Please describe your proposed solution.
We will not only target university students but also reach those who have challenges in reaching their education with an inclusive approach. These online discussions will be open-sourced to reach a more diverse group of learners.
The reason we approach it is based on our research which shows there are a lot of students who would wish to gain blockchain skills, but universities or non-formal education environments lack these types of information. Our purpose is to train learners to develop specific skills to form them for future investments, which will help increase Cardano's economy.
We use 21st developing skills with non-formal education to train our target group in developing their patience, achieving critical thinking, international investment skills, along with entrepreneurial knowledge.
We will demonstrate our impact through video content and certificates in the 5th month of the project.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
This proposal will bring the community of the Green Gaming project to the project catalyst. Green Gaming aims to develop, test and disseminate a game-based methodology for implementing virtual exchanges to enhance the 21st-century skills of students across countries and continents for learning about blockchain and the benefits of it for future entrepreneurs. Our strength is that we provide this type of class that does not exist in universities, and the student demand is increasing from generation to generation. Thankful for the partnerships with these five universities, we will form students to join blockchain's community.
Gaming can help find solutions to big problems. Through game design, we can address challenges, consider different points of view and constraints, and find solutions to be implemented in real-life contexts.
We will facilitate weekly meetings to increase cooperation with partner organisations so fGreen Gameing and the Cardano community.
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
6 months in forming Cardano and blockchain community by training.
1500 learners from our target group reached through our online resources
-200 learners, divided into 20 groups trained in weekly meetings with 10 participants.
-300 more people to reach our content due to our content creators on our social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
-150 will be trained during face-to-face meetings.
-550 learners will be trained by the website content through our contacts of team.
-300 learners will be trained via video content generated and realised by our content creators and software engineer students.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
Partners of the Association of Renaissance Institute mentioned above will bring each other two volunteers and train students to create content based on what they learn about blockchain at the end of every weekly meeting during breakout rooms. Besides, we will provide research proposals with the help of university researchers.