not approved
FetaChain: Hardware-Backed Secure Supply Chain Tracking
Current Project Status

Develop a specialized hardware solution for secure and reliable supply chain tracking on Cardano, with separate sensor and compute layer, ensuring data integrity and enhancing trust in the ecosystem.



Existing supply chain tracking on Cardano lacks secure hardware integration, compromising data integrity and trust. We aim to address this by developing a reliable hardware solution for data tracking


Impact / Alignment
Value for money


2 members

FetaChain: Hardware-Backed Secure Supply Chain Tracking

Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution aims to address the problem of insecure supply chain tracking on Cardano by developing a custom plug-and-play hardware system. We recognize the importance of data integrity and trust in supply chain management, and we believe that a secure hardware integration is essential for achieving this. Our solution, building on our proof-of-concept work from Fund9, will provide a reliable and robust mechanism for tracking and verifying the authenticity, quality, and provenance of goods on the Cardano blockchain.

What sets our solution apart is its focus on hardware-level security, which ensures that the sensor information integrated with the blockchain is tamper-proof and trustworthy. By leveraging secure hardware components and encryption techniques, we can enhance the integrity of the supply chain data and provide a higher level of assurance to all stakeholders involved. This level of security is crucial in combating fraud, counterfeiting, and unauthorized modifications within the supply chain ecosystem.

Our solution will benefit various participants, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. Manufacturers can establish transparent and auditable supply chains, enhancing their reputation and attracting consumers who value authenticity and quality. Distributors and retailers can gain insights into the origin and journey of products, enabling them to make informed decisions and ensure compliance with regulations. Finally, consumers can enjoy greater confidence in the products they purchase, knowing that they are genuine and have been responsibly sourced.

This solution is important to Cardano as it reinforces the ecosystem's commitment to transparency, security, and accountability. By providing a secure hardware infrastructure for supply chain tracking, we enhance the overall integrity of Cardano's blockchain and contribute to the ecosystem's growth and adoption. Our solution aligns with Cardano's vision of empowering individuals and organizations with trust, transparency, and value, making it a valuable addition to the Cardano community.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Our proposed solution directly addresses the challenge of ensuring trust and transparency in the supply chain using blockchain technology. By implementing a hardware-backed system for supply chain tracking, we bring several benefits to the Cardano ecosystem.

Firstly, our solution enhances the security and reliability of supply chain data by leveraging hardware devices, ensuring that the information recorded on the blockchain is tamper-proof and trustworthy. This contributes to the overall integrity of the Cardano blockchain and strengthens its reputation as a secure and transparent platform.

Secondly, our project promotes the adoption of Cardano within the food industry by providing a practical and cost-effective solution to traceability challenges. This drives real-world use cases for Cardano and encourages more businesses and organizations to utilize the blockchain for supply chain management.

Furthermore, our solution aligns with Cardano's mission to empower individuals and communities by enabling them to make informed choices. Through transparent and verifiable supply chain information, consumers can trust the origin, quality, and safety of the products they purchase, reducing fraud and promoting sustainable practices.

Overall, our project brings tangible value to the Cardano ecosystem by addressing a critical problem, attracting new users and stakeholders, and fostering trust and transparency in supply chains.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

We intend to measure the success of our project by assessing the impact it has on various aspects of the Cardano ecosystem and supply chain management. Here are the key metrics we will use to gauge our project's success:

  1. Adoption Rate: We will measure the number of businesses and organizations within the food industry that adopt our hardware-backed supply chain tracking solution on the Cardano blockchain. Increased adoption indicates the value and relevance of our innovation to the ecosystem.
  2. Transaction Volume: We will track the number of transactions recorded on the blockchain through our supply chain tracking system. Higher transaction volume demonstrates the scalability and efficiency of our solution, contributing to Cardano's productivity.
  3. User Feedback: We will gather qualitative feedback from users, including food producers, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers, to assess their satisfaction, trust, and confidence in the transparency and reliability of our system. Positive user feedback indicates a successful implementation and tangible benefits.

In the short term, our project will demonstrate immediate benefits by showcasing increased transparency, reduced fraud, and improved supply chain efficiency. In the long term, our innovative solution will contribute to Cardano's growth by attracting more businesses to the ecosystem, fostering trust and reliability, and positioning Cardano as a leading blockchain platform for supply chain management.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We have a comprehensive plan to share the outputs and results of our project to maximize their impact and promote further research and development activities. Here are our key strategies:

  1. Documentation and Reporting: We will create detailed documentation of our project, including technical specifications, implementation methodologies, and best practices. This documentation will be made available to the Cardano community, supply chain stakeholders, and interested researchers. We will also generate regular progress reports and publish them on relevant platforms, such as the Cardano Forum and our project website.
  2. Knowledge Sharing Events: We will organize webinars, workshops, and conferences to share the insights, lessons learned, and success stories from our project. These events will target stakeholders in the food industry, blockchain community, academia, and relevant government bodies. We will also actively participate in industry conferences and events to present our findings and engage with a broader audience.
  3. Collaboration and Partnerships: We will seek collaborations with academic institutions, research organizations, and industry partners to leverage the results generated from our project for further research and development activities. This includes exploring opportunities for joint publications, research grants, and collaborative projects to enhance the impact of our work.
  4. Open Source Contributions: While our project is not fully open source, we will contribute relevant components, libraries, and tools to the Cardano open source community. This will enable other developers to build upon our work, contribute enhancements, and foster innovation within the ecosystem.
  5. Engagement with Cardano Ecosystem: We will actively engage with the Cardano community through forums, social media channels, and developer communities. This will allow us to share updates, gather feedback, and foster discussions around our project outputs. We will also participate in the Catalyst community to provide insights, guidance, and support to other projects in the ecosystem.

By effectively sharing our project outputs and results, we aim to create awareness, inspire further research and development, and drive the adoption of blockchain-based solutions for supply chain management, benefiting not only the Cardano ecosystem but also the wider industry.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

With a successful funding history in the previous round of Catalyst for FetaChain proof-of-concept Raspberry Pi implementation, our team has proven capabilities in delivering projects with trust and accountability. Combining expertise in blockchain technology, supply chain management, and software development, we are well-equipped to execute this project. We prioritize transparency and open communication, ensuring regular stakeholder engagement and collaborative decision-making.

Sharing the project's outputs and results is a key part of our approach. Through research papers, industry conferences, and targeted dissemination efforts, we will share our findings, best practices, and opportunities with the Cardano community and beyond. The knowledge gained from this project will also fuel further research and development activities, contributing to the growth and advancement of the Cardano ecosystem. With our proven capabilities, transparent processes, and commitment to collaboration, we are dedicated to delivering this project with the highest levels of trust and accountability, making a meaningful impact on blockchain-based supply chain solutions.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals of our project are to establish a robust and secure blockchain-based supply chain tracking system, enhance transparency and trust in the food industry, and empower both producers and consumers with verifiable product information. We aim to validate the feasibility of our approach by implementing a pilot program with select organic food producers in Tamilnadu. Through this pilot, we will gather real-world data and evaluate the effectiveness of our solution in achieving the following objectives:

  1. Implement a custom plug-and-play hardware solution: We will develop and deploy a hardware device that ensures maximum security and reliability of the sensor information for blockchain-based supply chain tracking. The feasibility of this approach will be validated through rigorous testing and performance evaluation.
  2. Enable end-to-end traceability: Our goal is to achieve seamless traceability from farm to table, enabling consumers to access detailed information about the origin, quality, and production practices of food products. We will validate the feasibility of this objective by successfully capturing and storing relevant supply chain data on the blockchain.
  3. Enhance trust and accountability: We aim to establish a system that instills trust among stakeholders by providing immutable and transparent records of the entire supply chain journey. The feasibility of this goal will be measured by assessing the feedback and acceptance of producers, consumers, and other participants in the supply chain ecosystem using analysis like the one below

Image file

By setting clear objectives and employing a pilot program to validate our approach, we will ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of our project in addressing the challenges of supply chain transparency and trust in the food industry.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Hardware Development and Testing

  • Task 1: Design and prototype the custom plug-and-play hardware device for sensor information security and reliability. (Estimated time: 1 months)
  • Task 2: Conduct thorough testing and validation of the hardware device to ensure its functionality and performance meet the project requirements. (Estimated time: 1 month)
  • Success criteria: Successfully develop and test the hardware device according to the specified requirements.
  • Projected cost: 35,000 ADA

Milestone 2: Blockchain Integration and Data Capture

  • Task 1: Integrate the hardware device with the Cardano blockchain, enabling secure and transparent data capture. (Estimated time: 1 months)
  • Task 2: Develop smart contracts and data structures for capturing and storing supply chain information on the blockchain. (Estimated time: 1 months)
  • Success criteria: Seamless integration of hardware with the blockchain, successful implementation of smart contracts, and data capture functionality.
  • Projected cost: 15,000 ADA

Milestone 3: Pilot Program Implementation and Evaluation

  • Task 1: Collaborate with organic food producers in Tamilnadu to pilot the supply chain tracking system. (Estimated time: 1 month)
  • Task 2: Gather real-world data and evaluate the performance, usability, and acceptance of the system by producers and consumers. (Estimated time: 2 months)
  • Success criteria: Successful implementation of the pilot program, positive feedback from participants, and measurable improvements in supply chain transparency and trust.
  • Projected cost: 30,000 ADA

Overall project timeline: 7 months

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Hardware Development and Testing

  • Deliverables: Custom plug-and-play hardware device prototype, hardware design documentation, testing reports
  • Outputs: Functional and tested hardware device ready for integration
  • Intended outcome: Successful development and testing of the hardware device to ensure its functionality, reliability, and compatibility with the project requirements
  • Measurement: Completion and validation of hardware design, successful testing results, and adherence to specified requirements

Milestone 2: Blockchain Integration and Data Capture

  • Deliverables: Integrated hardware-device with Cardano blockchain, smart contracts for data capture, documentation of integration process
  • Outputs: Functional blockchain integration, established data capture mechanism, smart contracts deployed on the blockchain
  • Intended outcome: Seamless integration of hardware and blockchain, enabling secure and transparent data capture of supply chain information
  • Measurement: Successful integration of hardware with Cardano blockchain, functional smart contracts, and data capture capability on the blockchain

Milestone 3: Pilot Program Implementation and Evaluation

  • Deliverables: Implemented pilot program, real-world data on supply chain transactions, evaluation reports
  • Outputs: Pilot program implementation, captured supply chain data, evaluation findings
  • Intended outcome: Real-world testing and evaluation of the supply chain tracking system, gathering feedback from participants, and assessing the system's impact on transparency and trust
  • Measurement: Successful implementation of the pilot program, positive feedback from participants, measurable improvements in supply chain transparency and trust

Project Progress Measurement:

  • Milestone completion: Tracking the completion of each milestone according to the projected timeline
  • Deliverable production: Reviewing the production of the expected deliverables for each milestone
  • Testing and validation: Assessing the successful testing and validation results of hardware and software components
  • User feedback and acceptance: Collecting feedback from the Cardano community, IO team, pilot program participants, evaluating user satisfaction, and identifying areas for improvement

These measurements will help track the progress, effectiveness, and impact of the project at each milestone, ensuring that the project stays on track and achieves its intended outcomes.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Hardware Development and Testing: 35,000 ADA ($10,000 equivalent at current prices)

Custom plug-and-play hardware device prototype: 25,000 ADA

Testing equipment and tools: 10,000 ADA

Blockchain Integration and Data Capture: 15,000 ADA ($4,500 equivalent at current prices)

Integration with Cardano blockchain: 5,000 ADA

Development of smart contracts: 5,000 ADA

Documentation of integration process: 5,000 ADA

Pilot Program and Field Testing: 10,000 ADA ($3,000 equivalent at current prices)

Onboarding organic food producer/partner in Tamilnadu: 5,000 ADA

Field testing and data collection: 3,000 ADA

Feedback and iteration based on pilot results: 2,000 ADA

Community Engagement and Outreach: 10,000 ADA ($3,000 equivalent at current prices)

Marketing and promotion: 6,000 ADA

Community engagement events and workshops: 4,000 ADA

Project Management and Reporting: 10,000 ADA ($3,000 equivalent at current prices)

Project management activities: 6,000 ADA

Documentation and reporting: 4,000 ADA

Total: 80,000 ADA ($23,500 equivalent at current prices)

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Our project team consists of the following members:

Dr. Bharath Ramesh - Project Lead

  • Dr. Bharath has over 10 years of experience in Industry 4.0 technology and is responsible for overseeing the project's implementation. He has a deep understanding of the Cardano blockchain and will ensure the successful integration of the proposed solution.

Robin Thomas and his team of hardware engineers - Hardware Specialists

  • Robin and his team are experienced hardware engineers with a strong background in developing custom plug-and-play solutions. They will be responsible for designing and building the custom hardware required for maximum security and reliability of the sensor information. We consider them to be part of our team, and they have been building with us since the last round of Catalyst funding for FetaChain and other hardware projects.

Sam Jeff - Blockchain Expert

  • Sam is a skilled software developer with expertise in developing blockchain-based applications. He will be responsible for implementing the necessary software components to enable seamless integration between the hardware and the Cardano blockchain.

Fayaz - Software Developer and Data Analyst

  • Fayaz is our full-stack web developer and budding data analyst with a focus on supply chain analytics. He will work closely with the team to analyze the sensor data collected by the hardware and provide insights to optimize supply chain tracking efficiency.

Deepak Rajmohan - Advisor

  • Deepak is our team advisor for logistics and tracking across the globe. He is the founder of GreenPod Labs, an Agri-tech company that develops cost-effective post-harvest solutions using Nanotechnology to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables during storage and transport.

We have engaged with our team members and have established direct lines of communication. We have also connected with relevant technical groups on platforms such as Discord and Telegram to stay updated with the latest developments and engage with the Cardano community.

In terms of recruitment, we are currently not planning to add additional team members. However, if the need arises, we will seek individuals with expertise in areas such as cybersecurity, supply chain management, and data visualisation. Our team is committed to the successful implementation of the project and has the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality results. We have a track record of successful projects within Catalyst, and we are confident in our ability to execute this proposal effectively.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem due to the following reasons:

  1. Expertise and Experience: The project team consists of highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in blockchain technology, hardware development, software development, and data analytics. Their expertise ensures efficient and effective execution of the project, minimizing potential risks and maximizing the value delivered.
  2. Custom Solution: The project involves the development of a custom plug-and-play hardware solution tailored specifically for secure and reliable sensor information in the supply chain. This custom approach ensures optimal performance and compatibility with the Cardano blockchain, resulting in enhanced trust and accuracy in supply chain tracking.
  3. Impact and Benefits: The project aims to address the core problem of trust and reliability in supply chain tracking by leveraging hardware-backed solutions. By doing so, it brings significant benefits to the Cardano ecosystem, including increased transparency, improved data integrity, and enhanced security. These outcomes contribute to the overall growth and strength of the Cardano ecosystem.

The costs of the project have been determined based on a thorough assessment of various factors, including the complexity of the solution, the expertise required, and the resources needed for development and implementation. They are in line with industry standards and reflect the value and impact that the project will deliver. The budget breakdown provided earlier in the proposal offers transparency and ensures that the allocated funds are used efficiently and effectively.

By investing in this project, the Cardano ecosystem can reap long-term benefits in terms of trust, reliability, and security in supply chain tracking, ultimately fostering a stronger and more robust ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
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  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
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  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa