We will deliver an overview of all relevant information sources CA need for their work. We will categorize it to make it easily accessible for all CA and to optimize their work. We will suggest a incorporation of that overview into existing CA tools and we will identify all informational sources for the needed information.
We will achieve it by engaging CA community and Cardano community
There will be 3 components.
Mapping of the CA process, identification of relevant context, resources, methods, outputs, values and community cooperation, collaboration and tools used.
CA overview, we will produce several options of a coherent easy to understand overview of all the information CA needs and we will work with the CA community to give us feedback on each of them so we can pick the best candidate.
CA collaboration on such an overview, we will suggest a simple collaborative method to migrate information into CA overview and to keep it updated in the context of the current catalyst program. We will improve it based on the feedback from the CA and Cardano community.
We are delivering a new tool proposal to improve CA’s work.
CAs as key players need well served information to make their decision, we will make sure that the needs of the CA community are known and there is a relevant solution well known to the community.
CA and community Engagement - We hope to engage the CAs as part of the next catalyst round with the help of IOG and Cardano community.