on the nutritional status of the children. This can be measured through health assessments, such as changes in body mass index (BMI), improved muscle mass, and overall well-being.
  3. Feedback and Testimonials: We will collect qualitative data through feedback and testimonials from the children, their families, and local healthcare providers. This will provide insights into the perceived benefits of the protein isolate in terms of improved health, reduced hunger, and overall quality of life.
  4. Long-Term Engagement: We will assess the long-term engagement and sustainability of the project by monitoring the continued support and involvement of local healthcare providers, government agencies, and other stakeholders. Their continued engagement will demonstrate the project's lasting impact on addressing child hunger in the region.

The success of our project will directly contribute to the growth and productivity of the Cardano ecosystem. In the short term, it will demonstrate the practical application of blockchain technology and sustainable solutions to tackle pressing social issues. By showcasing the positive impact of Cardano in addressing child hunger, we can attract more users, stakeholders, and organizations to the Cardano community.

In the long term, the success of our project will strengthen Cardano's reputation as a platform for social impact and sustainability. It will inspire other projects within the ecosystem to adopt similar approaches, fostering innovation and collaboration. The project's visibility and positive outcomes will generate interest and support, leading to increased adoption of Cardano and its associated technologies.

The qualitative and quantitative measures we have identified are realistic and meaningful in assessing the project's impact on child hunger and its contribution to the Cardano ecosystem. They go beyond numerical performance indicators and capture the real-world outcomes and perspectives of the beneficiaries. By incorporating both qualitative and quantitative measures, we can provide a comprehensive evaluation of the project's success and its benefits to the Cardano ecosystem.

In addition to the previously mentioned metrics, we can incorporate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to using Cardano for submitting NFTs with our donations:

  1. Number of NFT-Stamped Donations: We will measure the number of donation packages that are recorded and stamped as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain. This KPI reflects our commitment to transparency and accountability in the donation process. It showcases the unique aspect of our solution, where every donation is permanently recorded on the blockchain, providing proof of impact and transparency to all stakeholders.
  2. Number of NFT-Stamped Testimonials
  3. Number of NFT-Stamped recordings of live events and periodistic coverage

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We have comprehensive plans in place to effectively share the outputs and results of our project, ensuring widespread dissemination and long-term impact within the Cardano ecosystem and beyond.

  1. Knowledge Sharing and Accessibility: Throughout the project, we will prioritize knowledge sharing by making the findings of our extensive scientific literature review publicly accessible. This will involve publishing the literature review and related research papers on reputable platforms and journals, maximizing the reach of our work. Additionally, we will collaborate with relevant academic institutions, research centers, and industry conferences to present our findings and insights, facilitating further discussion and engagement.
  2. Live Events and Stakeholder Engagement: We will organize two live events in collaboration with the partnering research center, local government authorities, and stakeholders. These events will serve as platforms to communicate the project's objectives, progress, and outcomes. By inviting local government authorities, medical professionals, and the broader community, we aim to maximize awareness and engagement. These events will also provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and potential partnerships for future projects.
  3. Media Coverage and Public Relations: We recognize the importance of media coverage in amplifying our message and reaching a wider audience. To achieve this, we will actively engage with journalists, press releases, and media outlets to ensure comprehensive coverage of our project. By showcasing the positive impact of sustainable low molecular weight inhibitors and highlighting the role of Cardano blockchain and Catalyst in driving innovation, we will generate interest and attract attention from various sectors.
  4. Online Channels and Digital Presence: We will leverage online channels and establish a strong digital presence to share the outputs, impact, and opportunities arising from our completed project. This will include maintaining an informative project website, engaging with social media platforms, and actively participating in relevant online communities and forums. Through regular updates, blog posts, and interactive content, we will ensure continuous engagement with our stakeholders, including the Cardano community, researchers, healthcare professionals, and potential users.

