vote pending
Digital Assets - Legislators Global Forum (DALG Forum)
Current Project Status
vote pending



Lack of global legislative coordination and understanding of Digital Assets and Web3, leading to inconsistent and fragmented regulations worldwide.


1 member

Digital Assets - Legislators Global Forum (DALG Forum)

Please describe your proposed solution

Overview of the Problem:

The global landscape of Digital Assets and Web3 technologies is rapidly evolving, leading to fragmented and inconsistent regulations due to the lack of coordinated international legislative efforts. Legislators often lack the specialized knowledge required to effectively regulate these emerging technologies, which can stifle innovation and create legal uncertainties.

Proposed Solution:

We propose to host the kickoff meeting of the Digital Assets - Legislators Global Forum (DALG Forum) in March 2025 at the UK Parliament. This initial meeting will serve as a pilot to assess the engagement of global legislators and the demand for an ongoing forum. It will bring together legislators, regulators, and industry leaders to begin the critical conversations around Digital Assets, Web3, and Fintech. The focus will be on sharing knowledge, identifying key challenges, and exploring the potential for international collaboration in shaping global standards.

Why This Approach:

By starting with a focused kickoff meeting with global legislators, we can gauge the interest and commitment of legislators worldwide and determine the viability of establishing a more permanent forum. This event will allow us to test the waters, identify potential champions for the industry in different regions, and refine the forum’s structure and objectives based on real-time feedback from participants.

Engagement and Impact:

The kickoff meeting will involve 10-20 legislators from various jurisdictions, alongside regulators and industry leaders. We will facilitate roundtable discussions, workshops, and networking sessions designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.

The impact of this initiative will be measured by the following:

  • Legislative Interest: The level of engagement from participating legislators and their expressed commitment to continued involvement.
  • Knowledge Exchange: The quality of the discussions and the relevance of the insights shared.
  • Future Planning: The identification of key topics and regions for future forum sessions, based on feedback from the kickoff meeting.

Uniqueness and Importance to Cardano:

The kickoff meeting is unique in its focus on legislators and its potential to lay the groundwork for a coordinated international effort in digital asset regulation. For the Cardano community, this initiative is crucial because it aligns with the broader goals of fostering sustainable innovation and establishing Cardano as a key player in the global blockchain ecosystem. This event will help ensure that future regulations are conducive to the growth and adoption of Cardano technologies.

SDG Goals:

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

SDG Subgoals:

9.5: Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, encouraging innovation.

16.6: Develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels.

17.6: Enhance North-South, South-South, and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology, and innovation and enhance knowledge-sharing on mutually agreed terms.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The kickoff meeting for the DALG Forum will provide an essential first step in fostering global dialogue among legislators on the regulation of Digital Assets and Web3 technologies. The primary impact of this initial event will be to:

  • By bringing together a select group of global legislators, the meeting will allow us to assess the level of interest and the need for an ongoing forum. This will help determine whether there is sufficient engagement to support the development of a permanent platform for global legislative collaboration on Digital Assets.
  • The event will raise awareness among legislators about the importance of cohesive global regulations, potentially leading to more informed legislative efforts that consider the benefits and challenges of blockchain technologies like Cardano.
  • Hosting this meeting positions Cardano as a proactive player in the global regulatory dialogue, aligning its ecosystem with the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and innovation. This can enhance Cardano’s reputation and influence in shaping future digital asset regulations.

The impact of the kickoff meeting will be measured by:

  • Legislative Participation:

  • Quantitative: The number of legislators who attend the meeting and their jurisdictions.

  • Qualitative: Feedback from participants on the relevance and effectiveness of the meeting in addressing key regulatory issues.

  • Engagement and Feedback:

  • Quantitative: The number of follow-up actions or commitments made by participants to continue engaging with the forum.

  • Qualitative: The insights and recommendations gathered from participants on the structure and focus of potential future forums.

The outputs and opportunities resulting from the kickoff meeting will be shared through:

  • Public Summary Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the discussions, insights, and outcomes of the kickoff meeting will be made publicly available. This report will highlight key findings and recommendations for future forums.
  • Community Engagement: We will host a debriefing online within the Cardano community to share the outcomes of the meeting and gather additional input on how to proceed with the forum’s development.
  • Stakeholder Communication: The results of the meeting will be communicated to key stakeholders within and outside the Cardano ecosystem, including developers, policymakers, and community leaders, to ensure that their voices are included in the ongoing dialogue.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

The DALG Forum kickoff meeting is led by a team of highly experienced and respected professionals with deep expertise in the fields of digital assets, Web3 technologies, and legislative processes.

