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Enigmi - an advanced open-source .Net solution delivering an enterprise-level platform for the minting, burning and real-time trading of NFTs. Facilitating online multiplayer engagement, gamification and social interaction, designed to perform at sca
Current Project Status

Create a high-quality, opensource solution for scalable, multiplayer NFT minting and trading, based on MS Orleans actor-based framework, establishing a benchmark for the Cardano and .Net community.


Absence of a high quality, .Net code base of a cohesive, scalable live, multiplayer, NFT minting and trading platform in Cardano, to serve as a reference for dev community, in particular, .Net.

Value for money
Impact / Alignment


2 members

Enigmi - an advanced open-source .Net solution delivering an enterprise-level platform for the minting, burning and real-time trading of NFTs. Facilitating online multiplayer engagement, gamification and social interaction, designed to perform at sca

Please describe your proposed solution.

While the Cardano software developer community is healthy and passionate, there is a very lean representation of .Net developers.

Having a deep love for trying to solve complex problems in the most simple way possible, we believe developing the enigmi opensource project will bring value to the Cardano developer echo system as a whole. It will serve as a fully functional use case of combining a set of carefully selected technologies into a thoughtful and robust architecture for a platform that aims to bring the following to Cardano:

  • Gamified NFT minting experiences
  • Multi-player, web3, real time and live social trading
  • Ability to scale to 10s of thousands of concurrent users.
  • A showcase and reference project of how a solution of this nature and scale can be implemented.

Aspects that will be showcased in this project:

  • Fully functional, vertically integrated real-time system, from front-end development and web3, to backend multiplayer constructs, and persistence and storage.
  • Software best practices and principals.
  • Comprehensive, automated integration tests.
  • How to build on MS Orleans and an actor-based architecture.
  • How to combine DDD (domain driven design) in the context of an actor based system.
  • How to build nontrivial front-ends in MS Blazor.
  • How to orchestrate real-time messages pushed to specific or many users via websockets and SignalR for a live and interactive user experience.
  • How to build for Cardano using .Net and the CardanoSharp library.
  • Minting NFTs
  • Burning NFTs
  • Atomic swaps requiring multi-party transactions
  • How to build a scalable and robust multi-party trading capability against Cardano without using any smart contracts and without taking any custody of any user’s asset, not even into the custody of a smart contract.
  • How to track and manage off-chain UTXO reservations to reduce invalid transactions, while saving on blockchain transaction fees.
  • How to manage UTXO outputs to allow for optimal parallelization.
  • How to build, submit, and monitor nontrivial transactions.

We will host the platform on MS Azure to be functional on the preproduction network for a minimum of 6 months.

We will also deploy the platform to mainnet in a beta release.

We have elected to build Enigmi on Microsoft Orleans for it’s robust and foundational support for complex, concurrent systems.

Microsoft Orleans is a robust, cross-platform framework designed to simplify the creation of distributed applications - software that runs across multiple processes, often stretching across hardware boundaries using peer-to-peer communication. It works by enabling these applications to scale elastically, ranging from a single server to thousands of servers distributed across cloud-based platforms.

In simpler terms, think of Orleans as a toolbox for building scalable software that is split across different servers and systems, which allows the applications to be very resilient and easily adaptable to changing loads, like a website handling sudden spikes in visitors.

Orleans uses something called the "Actor Model", a programming concept where "actors" are individual, lightweight objects that hold a piece of data and the rules for managing that data. These actors, referred to as "grains" in Orleans, interact with one another through asynchronous messages. A crucial feature of these grains is their 'virtual' existence, meaning they always exist and can always be called upon, regardless of whether the server they're on fails. This unique feature brings a level of resilience to applications that isn't common in typical software development.

These grains can be considered as the basic building blocks of an Orleans application. Each grain has a stable identity, behavior, and state that is defined by the user. The identity of a grain is a user-defined key that makes it always available for invocation, whereas behavior is the specific operations the grain can perform. A User Wallet, Order, Trade, Puzzle Build etc are all examples of things that will be represented as grains in enigmi. State refers to the data a grain holds, which can be temporarily volatile or persistently stored. Grains are stored in 'silos', another Orleans term for hosting entities.

Orleans has a diverse set of uses, from gaming and banking to chat apps and GPS tracking. Some parts of popular Microsoft services like Azure, Xbox, Skype, and Halo are built using the Orleans framework.

Orleans also offers features like persistence, timers, and reminders. Persistence ensures the data is available and consistent before processing a request. Timers and reminders provide scheduling mechanisms to execute certain actions at future points, adding yet another layer of reliability to applications built with Orleans.

This combination of scalability, fault tolerance, and simplicity is the reason we decided to build enigmi on Orleans.

A couple of useful links to Orleans’ benefits, philosophy, and approaches, for those more technically minded:




From the player’s perspective, enigmi is a unique and engaging NFT minting experience built on the Cardano blockchain, designed to gamify and enhance the user experience in the NFT space. By using puzzle mechanics, enigmi allows users to buy random puzzle pieces from various collections, trade them with other players, and collect the necessary pieces to complete a specific puzzle. Once all the pieces are collected, users can burn these individual puzzle piece NFTs in a single transaction, minting a unique, final NFT in the process.

This engaging and immersive platform aims to solve the problems of suboptimal user experiences and limited options for NFT minting and distribution in a fun and interactive way. enigmi provides an exciting launch experience for NFT mints or distributions, encouraging users to trade and interact with one another.

Thus, for the general end user community, the enigmi solution is unique as it offers a new way to mint and distribute NFTs while fostering engagement across the Cardano community. By providing a fun, interactive, and scalable platform, enigmi aims to attract a wide range of users, benefiting artists, collectors, and the Cardano ecosystem as a whole.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Serve as a benchmark and reference implementation for the Cardano developer community of a interactive, multi-player platform that Is designed from the ground up to have a scalable architecture.

Draw in new .Net developers.

There is an estimated 7 to 8 million .Net developers globally. <>

Even though projects like CardanoSharp (<>), to which we have contributed, opened the door to the .Net community, the .Net representation and exposure within the Cardano ecosystem is still relatively tiny.

Making available a project of this scope and quality will make it very interesting for exploring developers to look into what is possible on Cardano.

In future, if we successfully launch this as a commercial product, we also hope to bring in some mainstream brands into the Cardano space. (Not in scope for this phase of enigmi)

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The success of the Enigmi project can be measured by its ability to attract and engage .NET developers within the Cardano ecosystem, ultimately enabling them to create solutions that benefit the entire Cardano community.

One key measure of success is the increase in the number of .NET developers actively participating in the Cardano ecosystem as a result of the Enigmi project. This can be tracked through community engagement, developer forum activity, and the number of contributions to the Enigmi code base from the .NET community. By drawing more .NET developers into the ecosystem, Enigmi will contribute to the growth and diversity of the Cardano developer community. While it is unlikely that we will solely be responsible for the growth of the .NET community, Enigmi has the potential to significantly support developers by offering a robust bootstrap and enabling the creation of more sophisticated solutions.

Additionally, the success of Enigmi can be evaluated by assessing the ease of understanding, running, and utilizing the project. A successful implementation should provide well-structured code, an easy way to execute the project, and an intuitive user interface. These factors will ensure that .NET developers can quickly grasp the concepts and mechanics of the Cardano ecosystem, allowing them to hit the ground running and start creating valuable solutions.

In the short term, Enigmi's impact on Cardano's productivity and growth lies in its ability to attract a new wave of developers, fostering innovation and expanding the range of applications being built on the platform. By providing an accessible and user-friendly entry point for .NET developers, Enigmi can accelerate the development of diverse and impactful projects within the Cardano ecosystem.

In the long term, the successful adoption of Enigmi by .NET developers will contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of Cardano. It will lead to a wider range of applications, increased network usage, and a thriving ecosystem. As more developers join and leverage Enigmi as a starting point for their projects, Cardano's productivity and growth potential will continue to expand, fostering long-term success for the platform as a whole.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

The entire code base of Enigmi will be made available on the Enigmi Github repository. This decision reflects our commitment to transparency and collaboration within the developer community. Furthermore, to showcase the functionality and usability of Enigmi's features, we will host a live version of the game on

With our experienced team, who have already contributed to the success of various projects within the Cardano ecosystem, we are confident in our ability to deliver the proposed features within the designated timeframe. By open sourcing Enigmi, we aim to provide a valuable resource for other developers, enabling them to accelerate the development of their own projects.

Looking ahead, our vision for Enigmi extends beyond its current state. We plan to evolve it into a commercial product, catering to a wider audience. In fact, several Cardano projects have already expressed interest in partnering with us to utilize Enigmi as a means of distributing their collections in an innovative manner. This collaboration will further establish Enigmi as a versatile platform within the Cardano community, providing new opportunities for both developers and users alike.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

At Inversion, our software development company, we have built a strong reputation for delivering projects with a high level of trust and accountability. With a solid track record of successful and timely deliveries over the course of approximately 5 years, we have established ourselves as a reliable and dependable partner. Please also refer to our references on the bottom of our website (

Our team comprises 13 developers, each with an average of 20 years of experience in the industry. This wealth of expertise enables us to tackle complex challenges and implement innovative solutions effectively. We take pride in our team's capabilities and their ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of software development.

Furthermore, our experience extends specifically to the Cardano ecosystem. We have worked closely with other clients in the Cardano space, assisting them in creating similar solutions. These projects have not only excelled from a technical standpoint but have also demonstrated financial success. This experience in the Cardano ecosystem positions us as an ideal partner to deliver this project effectively.

We have also successfully completely 2 other catalyst proposals, thus displaying our ability to deliver successfully: <>


Lastly, Inversion also actively sponsors other open-source projects: <> (scroll to the bottom)

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The goals of the project are as follows:

  1. Create a fully functional game with the following features:
  2. Minting: Implement the ability for users to purchase puzzle pieces.
  3. Burning: Enable users to trade in existing puzzle pieces to complete puzzles.
  4. Contractless Atomic Swaps: Develop a mechanism for users to trade puzzle pieces directly without the need for intermediaries.
  5. UTXO Management: Implement efficient management of Unspent Transaction Outputs, including reservations and parallelization.
  6. Nontrivial transaction building, submitting, and monitoring: Develop a robust system for users to create, submit, and monitor transactions within the game.
  7. Scale the game to accommodate thousands of users using the Orleans framework: Implement strategies and optimizations to ensure the game can handle high user volumes while maintaining performance and responsiveness.
  8. Publish the codebase to a public GitHub repository: Make this phase of the project open source and accessible to the community, facilitating collaboration, transparency, and future development.
  9. Host a version of the game to showcase the aforementioned features: Deploy a live version of the game on a public platform, such as, to demonstrate the functionality and usability of the implemented features.

We have created similar solutions in the past and we feel comfortable that the above feature set is possible.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1 (Already completed):

Dummy, but functional UI for rapid iteration on end user UX

Estimated cost: 50,000 ADA

Here is a demo of the mock prototype:;dl=0

Milestone 2 (Already completed):

Bootstrapping project backend code base on MS Orleans.

Estimated cost: 30,000 ADA

Milestone 3:

Implementing baseline UI in Blazor based on learnings from the dummy functional UI

Estimated cost: 30,000 ADA

Milestone 4

Implementing puzzle collection dispensers and puzzle piece ordering.

Estimated cost: 80,000 ADA

Milestone 5

Implementing pier to pier (puzzle piece for puzzle piece) trading with atomic swaps.

Estimated cost: 100,000 ADA

Milestone 6

Implementing puzzle building – burning puzzle piece NFTs and minting the final NFT.

Estimated cost: 70,000 ADA

Milestone 7

Enhancing pier to pier trading atomic swaps to support ADA or any other Cardano native fungible token for a puzzle piece. Enhance puzzle piece ordering to support other FT and NFT payment mechanisms.

Estimated cost: 40,000 ADA

Milestone 8

Deployment to pre-production network.

Estimated cost: 10,000 ADA

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Por each milestone, the deliverables, outputs, and intended outcomes are as follows:

Milestone 1: Dummy, but functional UI for rapid iteration on end user UX

  • Deliverables: A functional user interface (UI) prototype with basic functionality for iterative testing and improvement.
  • Outputs: A visually appealing and interactive UI that allows for rapid iteration and refinement based on user experience (UX) feedback.
  • Intended Outcome: To gather early feedback on the UI/UX and iterate quickly to enhance the user experience.

Milestone 2: Bootstrapping project backend code base on MS Orleans

  • Deliverables: Backend code base utilizing MS Orleans framework, including necessary infrastructure and foundational components.
  • Outputs: A scalable and efficient backend infrastructure based on MS Orleans, ready to support the core functionalities of the project.
  • Intended Outcome: To establish a robust and scalable backend architecture that can handle increasing user demands and provide a solid foundation for future development.

Milestone 3: Implementing baseline UI in Blazor based on learnings from the dummy functional UI

  • Deliverables: Baseline UI implemented using Blazor framework, incorporating the improvements and learnings from the dummy functional UI.
  • Outputs: An enhanced UI with improved design, responsiveness, and usability based on the lessons learned during the initial UI prototype phase.
  • Intended Outcome: To provide a polished and user-friendly UI that aligns with the project's vision and enhances the overall user experience.

Milestone 4: Implementing puzzle collection dispensers and puzzle piece ordering

  • Deliverables: Functionality for puzzle collection dispensers and puzzle piece ordering, allowing users to obtain puzzle pieces through specified mechanisms.
  • Outputs: Working mechanisms for users to acquire puzzle pieces, including collection dispensers and a seamless ordering process.
  • Intended Outcome: To enable users to easily obtain puzzle pieces through various means, enhancing engagement and progression within the game.

Milestone 5: Implementing peer-to-peer (puzzle piece for puzzle piece) trading with atomic swaps

  • Deliverables: Functionality for peer-to-peer trading of puzzle pieces using atomic swaps, ensuring secure and trustless transactions.
  • Outputs: A robust and secure mechanism for users to trade puzzle pieces directly with each other, leveraging atomic swaps for seamless and decentralized transactions.
  • Intended Outcome: To foster an active and vibrant marketplace where users can trade puzzle pieces with each other, enhancing the game's social and collaborative aspects.

Milestone 6: Implementing puzzle building – burning puzzle piece NFTs and minting the final NFT

  • Deliverables: Functionality for users to burn puzzle piece NFTs and mint the final NFT once the puzzle is complete.
  • Outputs: A smooth and reliable process for users to assemble their collected puzzle pieces, burn individual pieces, and mint a final NFT representing the completed puzzle.
  • Intended Outcome: To provide a satisfying and rewarding experience for users as they progress in the game, culminating in the creation of a valuable final NFT.

Milestone 7: Enhancing pier to pier trading atomic swaps to support ADA or any other Cardano native fungible token for a puzzle piece. Enhance puzzle piece ordering to support other FT and NFT payment mechanisms.

  • Deliverables: Extended functionality for peer-to-peer trading, enabling users to offer ADA or other Cardano native fungible tokens in exchange for puzzle pieces.
  • Outputs: An expanded trading system that allows users to leverage various Cardano native tokens as trade assets in the puzzle piece marketplace.
  • Intended Outcome: To diversify the trading options within the game, promoting engagement and facilitating the exchange of different Cardano native tokens for puzzle pieces.

Milestone 8: Deployment to pre-production network

  • Deliverables: Deployment of the project to a pre-production network, showcasing the functionality and readiness of the project for further testing and refinement.
  • Outputs: A running version of the project on a test net, serving as a tangible example of the project's features and capabilities.
  • Intended Outcome: To demonstrate the project's progress and viability, allowing for comprehensive testing and gathering valuable feedback to guide further development.

To track the project's progress, the burn rate (expenditure) will be monitored in comparison to the completion of milestones. Additionally, regular milestone reviews and progress assessments will be conducted to ensure timely achievement of deliverables. Continuous integration and version control systems can also be employed to track code changes and the completion of specific tasks within each milestone.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Considering a 0.3 ADA to USD exchange rate, the revised estimate for the project amounts to 410,000 ADA. However, Inversion is also willing to contribute 130,000 ADA towards the project, demonstrating ourcommitment and investment in its success. This leaves a funding requirement of 280,000 ADA. It's important to note that Inversion will also assume responsibility for ongoing infrastructure costs, including hosting.

Furthermore, we have already achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing milestone 1, which involved the development of a dummy UI for rapid iteration on end user UX. Additionally, we have made substantial progress on milestone 2 as a risk project, further showcasing our dedication and determination to complete the entire project successfully.

Hourly rates:

Developer: $70 / ADA 233.33

Architect: $110 / ADA 366.66

Milestone 1: Dummy UI for rapid iteration on end user UX

  • Developer: 171.43 hours x 233.33 ADA = 40,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 27.27 hours x 366.66 ADA = 10,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 50,000.00 ADA

Milestone 2: Bootstrapping project backend code base on MS Orleans

  • Developer: 102.86 hours x 233.33 ADA = 24,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 16.36 hours x 366.66 ADA = 6,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 30,000.00 ADA

Milestone 3: Baseline UI implementation in Blazor based on learnings from the dummy functional UI

  • Developer: 102.86 hours x 233.33 ADA = 24,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 16.36 hours x 366.66 ADA = 6,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 30,000.00 ADA

Milestone 4: Puzzle collection dispensers and puzzle piece ordering

  • Developer: 274.29 hours x 233.33 ADA = 64,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 43.64 hours x 366.66 ADA = 16,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 80,000.00 ADA

Milestone 5: Peer-to-peer trading with atomic swaps

  • Developer: 342.86 hours x 233.33 ADA = 80,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 54.55 hours x 366.66 ADA = 20,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 100,000.00 ADA

Milestone 6: Puzzle building - burning puzzle piece NFTs and minting the final NFT

  • Developer: 240.00 hours x 233.33 ADA = 56,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 38.18 hours x 366.66 ADA = 14,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 70,000.00 ADA

Milestone 7: Enhancing pier to pier trading atomic swaps to support ADA or any other Cardano native fungible token for a puzzle piece. Enhance puzzle piece ordering to support other FT and NFT payment mechanisms.

  • Developer: 137.14 hours x 233.33 ADA = 32,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 21.82 hours x 366.66 ADA = 8,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 40,000.00 ADA

Milestone 8: Deployment to pre-production network

  • Developer: 34.29 hours x 233.33 ADA = 8,000.00 ADA
  • Architect: 5.45 hours x 366.66 ADA = 2,000.00 ADA

Total Cost: 10,000.00 ADA

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The company behind the Enigmi initiative is Inversion. <>

Besides having a team with a deep and broad experience, spanning far in excess of 1.5 centuries of cumulative track record of building successful, high impact software systems across many industries, Inversion has also built a number of successful solutions relating to Cardano, including applications for minting, burning, and managing non-fungible tokens (NFTs), staking and delegation, chain data monitoring and analytics, as well as web3 apps that integrate with the blockchain to create delightful user experiences. Our team is deeply familiar with the Cardano platform and its unique features and capabilities, including the EUTXO model, native tokens, metadata, and staking delegations.

We have also been fortunate enough to have 2 small opensource proposals funded in Catalyst Fund 8 to add deserialization support to the popular .Net based CardanoSharp library, as well as to add a module to the same library to integrate with the CIP-30 Web Wallet APIs from .Net Blazor WASM. Both of these were completed on track and are being used in the wild by other Cardano builders.



More about our work relating to Cardano can be seen here: <>

Even though Inversion has a wider team available to assist and draw on if needed, the following are the primary members that are working on enigmi.

Piro Vorster is a skilled tech professional and founder of 2 successful software startups, Inversion and Pink Fish, with an impressive 17 years of experience in technologies like .NET, Azure, C#, and more. He's worked in a broad range of sectors, including Auctioning, Insurance, and Reinsurance, and relishes the thrill of solving complex challenges. Piro's credentials include a BSc (Hons) Computing degree and a wealth of leadership experience. He also boasts an unusual asset — a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, reflecting his commitment to discipline and strategic thinking. Piro prioritizes projects where his success is intrinsically linked to the project's outcome, a testament to his deeply invested approach.


Jacques Bosch, a tech entrepreneur from South Africa, loves the way harnessing software can reshape the real world. With a quarter of a century career spanning a diverse range of industries, from Blockchain and Auctioning to Education and Insurance, Jacques has a wealth of experience in implementing successful systems across many countries. For over 18 years, he has led competent teams founded on strong and respect-based relationships. Currently, he is concentrating on developing blockchain products and generative AI solutions for enterprise scenarios, highlighting his love of innovation and progress.


Kobus Pelser is an accomplished software developer with a B. Tech degree in Information Technology and over two decades of diverse industry experience. Having worked in sectors ranging from the Internet industry to vehicle tracking and auctioning, he is adept at creating robust, high-performance systems that deliver real-world value. Kobus is known for his commitment to excellence and his ability to exceed technical expectations.

Fred Snyman is a full stack developer with over 24 years experience in the Tech, Financial, Recycling, Crypto and Entertainment industries, covering multiple technologies, with a focus on the .NET stack. He has a keen eye for design and has extensive experience in developing visually appealing websites and applications, that are both functional and user-friendly. His creative skills extend to other fields such as music production, visual effects, as well as game design and development.

Paul Cowan is a seasoned programmer with over 20 years of experience, largely with C# .NET. He's worked across multiple industries, most notably in online retail, gaming, and now in the emergent fields of blockchain and NFTs. Working in both private and open source spaces, and a keen problem solver, Paul brings a blend of expertise, lateral thinking, and collaborative spirit to every project.

Jacques and Piro are also co-founders and co-host of the Africa On Chain podcast that is in it’s very early stages. Interested parties could review podcast episodes to get a feel for who we are and our expertise.

"Africa On Chain" is an essential podcast for those seeking to deepen their knowledge of blockchain technology and its transformative effects on a global scale. Hosted by a group of four experts hailing from various regions of South Africa, the show combines the talents of marketing professionals and software developers to provide a weekly podcast that breaks down the complexities of blockchain in a conversational and engaging manner.


Note, there was a bit of a pause producing the podcast for a while, with team focus being required on other initiatives, but new episodes should be published again in the next month or so.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem, and we would like to address this by explaining the costs previously described and how they are justified.

In determining the costs of the project, we have considered industry standards and typical freelance rates. These rates ensure fair compensation for our highly skilled team members, allowing them to deliver exceptional work within the allocated timeframes. We believe in providing value for the expertise and experience our team brings to the project.

Furthermore, the costs of the project are proportional to the value it will deliver to the Cardano ecosystem. Our team members have a deep and broad track record of building successful, high-impact software systems across various industries. This wealth of experience, spanning over 1.5 centuries of cumulative experience, ensures that the cost is justified by the value our team brings.

The Enigmi project aims to provide significant cost savings in the long run by open-sourcing the code base. This enables developers to leverage our work and easily build their own solutions on Cardano. By fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation within the Cardano community, we contribute to the growth and development of the ecosystem as a whole. The open-source approach ensures that the benefits of Enigmi extend beyond our specific implementation and can be widely adopted and improved upon by the community.

Additionally, our team's expertise in the Cardano platform and its unique features, such as the EUTXO model, native tokens, metadata, and staking delegations, positions us to deliver outstanding results. Our familiarity with these aspects of Cardano ensures that the project will be developed to the highest standards and will provide value to the ecosystem.

In summary, the cost of the project is justified by the extensive experience and expertise of our team, their track record of successful projects, and the long-term benefits Enigmi will bring to the Cardano ecosystem. We are confident that the value derived from Enigmi, both in terms of cost savings and the expansion of developer participation, justifies the investment and represents excellent value for money for the Cardano community.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa