Development of AI Translation Catalyst Japanese Web Portal
Current Project Status
In Progress

Develop a web portal optimized for PCs/smartphones where you can read Catalyst proposals in Japanese.


Many Japanese people find it difficult to read over 1,000 Catalyst proposals written in English, and even with their browser’s translation function, they give up on reading them.

Value for Money
Impact Alignment


1 member

Development of AI Translation Catalyst Japanese Web Portal

Please describe your proposed solution

<u>Current Problem</u>

In Japan, there is a tendency to vote only for proposals introduced within the community, overlooking other promising proposals.

<u>Background of the Problem</u>

For Japanese people, seeing or hearing English is very stressful. Therefore, they are not inclined to spend time reading the approximately 1,000 proposals written in English.

While it is possible to read to some extent using the browser's automatic translation function, switching to the translation function for each page is cumbersome, and the page layout can become distorted and the text hard to read. People who are very passionate about Catalyst and Cardano do not have a problem with this, but general users are tired of this operation and find reading proposals burdensome.

Additionally, in recent Funds, nearly 1,000 proposals have been submitted, making it difficult to review all the proposals.


I will build a Catalyst Japanese portal site using AI translation.

  • The latest OpenAI engine "GPT-4o," released on May 13, 2024, will be used to translate into readable Japanese.
  • Proposal filtering function (string search/proposer/related tags/challenge)
  • Multi-device support (PC/smartphone/tablet)

Many Japanese people want to easily check proposals during their commute or in their spare time, so it is desirable to have a page optimized for smartphones that can be read in Japanese.

<u>About the Alpha Prototype</u>

To solve this problem, I developed an alpha version of the Catalyst Japanese portal site at the start of Fund11, providing the community with an experience of reading proposals intuitively in Japanese.

Image file


This site received a lot of feedback, and even people who had never read Catalyst proposals before started to read a few.

Additionally, since we confirmed over 500 unique users between the release and the voting deadline, we believe this will increase the participation rate in the Japanese community.

Image file

The portal site for this development will be migrated to a new domain and released.










・2024年5月13日に公開されたOpen AIの最新エンジン「GPT-4o」を使用し読みやすい日本語に翻訳します。

・提案書フィルタリング機能 (文字列検索/提案者/関連タグ/チャレンジ)

・マルチデバイス対応 (PC/スマートフォン/タブレット)




Image file




Image file



Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

<u>Value to the Cardano Community</u>

This project will enable proposers from around the world to approach the Japanese community. Additionally, it will encourage participation from the Japanese community as reviewers and potential future Catalyst DReps, allowing for proposal evaluation by global talents. This aims to promote active governance participation and revitalization of the Japanese community.

<u>Project Measurement Methods</u>

  • Measure analytics for each proposal page and include them in the milestone achievement reports.
  • Conduct off-chain surveys during each fund voting period to verify usage




日本コミュニティからレビュアーや将来的なCatalyst DRepとしての参加を促し、グローバル人材での提案評価を可能にすることで、日本コミュニティの積極的なガバナンス参加と、活性化を図ります。





What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

This portal site has already released an alpha version and will be rebuilt.

I have been active as an SPO for four years and am also the founder of SPO JAPAN GUILD.


I have had four proposals adopted in Catalyst, with three proposals currently ongoing.



私は4年間SPOとして活動しており、SPO JAPAN GUILDの創設者でもあります。



What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: <u>——(日本語翻訳)——</u>



<u>Milestone Outputs</u>

  • Development of the backend for proposal data content retrieval
  • Development of the backend for AI translation
  • Frontend UI/UX design
  • Frontend development

-Enhancement of Proposal Filtering Function (String Search/Proposer/Related Tags/Challenges)

  • Migration from the prototype temporary domain to the new domain

<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>

  • Public release of the site by May 21, 2024

<u>Evidence of milestone completion</u>

  • Source code published on GitHub
  • Portal site published on the new domain
  • Announcement on X (Twitter)

Milestone 2: <u>Milestone Outputs</u>

  • Development of the backend for vote data aggregation
  • Frontend UI/UX adjustments
  • Integration of vote data into the frontend
  • Preparation of Analytics Data Aggregation Report

<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>

  • Site published after the results announcement on July 15, 2024

<u>Evidence of milestone completion</u>

  • Voting results published on the portal site
  • Announcement on X (Twitter)
  • Analytics Data Aggregation Report

Milestone 3: <u>Milestone Outputs</u>

  • Backend modifications for Fund13 specifications
  • Frontend UI/UX adjustments

<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>

  • Backend specifications updated
  • Frontend changes applied to the site

-Addition of My Page Function

-Addition of Favorites Function

<u>Evidence of milestone completion</u>

  • GitHub PR and commit reports

Final Milestone: <u>Milestone Outputs</u>

  • Translation of all Fund13 proposal data
  • Aggregation of vote data
  • Reflection of voting results
  • Preparation of Analytics Data Aggregation Report

<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>

  • Data published on the portal site according to the Fund13 timeline
  • Project Close-out Report and Video

<u>Evidence of milestone completion</u>

  • Data published on the site according to the Fund13 timeline
  • Announcement on X (Twitter)
  • Analytics Data Aggregation Report
  • Project Close-out Report and Video




Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

<u>Project manager and Full-stack engineer</u>

BTBF (<>)

Active as SPO for 4 years(X-StakePool)

Founder of SPO Japan Guild (<>)

Server engineering 6 years

WEB2 Dev 18 years



BTBF (<>)



サーバーエンジニアリング 6年

WEBシステム開発 18年


Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

UI/UX Design $2,000

Frontend Development Costs $8,000

Backend Development Costs $20,000

12-month Maintenance Costs (Domain &amp; Server) $1,000

OpenAI "GPT-4o" API Usage Fee $200

Catalyst Management Fee $500

Contingency Fund $1,000 (for unforeseen circumstances)

Total: $32,700

Equivalent in ADA: 81,600 ADA

(Calculated considering market fluctuations and set at this rate: USD/ADA $0.4/ADA)


UI/UXデザイン $2,000

フロントエンド開発費 $8,000

バックエンド開発費 $20,000

12ヶ月 保守メンテナンス費(ドメイン・サーバー費)$1,000

Open AI 「GPT-4o」利用料 $200

カタリスト管理費 $500

予備費 $1,000 (不測の事態に備えて)


合計 $32,700


(相場市場の変動を加味して算出しこのレートに決定しました USD/ADA $0.4/ada)


Lidonation API


Open AI [GTP-4o]

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

It would require an enormous amount of money and time to hire translators for nearly 1,000 proposals per fund, making it impossible to achieve within the Catalyst timeline.

While the translation accuracy of machine translation is slightly inferior to that of human translation, it can save both cost and time.







  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa