Please describe your proposed solution
Currently, business and industry-oriented Web3.0 applications see some interest in specific consumer-facing areas, but in the wide field of supply-chain applications, the initial euphoria of early enthusiasts has been replaced by considerable scepticism. If there is some hype, this hype-money goes into AI projects. Especially the Web2.0 and Cloud-Computing ‘socialised’ CIO and CISOs represent a strong entry-barrier. For implementing a Web3.0 application (at scale) into the supply-chain area, a complex ‘buying network’ with various typical stakeholders needs to be convinced and won-over from scepticism to promotership. This can only work, if Web3.0 applications demonstrate ‘door-opening business benefits’ or ‘door-opening risk reduction’ and are offered by business professionals, supported by best-practice implementation frameworks. With ‘Hype’ or ‘Quick-Win’ approaches it might be possible to start the one or other pilot-project, just to be terminated soon thereafter. DLT360 is here for the very long-run. The overall DLT360 approach with the DLT360 Business Development Framework will allow us to bridge the current chasms and get to real-world industry applications at scale.
Purpose of the DLT360 Business Development Framework
This proposal is about delivering the CONCEPT for the DLT360 Business Development Framework. The DLT360 Business Development Framework is a key-solution for driving Web3.0 adoption at scale in real-world businesses and industry. Web3.0 Applications, even when carefully developed, cannot be marketed like consumer APPs. Every customer adoption needs to be seen as a ‘mutation’ of a blueprint, requiring a well-designed solution ecosystem consisting of:
- Cost-effective PoC environment and the support to pass typical decision-making stage-gates.
- Structured Design Thinking, Value-Proposition and Business Model Development services for creating optimized customisation.
- Embedding of the solution within a specific customer ecosystem, following the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Development Model (ADM)
- Solution-lifecycle-support according to TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Framework,
- Providing critical resources and processes (Scrum Masters, Product Management support along the entire Idea-to-Market Process, covering PoC, to MVP, to Piloting, Migration, Implementation and ongoing Application Lifecycle Management).
Deliverables of this Concept Phase
- DLT360 Business Development Framework Requirements Specification (from business perspective)
- Solution Architecture Framework Specification (TOGAF compliant)
- Idea-to-Market Process Specification
- Organisation & Tools Specification
- Website
- Promotive Pitch-deck and Pitch-video
- PoC together with a carefully selected industry expert (potential customer)
Understanding the DLT360 Business Development Framework in the overall DLT360 context
The graphic above shows, how DLT360, based on many years of experience in business and industry, approaches the scaling of WEB3.0 solutions:
- Developing solid CONCEPTS, MVP and BLUEPRINTS for the major ‘door-opening applications’ (currently 4 such applications have been identified, 10-20 in the idea-pipeline)
- Share and discuss these applications within the DLT360: Smart Industry Forum, a high-quality Digital Transformation Expert Community, planned to (re)launch during F12.
- Contribute specific Knowledge and Training based on the tools and content that were funded by Fund 6, 7 and 8
- Customer implementations: Create a customer-specific instance of the desired application(s) and of the DLT360 Business Development Framework. Within this customer-specific instance, the entire Idea-to-Market process is executed and the selected solutions are introduced to lifecycle-managed according to the TOGAF Framework.
DLT360 Overall Startup Strategy
Establishing our complete DLT360 approach, consisting of interconnected products and solutions, is structured into various phases and iterations. The DLT360 Business Development Framework and our other proposals introduced to Fund 12 are important elements of our overall strategy, which can be laid out as following:
- Fund 6, 7 and 8: We have established the DLT360 Knowledge Management layer with the required tools and content.
- Fund 10: Unfortunately we were ‘downvoted’, forcing us to pull the emergency break - a very painful experience.
- Fund 11: Establishing the CONCEPT for ‘auditShare’, the first of various ‘door-opening application’. Having such deep-going CONCEPTS in place is a prerequisite for entering into serious and lasting interactions with our target-customers.
- Fund 12: We aim for 3 additional CONCEPTS (for CANBAN, twinShare and corporateDAO) and push for getting 'auditShare' further to MVP status.
- Fund 12: (Re)starting the Smart Industry Forum with key-people from renowned corporations for introducing and discussing our Application CONCEPTS and jointly prepare these applications for growing into MVP and then Application Blueprint status.
- Fund 12: Establish the Concept of the DLT360 Business Development Framework, the ecosystem architecture framework for future customer implementations at scale.
- Hand-in hand with all this, we are in progress of establishing stable solution partnerships with different expert-groups from business and industry, the Web3.0 space and from the Cardano Community.
- By end of 2024, we want to achieve a stable overall MVP status, with some renowned (early) customers in the boat. This shall give us the momentum to go from Catalyst Pre-Seed-Financing to classic Seed- and Series-A Startup Financing during 2025.
Summary & Next Steps
The DLT360 Business Development Framework is a key-element of our overall business approach. This (together with our other proposals submitted to Fund 12) is an important milestone in succeeding with our lean and iterative startup strategy. Once this Architecture Framework Concept is in place, we plan to develop the MVP in Fund 13, hand in hand with testing this solution with first real-world customer implementation projects.