What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
The team will feature a journalist, blockchain and cryptocurrency content editor, videomarker and presenter. Conceived and produced by the CardanoFeed team, the largest media specialized in Cardano coverage. We already have over 1,200+ projects registered in the Cardano Ecosystem.
What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
We have some main objectives for the Crypto Jobs, Blockchain Talents & Recruiting Platform project, and how we will validate if they will be achieved:
We will list many technical professionals with high skills in the field of technology, with selection filters and qualification search.
Professional profiles can be searched and segmented by companies and possibly hired for full-time, part-time or spot jobs.
Crawler and Scraping of job vacancies from other job sites for technology and blockchain professionals.
Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
Milestone 1
Cost: 30%
Month: 1,5 months
% Completion: 30%
M1 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Delivery of the information architecture
(B) Definition of the Mind Map and sections of the site
(C) Creation of the platform wireframe
(D) Creation of news tracking on Cardano Feed
Milestone 2
Cost: 30%
Month: 1,5 months
% Completion: 60%
M2 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) UX/UI studies for the first website interface
(B) Definition of tech requirements
(C) Creation of news tracking on Cardano Feed
(D) Attracting/Indexing the first professionals profile and companies
Milestone 3
Cost: 30%
Month: 2 months
% Completion: 90%
M3 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Start of Front-end programming
(B) Start of Back-end integration
(C) News release about measure tracking proposal on Cardano Feed
(D) Inclusion of professional profiles in the application database
Milestone Final
Cost: 10%
Month: 1 month
% Completion: 10%
MFINAL - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Completed of Front-end and back-end integration
(B) Whitelist with Users for Platform MVP
(C) Form with Collecting of feedback on platform
(D) Link with News published on Cardano Feed
(E) Launch of the platform
Manage workload:
We currently have a team of 7 additional collaborators working together with our core project team. We were able to distribute and organize tasks and sprints within our development roadmap. And we also have a bank of technical professionals waiting to be hired according to the increase in projects.
Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
Milestone 1
M1 - Evidence of Milestone completion
(A) Document with Completed information architecture
(B) Image file with Completed Mind Map and sections
(C) Image file with Completed wireframe
(D) Link with News published on Cardano Feed
Milestone 2
M2 - Evidence of Milestone completion
(A) Images (PNG or Figma) with the first interface design
(B) Document with tech requirements
(C) Link with News published on Cardano Feed
(D) Form (Google) with invite professionals and companies members
Milestone 3
M3 - Evidence of Milestone completion
(A) Image or prints with front-end
(B) Image or prints with back-end
(C) Link with News published on Cardano Feed
(D) Print with profiles in the application database
Milestone Final
MFINAL - Evidence of Milestone completion
(A) Image or prints with front-end and back-end integration
(B) Form (Google) with invite members to test platform
(C) Form (Google) with Collecting Feedbacks
(D) Post and news with launch date platform on Cardano Feed
(E) URL link the platform Live