Regarding the results generated from the project, we anticipate utilizing them in further research and development activities to foster continuous improvement and innovation. These include:

  1. Iterative Improvements: By closely monitoring the quality assurance checks and feedback from the testing phase, we will identify areas for improvement in the extraction and production processes. The results will guide us in refining our methodologies, enhancing the product's quality, and ensuring its effectiveness. We will document these improvements and share them with the Cardano community and relevant stakeholders, encouraging further collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  2. Future Research Projects: The outcomes of our project will provide valuable insights and data that can be utilized in future research endeavors. We anticipate that our work will contribute to a growing body of knowledge on sustainable low molecular weight inhibitors for diabetes and metabolic syndrome. These findings can inform and inspire researchers, scientists, and developers to explore related areas, expanding the boundaries of innovation within the Cardano ecosystem.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: The project's results will open doors for potential collaborations and partnerships with organizations, research institutions, and healthcare professionals. By sharing the outputs and impact, we aim to attract like-minded individuals and entities interested in advancing the field of sustainable healthcare solutions. Collaboration may involve joint research initiatives, pilot programs, or commercialization efforts, further leveraging the results generated from our project.

In summary, our plans encompass a multi-faceted approach to sharing the outputs and results of our project. Through live events, media coverage, online channels, and engagement with various stakeholders, we aim to maximize the dissemination of knowledge, create awareness, and foster collaboration. Additionally, we anticipate utilizing the results to drive further research, iterative improvements, and potential partnerships that will contribute to the continued development of sustainable solutions within the Cardano ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Green Pro Technology is a chilean sustainable technology company that has already created highly valuable nutraceutics based on scientific evidence (

-Millaray Hernandez Millan the CEO is a top-tier Chemist with vast experience in the enviromental and food sector, currently studying an MBA and a strong female entrepreneur who also practices swordmanship and archery. She always makes sure everything is right on track and leads the team very effectively.

-Andres Halabi Díaz the CTO is a top tier chemist, currently studying a PHD in Molecular Physical chemistry, with vast experience in artificial intelligence, predictive models, green chemistry and blockchain. He is in charge of all the formulations of our products and all the scientific research backing up their efficacy.

-Alfredo Eloy the CMO, has lots of experience in leading marketing, communications and direction of companies, he will ensure our efforts are properly align and get the best exposure for Cardano and project Catalyst.

-Ignacia Muñoz the CDO, with a degree in bussiness engenieering and strong experience with digital marketing and blockchain, she will maintain an entertaining and engaging appeal on digital media, with a focus on redirecting people to Cardano and Catalyst

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goal of the project "Tackling child hunger and famine with enviromentally friendly plant-based proteins, powered by sustainable science and Cardano", is to develop a sustainable solution to address the challenges of hunger in Latin America and child hunger in particular. This project aims to create a protein isolate from native chilean Lupinus Albus L. using sustainable green chemistry proceadures.

To validate the feasibility of the approach, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive literature review: Evaluate existing scientific research and studies on the effectiveness and safety of Low Molecular Weight Inhibitors in lowering blood glucose levels in humans. This will provide a foundation for the project's approach. This extensive literature research will be fully open and uploaded to the Cardano blockchain.
  2. Formulate and optimize the extraction process: Work closely with researchers and experts to develop a sustainable and efficient extraction process for obtaining the Low Molecular Weight Inhibitors from green tea and blueberries. This process should adhere to green chemistry principles.
  3. Conduct laboratory tests: Perform laboratory tests to analyze the composition, purity, and concentration of the extracted Low Molecular Weight Inhibitors. This will help ensure the quality and efficacy of the final product.
  4. Monitor and evaluate outcomes: Continuously monitor the progress and outcomes of the project, including the results of our literature review, new approaches developed by the team and events realized by the team. Analyze data, collect feedback from participants and healthcare professionals, and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the approach.

By following these steps and ensuring rigorous scientific evaluation, the project team can validate the feasibility of their approach in developing sustainable nutraceutics for diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Scientific Literature Review and Machinery Acquisition

Months 1-3:

  1. Conduct an extensive academic & scientific literature review on sustainable vegetable protein sources, specially Lupinus Albus L and its safety for human food consumption. Make the findings publicly accessible to promote knowledge sharing.
  2. Formulate an optimized extraction process for obtaining the protein isolate. This process should be based on the insights gathered from the literature review.
  3. Identify and evaluate the required machinery for the extraction and drying of the plant protein isolates. Perform a market analysis to ensure the machinery meets the project's needs in terms of quality, efficiency, and sustainability.
  4. Purchase the selected machinery and ensure its delivery to the project's designated location (most probably, the CIC in Los Rios, Chile)

Milestone 2: Machinery Setup, Production, and Branding

Months 4-9:

  1. Install and set up the acquired machinery at the partnering research center, ensuring it is fully operational and meets safety standards. A big plate will be set on each machine with information about Cardano and Project Catalyst, and this project.
  2. Collaborate with the partnering research center to organize a live event that highlights the project's objectives, introduces Cardano and Catalyst, and emphasizes the importance of sustainable plant based high quality protein. Invite local government authorities and stakeholders to participate in such events, with extensive periodistic coverage.
  3. Produce plant-based protein isolate from sustainable native Lupinus Albus L (e.g., acid/base precipitations, centrifuge extraction, drying…). Monitor the production process for quality control.
  4. Design and create appropriate packaging for the Lupinus Albus L protein isolate. Include the branding "Catalyst Prot" and ensure all required labels, including Cardano and Catalyst logos, are prominently displayed.

Milestone 3: Quality Assurance and Testing

Months 10:

  1. Conduct rigorous quality assurance checks on the produced plant-based protein isolates. Implement testing protocols to assess their efficacy, purity, and safety.
  2. Continuously refine the extraction and production processes based on feedback from quality assurance testing. Make any necessary adjustments to optimize the product's quality and effectiveness.

Milestone 4: Donation Planning and Execution

Months 11:

  1. Collaborate with the partnering research center, local government authorities, and relevant organizations to identify target families, educational centers, food banks, charities, orphanages and/or caring facilities that wold most benefit from our direct donation.
  2. Plan and organize a donation campaign in which the product is distributed to the identified beneficiaries on behalf of our company, the Cardano blockchain, and Project Catalyst. Ensure the donations are recorded and stamped as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain to provide permanent proof and transparency.
  3. Document the donation process and capture the impact through photographs, videos, and testimonials from recipients. These materials will be utilized for future reporting and promotion.

Milestone 5: Project Wrap-up and Final Reporting

Month 12:

  1. Organize a final live event with the partnering research center and local government authorities to share the project's achievements and impact. Emphasize the successful utilization of Cardano blockchain and Project Catalyst's support in the project's execution and transparency.
  2. Prepare a comprehensive final report documenting the project's journey, outcomes, challenges, and lessons learned. Include an analysis of the monthly reports and milestones submitted to the Catalyst team.
  3. Upload all relevant documentation, including live event recordings, proofs of accomplishment, monthly reports, and the final report, as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain for permanent storage and public access.

All live events and all proofs of accomplishment will be uploaded directly to the Cardano blockchain as NFTs where they will remain as permanent proof for future generations to come. All monthly reports and milestones submitted to the Catalyst team will also be open for the public to analyze and comment.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Scientific Literature Review and Machinery Acquisition

<u>Deliverables and Outputs:</u>

  1. Comprehensive scientific literature review on sustainable plant-based protein isolates, focusing on Lupinus Albus L.
  2. Formulated extraction process documentation detailing the optimized method.
  3. Market analysis report on the required machinery for extraction and drying.
  4. Purchased machinery and confirmation of delivery to the project location.

<u>Intended Outcomes:</u>

  1. Increased understanding of plant-based protein isolates with capacity to tackle child malnutrition.
  2. Established and documented extraction and isolation process for plant-based proteins that serves as a foundation for further stages.
  3. Identification and acquisition of appropriate machinery for the extraction, isolation and drying process.
  4. Preparation for the setup and implementation of the machinery in the following milestones.

<u>Measurement Criteria:</u>

  1. Number of scientific papers reviewed and documented in the literature review.
  2. Completion and documentation of the extraction process formulation.
  3. Market analysis report indicating the identified machinery options.
  4. Confirmation of machinery purchase and successful delivery.

Milestone 2: Machinery Setup, Production, and Branding

<u>Deliverables and Outputs:</u>

  1. Installed and operational machinery for extraction, isolation and drying at the partnering research center.
  2. Organized live event with participating research center, local government authorities, and media coverage.
  3. Produced plant-based protein isolates from sustainable plant sources (chilean native Lupinus Albus L).
  4. Branded packaging with the name "Catalyst Prot" and all required labels, including Cardano and Catalyst logos, together with extra information on both Cardano, Catalyst and this project.

<u>Intended Outcomes:</u>

  1. Successful setup and functioning of the machinery at the designated research center.
  2. Increased awareness of the project, Cardano, Catalyst, and the importance of sustainable plant-based proteins as a basis for fighting child hunger through the live event and media coverage.
  3. Production of high-quality Lupinus Albus L. protein isolate
  4. Professional and visually appealing packaging that enhances the product's marketability and brand recognition, together with information about Cardano, Project Catalyst and this project in particular.

<u>Measurement Criteria:</u>

  1. Confirmation of the installed and fully operational machinery.
  2. Event documentation, including photos, videos, and media coverage.
  3. Quantity and quality of Lupinus Albus L. protein isolate.
  4. Packaging design and branding elements finalized and implemented.

Milestone 3: Quality Assurance and Testing

<u>Deliverables and Outputs:</u>

  1. Comprehensive quality assurance documentation outlining the testing protocols and results.
  2. Improved extraction and production processes based on quality assurance feedback.

<u>Intended Outcomes:</u>

  1. Assurance of the product's efficacy, purity, and safety through rigorous quality assurance and testing.
  2. Continual refinement of the extraction and production processes to optimize the product's quality and effectiveness.

<u>Measurement Criteria:</u>

  1. Quality assurance documentation completed, including test protocols, results, and adherence to standards.
  2. Iterations and improvements made to the extraction and production processes based on quality assurance feedback.

Milestone 4: Donation Planning and Execution

<u>Deliverables and Outputs:</u>

  1. Collaboration documentation with research center, authorities, and organizations for identifying beneficiaries and planning the donation campaign.
  2. Donated sustainable plant-based protein to rural and metropolitan areas schools, townhalls, food banks, hospitals and caring facilities, among others.
  3. Recorded and stamped NFTs on the Cardano blockchain for all donations made.
  4. Live event hosted for the donations (like in Milestone 2)

<u>Intended Outcomes:</u>

  1. Successful identification of beneficiaries in need of the sustainable plant-based protein isolate.
  2. Execution of a well-planned donation campaign that delivers the product to the intended recipients.
  3. Transparent and permanent proof of the donations through NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.
  4. Recognition of Cardano blockchain, and Project Catalyst for their contribution to the donations.
  5. Intensive media coverage of the innitiative with visibility to Cardano and Project Catalyst.

<u>Measurement Criteria:</u>

  1. Collaboration documentation confirming the identification of beneficiaries and the planning of the donation campaign.
  2. Documentation of the donated sustainable plant-based proteins isolate and their delivery to the target recipients.
  3. Creation and storage of NFTs on the Cardano blockchain as permanent proof of the donations.
  4. Acknowledgment and recognition received for the project's contributions to the community.
  5. Live event recordings and other data, uploaded to the blockchain.

Milestone 5: Project Wrap-up and Final Reporting

<u>Deliverables and Outputs:</u>

  1. Final report summarizing the project's journey, outcomes, challenges, and lessons learned.
  2. Uploading of all relevant project documentation, live event recordings, proofs of accomplishment, monthly reports, and the final report as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.

