Please describe your proposed solution
Our proposed solution tackles the problem of having centralized API services by introducing a novel decentralized system architecture. By using state channels for request-response operations and implementing a reward system for load distribution among servers, we aim to enhance resilience and encourage organizations to participate by running their servers.
In our decentralized system, API calls are managed through (DRED) state channels, enabling reliable tracking and management of request and responses. The introduction of a decentralized load balancer dynamically offers responsibility for serving API calls to specific servers managed by node operators (such as DAO members).
This unique solution for load distribution balances workload across the network to provide resilience, while having a decentralized consensus record of the contributions provided by servers.
We aim to engage node operators who may have spare capacity on underutilized hardware, and with developers on projects who can benefit operationally by using decentralized API services. Developers will also benefit by being able to write traditional API code (e.g. an express web server) and deploy decentrally.
We will develop code and documentation developers can use to understand how to get the advantages of decentralized APIs and most effectively integrate them into their applications.
In future, our solution will also be able to incentivize operators to participate in the network and maintain their servers, rewarding them for successfully serving API calls. This fosters a healthy and robust decentralized API service ecosystem, driving the shift to decentralized systems.