Please describe your proposed solution.
Based on Cambridge Dictionary, community is the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality. As we know, people that are interested in Crypto currency are widely spread in Indonesia but we aren’t connected one to each other yet. When in fact, when we know each other in this community, it will gladly increase adoption in Cardano and bring much more benefits to Cardano Community.
On the other hand, most of the Crypto users don’t really know or even not interested to find out about what Cardano has already done. Therefore, the proposer wants to increase the awareness of Cardano and make them know more through this meetup. By having more and more people joined and connected with us, we believe that they will have more ideas to implement in order to widen this community.
More than that, indonesia cardano community already have done an online Cardano Workshop, an offline Cardano Meetup in Surabaya, and Cardano Hub in Surabaya. While in contrast, we haven’t had any regular offline meetup in Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia where most of the crypto events and communities gather.
Besides, other than Cardano Hub, the proposer also intend to make books about how to use Cardano and distribute them to Community Leader. Other than books, we will make an E-Book that will be published on Cardano Forum and distribute them to communities. Through this book, we believe that more crypto communities will know that Cardano is a working blockchain for them to use on.