<u>Intended Outcomes:</u>

  1. Comprehensive documentation of the project's progress, achievements, and key insights gained throughout its execution.
  2. Permanent storage and accessibility of project documentation through NFTs on the Cardano blockchain for future reference and analysis.

<u>Measurement Criteria:</u>

  1. Completion and submission of the final report covering all essential aspects of the project.
  2. Uploading of project documentation, live event recordings, proofs of accomplishment, monthly reports, and the final report as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.

To track the project's progress, the following measurement criteria will be used across the milestones:

  1. Completion and documentation of specific deliverables and outputs within each milestone.
  2. Adherence to the project timeline and milestones with corresponding reports.
  3. Feedback and evaluation from collaborating partners, research center, authorities, and/or beneficiaries.
  4. Documentation and media coverage of live events, including attendance, engagement, and impact.
  5. Monitoring and assessment of the quality, efficacy, and safety of the low molecular weight inhibitor extracts through rigorous testing and quality assurance protocols.
  6. Confirmation of the successful setup, operation, and utilization of the machinery for extraction and production.
  7. Number and impact of donations made to target families, medical professionals, hospitals, or caring facilities.
  8. Documentation and recognition received from stakeholders, the public, and the community for the project's contributions and accomplishments.

By regularly measuring and assessing these factors, the project team can effectively track the progress and success of the project's implementation.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Milestone 1: Scientific Literature Review and Machinery Acquisition (Month 1-3) –> ₳150.000

1. Scientific Literature Review (₳ 12.000):

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for literature review and analysis.

2. Formulated Extraction Process Documentation (₳ 12.000):

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries for formulating the extraction & isolation process.

3. Market Analysis for Machinery (₳ 8.000):

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for conducting the market analysis.

4. Machinery and Ingredients Acquisition (₳ 120.000):

  • Cost: Purchase or lease cost of the required machinery for extraction, isolation and drying, and also the required ingredients (Lupin Albus L beans or extruded flour)

Milestone 2: Machinery Setup, Production, and Branding (Month 4-9) –> ₳ 32.000

1. Machinery Setup (₳ 13.000) :

  • Cost: Installation, setup, and commissioning of the machinery at the partnering research center, including any necessary modifications or infrastructure requirements.

2. Live Event and Media Coverage (₳ 10.000):

  • Cost: Venue rental, event organization, publicity, media coverage, equipment for presentations, and related expenses.

3. Production of sustainable plant-based protein isolate (₳ 7.000):

  • Cost: Raw materials (plant sources), utilities (water, ethanol), lab supplies, and operational expenses for extraction, isolation and spray drying processes.

4. Packaging and Branding (₳ 2.000):

  • Cost: Design and production of branded packaging, labels, and required printing services.

Milestone 3: Quality Assurance and Testing (Month 10) –> ₳20.000

1. Quality Assurance Documentation (₳ 10.000)

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for developing quality assurance protocols and documentation.

2 . Process Refinement (₳ 10.000):

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for process optimization based on quality assurance feedback.

Milestone 4: Donation Planning and Execution (Month 11)–> ₳17.200

1. Collaboration Documentation (₳ 2.200):

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for coordination with research center, authorities, and organizations involved in identifying beneficiaries and planning the donation campaign.

2. Donations (₳ 5.000):

  • Cost: Donation, logistics and transportation expenses, and any associated legal and regulatory requirements.

3. Live Event and Media Coverage (₳ 10.000):

  • Cost: Venue rental, event organization, publicity, media coverage, equipment for presentations, and related expenses. This will actually be carried out in Month 12 but we need to prepare everything in advance, hence we moved the cost here.

Milestone 5: Project Wrap-up and Final Reporting (Month 12)

1. Final Report:

  • Cost: Researcher/staff salaries or external consultants for preparing a comprehensive final report documenting the project's outcomes, learnings, and recommendations.

2. Documentation and NFTs:

  • Cost: Uploading project documentation, live event recordings, proofs of accomplishment, monthly reports, and the final report as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.

Additional Budget Elements across the whole project –> ₳180.800:

1. Publicity/Marketing/Promotion/Community Engagement (₳ 20.000):

  • Cost: Advertising, promotional materials, community engagement activities, social media campaigns, and related expenses.

2. Project Management and General Execution (₳ 13.400 monthly):

  • Cost: Salaries for project managers (CEO, CTO, CMO and CDO), and/or executives and external consultants responsible for overseeing, coordinating and developing the project's activities.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Our project team for the "Solving child hunger and famine with enviromentally friendly plant-based proteins, powered by sustainable science and Cardano" initiative consists of highly qualified individuals with expertise in various areas relevant to the project's objectives. Here are the team members and their respective roles:

  1. Millaray Hernandez Millan (CEO) - LinkedIn: Millaray Hernandez Millan Millaray is a top-tier Chemist with extensive experience in the environmental and food sectors. As the CEO, she oversees the overall management of the project, ensures its progress, and leads the team effectively. Her expertise in sustainable technology and entrepreneurship contributes to the project's success.
  2. Andres Halabi Díaz (CTO) - LinkedIn: Andres Halabi Díaz Andres is a highly skilled chemist currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Molecular Physical Chemistry. He specializes in artificial intelligence, predictive models, green chemistry, and blockchain technology. As the CTO, he is responsible for formulating the protein isolates, conducting scientific research, and implementing blockchain solutions for transparency and traceability.
  3. Alfredo Eloy (CMO) - LinkedIn: Alfredo Eloy Alfredo brings extensive experience in leading marketing, communications, and company direction. His role as the CMO involves ensuring that our efforts are properly aligned and optimizing exposure for Cardano and Project Catalyst. With his expertise, he will effectively promote the project's objectives and impact.
  4. Ignacia Muñoz (CDO) - LinkedIn: Ignacia Muñoz Ignacia holds a degree in business engineering and administrarion, and possesses strong experience in digital marketing and blockchain technology. As the CDO, she focuses on maintaining an engaging online presence, leveraging digital media platforms to redirect attention to Cardano and Project Catalyst. She ensures that the project's activities are presented in an entertaining and captivating manner.

We have engaged with our team members and have direct lines of communication established to facilitate collaboration and coordination. We have also reached out to the relevant organizations and resources, such as the partnering research center and local government authorities, to discuss their support and involvement in the project. The necessary steps have been taken to ensure their willingness and capacity to contribute to the project's success.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem for several reasons. Firstly, the budget allocation aligns with the specific milestones and activities outlined in the proposal, ensuring that the funds are directed towards achieving the project's objectives effectively.

The costs described in the proposal have been carefully determined based on various factors. For instance, the salaries or external consultant fees have been estimated considering the average wages in the relevant fields and industry standards. This ensures that the project team members are compensated fairly for their expertise and efforts. Additionally, market analysis for machinery and equipment costs have been included to ensure that the project acquires high-quality and efficient resources, contributing to long-term sustainability and productivity.

Moreover, the costs associated with live events, media coverage, branding, and marketing activities are essential for promoting the project's outcomes and raising awareness within the Cardano ecosystem. These expenses enable effective communication of the project's goals, attract stakeholders' attention, and create a positive impact. The allocation for community engagement, social media campaigns, and general project management ensures that the project remains connected with the Cardano community and operates smoothly throughout its duration.

By demonstrating a comprehensive budget, the proposal shows a responsible and transparent approach to financial planning. It ensures that the allocated funds are utilized efficiently and effectively towards achieving the project's milestones and goals. The budget aligns with industry standards, market analysis, and the specific requirements of the project, ensuring that the costs are justified and represent value for money.

Overall, the budget reflects a balanced approach that optimizes resources, leverages expertise, and ensures accountability. This approach maximizes the chances of the project delivering meaningful outcomes and providing value to the Cardano ecosystem, ultimately contributing to the long-term growth and success of the platform.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa