What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1: Milestone Output:
An insurance model determining minimal rates and numbers of participants needed for the system to be revenue positive.
Acceptance Criteria:
The model is able to work through a variety of signup and death rates to model appropriate loss ratios.
Evidence of Completion:
The model is expressed as an excel sheet holding the tabled values and formulas.
Milestone 2: Milestone Output:
The smart contract code needed to mix individual policies and a mechanism for fluid or periodic activation of the same.
Acceptance Criteria:
Smart contracts written mixing multiple policies into a treaty.
Evidence of Completion:
Smart contract code in our public github repo.
Milestone 3: Milestone Output:
GenWealth will introduce the KYC aspect as well as integrate the opt-in option to include AdaLife policies within their Wealth Transfer System.
Acceptance Criteria:
A documented KYC process for the Insured, and upon claiming of the policy.
Evidence of Completion:
A document explaining the process of who and how the KYC will be performed in a selected jurisdiction.
Final Milestone: Milestone Output:
A full report of the viability and methodology for KYC and death certificate validation along with the plans for rolling out a potential product.
Acceptance Criteria:
A documented process start to finish for the operation of applying and receiving life insurance on Cardano, with said insurance payout ultimately claimed by a beneficiary.
Evidence of Completion:
A document explaining the process of who and how the KYC will be performed in a selected jurisdiction.