Our team members include:

  • Mariana de la Roche Wills: A prominent figure in the Web3 space, Mariana brings extensive experience in digital technology and its intersection with human rights and sustainability. Her work has been instrumental in advancing the understanding and application of Web3 technologies in various sectors, making her an ideal leader for this initiative.

  • Dr. Lisa Cameron: A former Member of the UK Parliament, Dr. Cameron has been at the forefront of legislative work in digital assets and the metaverse. Her leadership in shaping government debates and producing inquiry reports on the digital revolution positions her as a key driver for this forum, ensuring that the event is aligned with current legislative priorities.

  • Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler: An expert in Fintech and data economy regulation, Dr. Siedler has a deep understanding of the legal and financial implications of Web3 technologies. Her involvement in global expert and standard-setting groups adds a significant level of credibility and expertise to the forum.

  • Razali Samsudin, has been a dedicated member of the Cardano community for 4+ years and brings a wealth of experience in the sustainability sector. Razali has successfully implemented several Catalyst projects, offering deep insights into how blockchain technology, specifically within the Cardano ecosystem, can drive sustainability initiatives. His expertise in navigating Catalyst processes and his experience working at the intersection of blockchain and environmental impact make him an invaluable addition to our team. Razali’s involvement will ensure that our roundtable and subsequent activities are aligned with both community-driven goals and best practices for sustainable blockchain applications.

Additionally, we are excited to be working in collaboration with the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), represented by Gerard Dache. The GBA connects people and organizations with blockchain technology-based solutions to address problems typically faced by government entities. They focus on promoting blockchain solutions without advocating for specific policy positions, and their mission is to cultivate professional workflows between technologists, public policymakers, and application specialists, driving ethical and sustainable blockchain adoption.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Venue Confirmation and Initial Participant Engagement

Secure the venue at the UK Parliament for the kickoff meeting and confirm initial participation from key legislators and industry leaders. This milestone involves finalizing the event location, sending out official invitations, and receiving preliminary confirmations from attendees.

Milestone Output(s):

  • Confirmation of the UK Parliament venue booking.
  • Invitations sent to 20 potential participants (legislators, regulators, and industry leaders).
  • Receipt of at least 10 confirmations of attendance.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Official confirmation from the UK Parliament for the venue booking.
  • A list of invitees with a record of invitations sent and responses received.
  • Confirmation emails from at least 10 participants agreeing to attend.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Event Planning and Logistics Coordination

Complete detailed planning for the event, including travel arrangements for participants, accommodation logistics, and the development of the event agenda. This milestone ensures that all logistical aspects of the event are organized well in advance.

Milestone Output(s):

  • Finalized event agenda and schedule.
  • Travel and accommodation arrangements confirmed for all attendees.
  • Detailed logistics plan, including contingency plans for potential risks.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Completed and distributed event agenda to all confirmed participants.
  • Confirmed bookings for travel and accommodation for all participants.
  • A comprehensive logistics plan approved by the project team.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Execution of the Kickoff Meeting

Successfully host the kickoff meeting in March 2025, including managing the event day logistics, facilitating discussions, and gathering feedback from participants. This milestone is focused on the successful delivery of the event as planned.

Milestone Output(s):

  • Conduct of the kickoff meeting with full participation from attendees.
  • Collection of feedback and insights from participants through surveys and direct discussions.
  • Documentation of discussions, presentations, and key takeaways from the event.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Signed attendance sheets or digital check-ins from all participants.
  • A completed feedback survey with at least an 80% response rate from attendees.
  • A comprehensive event report summarizing the discussions, key points, and outcomes.

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: Post-Event Reporting and Future Planning

Compile a detailed report summarizing the event, including participant feedback, insights gained, and recommendations for the continuation or expansion of the DALG Forum. This report will also outline next steps based on the event’s success and participant engagement.

Milestone Output(s):

  • A final report including an analysis of the event’s impact and participant engagement.
  • Recommendations for future forums and potential next steps.
  • A post-event debrief session with the project team to review outcomes and plan future activities.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Completion and dissemination of the final report to all stakeholders.
  • A strategic plan for the next steps based on the findings from the kickoff meeting.
  • Documentation of the debrief session, including action items and decisions made.

Final Milestone: Final Milestone: Project Completion Report and Video

Prepare and submit a comprehensive project completion report along with a promo video summarizing the project, its outcomes, and its impact on the Cardano community. This milestone ensures that the project is properly closed out and that all results are documented for the Catalyst community.

Milestone Output(s):

  • A detailed project completion report including all milestones, outcomes, and financials.
  • A summary video highlighting the event and its significance.
  • Submission of all documentation to the Project Catalyst platform.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Approval of the final report by the Project Catalyst team.
  • Positive feedback from the Catalyst community on the summary video.
  • Confirmation of project closure from Project Catalyst.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Mariana de la Roche Wills - Project Lead

Role: Mariana will oversee the overall coordination and execution of the kickoff meeting. She will ensure that all aspects of the project align with the strategic objectives and that key deliverables are met on time. Mariana will also serve as the primary liaison with participants, including legislators and industry leaders, managing communication and logistical arrangements.

LinkedIn Profile:

Dr. Lisa Cameron - Legislative Engagement Lead

Role: Dr. Cameron will lead the engagement with legislators, ensuring the event is tailored to legislative needs and expectations. She will use her extensive network and experience in legislative work related to digital assets to secure participation from key legislative figures. Dr. Cameron will also help shape the event agenda to address the most pressing issues in digital asset regulation.

LinkedIn Profile: <>

Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler - Regulatory and Legal Advisor

Role: Dr. Siedler will provide expert guidance on regulatory and legal matters related to digital assets and Web3 technologies. Her role includes advising on the content of discussions to ensure they are informed by the latest developments in global fintech regulations. Dr. Siedler will also contribute to the formulation of any legal recommendations that emerge from the forum.

LinkedIn Profile: <>

Gerard Dache - GBA Representative

Role: Gerard will act as a key advisor, leveraging his experience in blockchain solutions for government entities. He will contribute to the strategic direction of the forum and assist in engaging with key governmental stakeholders. Gerard is the founder of the GBA and has established over 120 government blockchain chapters globally. He has set up approximately 50 working groups covering a broad range of blockchain topics.

Linkedin profile: <>

Razali Samsudin – Sustainability and Cardano Ecosystem Expert

Role: Razali will contribute as an advisor and facilitator. As the founder of Impact Web3 and Sustainable ADA, his deep knowledge of both sustainability and blockchain technology, along with his practical experience in the implementation of Catalyst projects, enables him to ensure that the DALG Forum kickoff meeting aligns with the Cardano ecosystem’s values.

Linkedin profile: <>

Videographer (To Be Hired)

Role: Professional videographer will be hired to document the event and produce a high-quality video summarising the kickoff meeting in the UK Parliament. This video will capture the essence of the discussions, including who was in the room, without attributing direct statements to individuals. The event will be conducted under Chatham House Rules, ensuring that participants can speak freely without their statements being directly quoted or attributed. The videographer will work closely with the team to ensure the event is well-documented and that the final video meets all quality standards.

Engagement and Coordination:

The entire project team has been engaged and has confirmed their commitment and availability to deliver the project. The project will be effectively managed, leveraging our combined expertise in digital assets, legislative processes, and regulatory frameworks as well as our extensive network to ensure a successful event.

The videographer will be hired using the project budget and will work closely with the team to ensure the event is well-documented and that the final video meets all quality standards.

Proof of Life and Transparency.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Travel and Accommodation for Legislators and Regulators

Covers round-trip airfare, local transportation, and accommodation for up to 20 legislators and regulators attending the event in London.

Cost: 50,000 ADA

Catering and Hospitality

Catering for the event, including meals and refreshments for all participants throughout the day, and a formal dinner in the evening.

Cost: 5,000 ADA

Event Coordination and Logistics

Comprehensive management of the event, including coordination of logistics, participant communications, on-site event management, and all related activities. This also includes the production of promotional materials, participant engagement, and ensuring seamless execution. Additionally, this covers any marketing or communication needs managed internally by the project team, as well as printing materials, setting up digital platforms for virtual attendees, and organizing the debrief session with the Cardano community following the event to share outcomes and gather feedback.

Cost: 30,000 ADA

Videographer and Video Production

Hiring a professional videographer to document the event and produce a summary video, adhering to Chatham House Rules (non-attributable summary). This includes pre-event planning, on-site recording, and post-production editing.

Cost: 2,000 ADA

Final Reporting, Documentation, and Post-Event Analysis

Preparation of the final report and project completion video, including editing, production, and distribution to the Catalyst community. This also includes a thorough post-event analysis, participant feedback evaluation, and strategic recommendations for future events.

Cost: 13,000 ADA

Total Budget: 100,000 ADA

Alternative Sources of Funding:

Should the cost exceed the projected budget, additional sponsorships or partnerships with industry stakeholders may be sought to cover the shortfall. Additionally, in-kind contributions from participants or collaborators may help reduce certain costs.

Budget Management:

The project team will ensure that funds are managed with transparency and accountability. Regular financial reports will be prepared and shared with stakeholders, and all expenses will be tracked against the proposed budget to avoid overruns. A detailed financial statement will be included in the final project report.

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the proposed project represents significant value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several critical ways:

  • Strategic Alignment and Groundwork Preparation: The investment in the kickoff meeting for the Digital Assets - Legislators Global Forum is not just about the immediate event but about laying the groundwork for long-term global collaboration. By focusing on engaging key legislators and regulators, the project ensures that future developments within the Cardano ecosystem align with the needs of global regulatory frameworks. This preparation minimizes the risk of regulatory misalignment and sets the stage for smoother, more successful blockchain integrations worldwide.

  • Expertise and Influence: Leveraging the expertise of leading figures in the digital assets and regulatory fields, such as Dr. Lisa Cameron, Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler, and Mariana de la Roche Wills, the project positions Cardano as a thought leader in the global digital transformation dialogue. This forum will extend Cardano's influence and credibility within critical sectors, such as fintech and digital asset regulation, highlighting the ecosystem's strategic value.

  • Community and Network Engagement: This project taps into an established network of global legislators and regulators, acting as a multiplier for the visibility and adoption of Cardano. Effective engagement with this network ensures that Cardano’s capabilities are demonstrated in contexts that matter to decision-makers and influencers, potentially leading to broader adoption and advocacy. The post-event debrief session with the Cardano community further strengthens this engagement, ensuring that the ecosystem remains connected and informed.

  • Enhanced Visibility and Trust: By preparing and executing the event responsibly and transparently, the project enhances trust in Cardano technology across various sectors. It counters the narrative of blockchain as merely a buzzword by showcasing its practical benefits and alignment with global regulatory needs. This increased trust can enhance the reputation of Cardano, leading to greater market penetration and an expanded user base.

  • Exclusive Industry Engagement: In addition to legislators and regulators, only sponsors of the kickoff meeting coming from the industry will be invited to participate in the event. This exclusivity puts Cardano in a privileged position to engage directly with key regulators worldwide, offering unique opportunities to influence discussions and shape the future regulatory landscape for digital assets and blockchain technology. This direct engagement can further solidify Cardano's role as a leader in the industry, fostering deeper relationships with both regulators and influential industry stakeholders.

  • Foundation for Future Projects: The initial cost outlay for this kickoff meeting serves as a foundational investment. This groundwork is critical because it maximizes the impact of each ADA spent by ensuring that future forums are more likely to succeed. By establishing a solid foundation of engaged and informed legislators, the project avoids the pitfalls of poorly coordinated initiatives that could lead to wasted resources or skepticism about blockchain's utility.

  • Potential for New Solutions and Markets: By facilitating discussions among global legislators and regulators, the project could open up new markets for Cardano. These discussions may lead to the identification of new use cases and applications for blockchain technology, particularly in governance, transparency, and digital asset management. These new markets represent future streams of revenue and innovation opportunities, directly benefiting from the initial project outlay.

The value for money for the Cardano ecosystem stems from a strategic, informed approach to engaging with global legislators and regulators. This project not only enhances the immediate capabilities and reputation of Cardano but also sets the stage for future growth and success. The cost associated with the kickoff meeting is an investment in building a robust, credible platform that can attract more substantial, impactful projects in the future, contributing to a sustainable increase in the value and utility of the Cardano blockchain.



  • EP2: epoch_length

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    3m 24s
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  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
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  • EP3: key_deposit

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    3m 48s
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  • EP4: epoch_no

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    2m 16s
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  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
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  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

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    4m 59s
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