The Eastern Catalyst School | What is it all about?
The Catalyst School, already established, is a place created to enhance the impact of Catalyst as a whole by improving the contribution of all its different players and roles. The Eastern Catalyst School will provide similar services as The Catalyst School, but in the Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian and steadily adding more local languages by reaching out to other communities where English is not the main communication instrument.
We aim to onboard new members and help improve their skills along the way, in any way they decide to engage with Catalyst: as a Proposer, a Community Advisor, a Veteran Community Advisor, a Challenge member or without any specific role within the process. In order for Catalyst to flourish and reach its full potential, all these roles need to give their best contribution within the process.
With the encouragement and support of Catalyst School, Catalyst Swarm and Eastern Town Hall, this proposal is also a CALL for purpose driven people in the Eastern Hemisphere to join the MOVEMENT. The main topics we are willing to cover by the Eastern Catalyst School are :
- Introduction to Catalyst
- Proposing in Catalyst
- How to be a Community Advisor
- How to be a Veteran Community Advisor
- Why do we need the Eastern Catalyst School
Catalyst is not a traditional funding platform, it has its own protocol and functioning method. Therefore, anyone who wants to join this experiment needs to learn about it first.
The general perception is that Eastern Hemisphere communities are not fully aware of Cardano and Catalyst, and there is also the language barrier once English is not commonly spoken in the region.
Our proposal aims to bring together the Eastern Hemisphere communities which have an interest in the process of learning about Catalyst constructively, be they, newcomers or veterans, so they can exchange knowledge and help each other in their own languages.
The Eastern Catalyst School | The Approach
By having Eastern Catalyst School, we will have leveraged the system and teaching of Catalyst School which is a proven system that delivers on various metrics such as onboarding new members, converting lurkers, increasing awareness of Project Catalyst and it's caveats to adding meaningful participation of exisiting community members.
Onboarding would be the keyword here. For having Catalyst School in East Asia local languages would breakdown the number one factor that prohibits wide participation of the Eastern Hemisphere, which is the dominant use of English though out the current Cardano Ecosystem.
From breaking down that initial language barrier, the learning curving barriers will then be addressed. This would potentially lead to more sign-ups to Cardano IdeaScale, more attendance in Town Halls and Swarm Sessions, more Catalyst School attendance.
Growth of attendance of above entities will eventually lead to growth in proposal submission, growth in Community Advisors ( which is happening now [ 1 ] ) which will lead to the growth of Veteran Community Advisors. Most importantly, through education and participation, educated and engaged voters will be a by-product of all processes above.
The Eastern Catalyst School | The Risk Factors
Language barrier would be the number one risk we face. How do we cater the proven education system of the Catalyst School translates well into local languages and fits the local culture. There are two methods to address this; initial running and iteration through surveys.
From each iterations we will better fit the teachings to cater to each community that the Eastern Catalyst School currently represents. Which are (in alphabetical order) Indonesia, Viet Nam and Japan. These iteration will most likely take more time than the learnings done during the growth process of Catalyst School due to having to translate the content.
The next challenge would be how to advocate, a holistic multi-language approach across the whole Cardano ecosystem. A bridge to far for our lowest hanging fruit is to onboard as much as we can, users from the Eastern Hemisphere.