Empowering Ghanaian Youths through Cardano Blockchain: AIESEC Collaboration for Awareness and Adoption
Current Project Status
In Progress

Partner with Ghana’s largest youth-run organization to host 3 conferences in 3 cities, onboarding 150+ youth into Cardano through sessions on blockchain, decentralized governance, and Project Catalyst


Partner with the largest youth-run organization in Ghana to raise awareness of the opportunities present with Cardano blockchain

Impact Alignment
Value for money


3 members

Empowering Ghanaian Youths through Cardano Blockchain: AIESEC Collaboration for Awareness and Adoption

Please describe your proposed solution

According to the World Bank, there’s been a consistent increase in the rate of youth unemployment since 2017 till date and this happening doesn’t look like it would be changing anytime soon(find info here). As such, most students lose hope when they’re about transitioning from their final undergraduate year into corporate life. These youths are limited or fail to utilize their full potentials due to the few to no opportunities available in Ghana. As a result, the majority easily and desperately settle for migrating abroad to seek greener pastures. This occurrence is not mitigated and would lead to continuous loss of Ghana’s skilled and able labor force. In 2023 alone, it’s been recorded that 37% of Ghanaian migrants went to Europe with 23.7% relocating to the Americans due to scarcity of job opportunities (find info here).

With a daily minimum wage of GHS 14.86(or $ 1.24 equivalent), youths who remain also struggle to meet their personal basic needs let alone to talk of fending for their family as expected.(find info here)

These alarming numbers and incidence, however, isn’t far from being improved if not completely rectified. A collaboration with AIESEC in Ghana is one of the potential ways of achieving this goal. AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organization that has been activating leadership since 1948. AIESEC in Ghana, for 62 years, has also been and continues to be a platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. Currently, AIESEC in Ghana has over 400 members nationally. They are present in seven universities in Ghana and with over 4000 alumni(find more info here)

Through their platform, we would be able to reach out to the youths across the country. It is also important to note that one of the ways AIESEC develops these youths is through their educational conferences. They have a minimum of 2 national conferences per year. With enough funding, we should be able to reach a wider number of youth and organize at least 3 conferences. This can be done by investing into digital marketing and also paying physical visits to the various universities in these visits for marketing calls.

We would also be able to focus more on the quality content delivery to our conference participants for this project as reaching our target number wouldn’t be as challenging as it should with the advantages mentioned above.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

When these conferences are effectively conducted, youths in Ghana would begin to realize the unlimited possibilities available to them through the Cardano blockchain and Project Catalyst. Again, they would be motivated to avail themselves to the necessary training to efficiently utilize these opportunities. A practical instance being final students would be able to even implement discovered skills in their final year projects.

AIESEC in Ghana organizes about 2 conferences in a year. So, with external funding from Project Catalyst, the number of conferences organized in a year would be three with the number of delegates per conference as 50(that is, a total of 150) as funds can be invested into conferences logistics, social marketing and physical publicity of the event to a wider audience in several universities present in these host cities, increasing the awareness and eventual adoption of Cardano Blockchain. We would onboard these 150 youths onto Project Catalyst and facilitate their registration on Yoroi wallets, thus empowering them to actively participate in shaping the future of decentralized finance. Also, results and reports from successful conferences would be shared on AIESEC in Ghana’s social media platforms to the general public.

We expect this substantial growth and engagement with the Cardano community to be gradual.

In regards to long term, dedicated and willing participants could be selected for student ambassadors in seven of the various universities AIESEC is present in to further educate and promote Project Catalyst to their colleagues. These interested participants would be engaged in virtual workshops to further train them in skills such as Proposal writing, Proposal Accessing amongst others, nurturing their interest in the Cardano ecosystem

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

I was a Funded Co - Proposer in Fund10. We have successfully completed and closed out the project.

Moderator for Cardano Governance Worskhop August 2024 held in Accra, Ghana.

Community Advisor for Fund8, Fund9, Fund10, Fund 11 and Fund 12.

I was a Challenge Team Member for the challenge Fund10 dRep Improvement and Onboarding

Participated in several workshops as a delegate and a volunteer hosted by the Ghana Cardano community over the past two years.(find evidence here)

Worked on the Project Catalyst Oracle project by Josh: a project set out to increase visibility of funded and completed proposals. Oracles audit individual proposals, through interviews, and write articles on their findings.

Former Head of Business Development for AIESEC in Ghana(23.24) which I organized three workshops in Ghana to develop and nurture leadership in youths of Ghana.

(find evidence here)

I am on telegram(<>), instagram(ekow's IG profile), and LinkedIn(ekow's LinkedIn profile)

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: This project is expected to run for 9 months.

Milestone 1: Month 1-2


⁃ Host city and Venue is selected

⁃ Publicity of conference on social Media platforms: WhatsApp, telegram, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

⁃ Visitation of various universities present in chosen city for physical marketing

⁃ Conference Objective and Agenda(topics) is set

⁃ Conference materials prepared(Presentation Slides, Souvenirs)

- Registration forms prepared and sent out

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of promotional materials(videos and flyers) advertised

⁃ Number of universities in host city visited(2 universities)

⁃ Number of engagements across social media platform

⁃ Number of conference materials prepared

- Number of delegates registered on form(50 registration)

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Month 3


⁃ Conference execution

⁃ Conference report documented

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of conference delegates(50 attendees)

⁃ Number of Yoroi wallet signups(50 sign-ups)

⁃ Number of Ideascale registrations (50 registration)

⁃ Media coverage of event and sharing on social media platforms

⁃ Conference feedback from delegates and conference final report

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Month 4-5


⁃ Host city and Venue is selected

⁃ Publicity of conference on social Media platforms: WhatsApp, telegram, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

⁃ Visitation of various universities present in chosen city for physical marketing

⁃ Conference Objective and Agenda(topics) is set

⁃ Conference materials prepared(Presentation Slides, Souvenirs)

- Registration forms prepared and sent out

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of promotional materials(videos and flyers) advertised

⁃ Number of universities in host city visited(2 universities)

⁃ Number of engagements across social media platform

⁃ Number of conference materials prepared

- Number of delegates registered on form(50 registrations)

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: Month 6


⁃ Conference execution

⁃ Conference report documented

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of conference delegates(50 registrations)

⁃ Number of Yoroi wallet signups(50 signups)

⁃ Number of Ideascale registrations (50 registrations)

⁃ Media coverage of event and sharing on social media platforms

⁃ Conference feedback from delegates and conference final report

Milestone 5: Milestone 5: Month 7-8


⁃ Host city and Venue is selected

⁃ Publicity of conference on social Media platforms: WhatsApp, telegram, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

⁃ Visitation of various universities present in chosen city for physical marketing

⁃ Conference Objective and Agenda(topics) is set

⁃ Conference materials prepared(Presentation Slides, Souvenirs)

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of promotional materials(videos and flyers) advertised

⁃ Number of universities in host city visited(2 universities)

⁃ Number of engagements across social media platform

⁃ Number of conference materials prepared

- Number of delegates registered on form(50 registrations)

Final Milestone: Milestone 6: Month 9


⁃ Conference execution

⁃ Conference report documented

Acceptance Criteria

⁃ Number of conference delegates(50 target)

⁃ Number of Yoroi wallet signups(50 signups)

⁃ Number of Ideascale registrations(50 registrations)

⁃ Media coverage of event and sharing on social media platforms

⁃ Conference feedback from delegates and conference final report


Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Ekow Harding - the Lead Proposer and a presenter in the program on Project Catalyst and the opportunities. Community Advisor for Fund8, Fund9, Fund10, Fund 11 and Fund 12.

Moderator for Cardano Governance Workshop held in Accra, Ghana in August 2024.

I am a Funded Co - Proposer in Fund10. We have successfully completed project and closed out the project.

Challenge Team Member for the challenge Fund10 dRep Improvement and Onboarding

Participated in several workshops as a delegate and a volunteer hosted by the Ghana Cardano community over the past two years.(find evidence here)

Worked on the Project Catalyst Oracle project by Josh: a project set out to increase visibility of funded and completed proposals. Oracles audit individual proposals, through interviews, and write articles on their findings.

Former Head of Business Development for AIESEC in Ghana(23.24) which I previously organized three workshops in Ghana to develop and nurture leadership in youths of Ghana.

(find evidence here)

I am on telegram(<>), instagram(ekow's IG profile), and LinkedIn(ekow's LinkedIn profile)

Eystein Hansen - Will offer free advisory services to this project through his company North Block AS, and his role will be an advisor to the project. Eystein sits in the Cardano Civics committee in Intersect and is a co-founder of the Nordic Cardano Community (NADA). He is also a Staking Pool Operator (SPO) working for Norwegian Block Exchange (NBX) and operates the pool ADA North Pool. (TICKER: ANP)

Richmond Sabah- Accountant. Active member of Cardano Ecosystem; CA for Fund 7, 8; PA for Fund 9; lv 0 reviewer for Fund 10,11,12 and challenge team member. Hence, has knowledge in catalyst proposal planning and executions. Presenter and media platform cordination role.

Contact: [email protected], telegram @@K0fi0_0; twitter/X @sabah_kofi

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources


Milestone 1 Budget: 4000 ADA

⁃ Advertisement Cost(Marketing and Graphics): 1500

⁃ Transportation Cost(Physical visits to various universities in Host City) : 2000

⁃ Course Materials(Presentation &amp; Souvenirs): 1500

Milestone 2 Budget: 6000 ADA

⁃ Venue to be rented: 1500

⁃ Resource Personnel: 2000

⁃ Media(Photography and Video coverage of event): 1500

⁃ Refreshment: 1000

Milestone 3 Budget : 4000 ADA

⁃ Advertisement Cost(Marketing and Graphics): 1500

⁃ Transportation Cost(Physical visits to various universities in Host City) : 2000

⁃ Course Materials: 1500

Milestone 4 Budget: 6000 ADA

⁃ Venue to be rented: 1500

⁃ Resource Personnel: 2000

⁃ Media(Photography and Video coverage of event): 1500

⁃ Refreshment: 1000

Milestone 5: 4000 ADA

⁃ Advertisement Cost(Marketing and Graphics): 1500

⁃ Transportation Cost(Physical visits to various universities in Host City) : 2000

⁃ Course Materials: 1500

Milestone 6: 6000 ADA

⁃ Venue to be rented: 1500

⁃ Resource Personnel: 2000

⁃ Media(Photography and Video coverage of event): 1500

⁃ Refreshment: 1000

AIESEC in Ghana. They are a youth-led organization that has the platform for youths to explore and develop their leadership potentials. Hence, we would be using their platform to reach youths to onboard them

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

Through these conferences, young people in Ghana will get more awareness about the Cardano Blockchain and Project Catalyst, and they will be further encouraged to mainly use and easily adopt the Cardano Blockchain.

We can be sure that the majority of Ghana's youth will learn about the amazing opportunities that are accessible to them by holding events in the country's top three youth-populated cities.

In addition to raising awareness of Cardona Blockchain and Project Catalyst, we believe this project would address Ghana's young unemployment and migration issue.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa