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Cross-DEX order aggregator - Trades seamlessly across DEXes and liquidity pools on Cardano
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Open-source Smart Order Router framework to connect liquidity across DEXes, empowers users to deploy their own arbitrage strategies and bring true decentralization to the Cardano Defi ecosystem


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DEX liquidity on Cardano is fragmented across protocols and not easily accessible to the public, leading to capital inefficiency, higher volatility, and missed arbitrage opportunities

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Cross-DEX order aggregator - Trades seamlessly across DEXes and liquidity pools on Cardano

Please describe your proposed solution.

Every decentralized exchange (DEX) within the Cardano ecosystem operates its unique 'processor' to manage end-user transactions. To elaborate, regardless of the DEX model in question—whether it's one of the predominant options: automated market makers or order books—each project must employ a specific bot. This bot is responsible for scanning the blockchain for orders, deciding which orders to process, and then creating and submitting a transaction to fulfill these orders. Two key stages can be discerned in this process:

  • The selection of orders
  • The transaction creation phase

Typically, these 'processors' are not accessible to the general community.

These stages are deemed critical since the end-user relies on a private system to which they have no access. It is difficult for a user to comprehend why their order has not been processed, let alone understand how to construct their own transactions in an attempt to circumvent these processors.

The principal concept underpinning the Smart Order Routers (SORs) framework involves the collection of orders, their selection, and eventually, the construction and submission of corresponding matching transactions. The term 'framework' is crucial here, as a primary feature of the SOR is the capacity to implement various order selection strategies, tailored to the diverse actors within the blockchain ecosystem. While some individuals might choose to optimize their arbitrage, others may prefer to collaborate with the community, accepting minimal or no profit margins. Furthermore, the framework offers the possibility of devising other strategies or altering existing ones. In addition to this, the SOR will encapsulate the transaction creation logic, enabling users to concentrate on implementing and devising strategies. This is made feasible by the open-source nature of the framework, allowing the community to run, replicate, enhance, and extend it as needed.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

This new Cross-DEX open sourced framework will introduce a novel and powerful tool to the Cardano ecosystem. This framework will empower the Cardano community to run their own Smart Order Router (SOR) capable of matching orders from multiple DEXes. This is will transform the entire DeFi ecosystem on Cardano bring connecting DEXes and aggregating liquidity together. As a result, bringing better financial stability and capital efficiency to the ecosystem. This is an unsolved problem in most other blockchain, therefore the long term impact of this proposal has the potential to make Cardano the best DeFi environment in the industry!

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The Smart Order Routers (SOR) framework introduces a novel concept to the ecosystem. In the immediate future, this framework will empower users to operate their own instances capable of matching orders from GeniusYield DEX, among other DEXs. Notably, given the innovative nature of this proposal, it could serve as a new gateway for users interested in implementing and executing new matching strategies, circumventing the initial technical complexities associated with the Cardano blockchain.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

This SOR framework will be open-sourced and available on Github for the community to track progress and verify that deliverables are met. We commit to the milestones based reporting and keep the community updated via our social media channels, as well.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

A talented 11-person team of developers and engineers whose combined decades of experience has created one of the most innovative DeFi platforms to date.

Some accomplishments include:

  1. Genius X Launchpad - The first KYC-platform launchpad on Cardano with operations completely run by smart contracts, providing protection for user funds. No centralized entity, including the Genius Yield team, ever has access to user funds during the token sale process. In addition, the platform has an oversubscription feature, where any unused funds not exchanged for a token are automatically refunded back to all users. The Genius X Launchpad platform is live and has successfully conducted three token sales, raising over 3.1 million ADA for startups. <>
  2. Genius Yield Staking Platform - The Genius Yield team has also created a staking platform that allows projects to have their utility token on Cardano staked by holders. The staking program is unique in that offers
  3. Customizable lock-up periods for a set Annual Percentage Yield (APY %). For example, projects could offer different APY for token holders who decide to lock their token for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.
  4. Special features with NFTs - NFTs can be used to boost APYs or implement other features for holders.
  5. Flexible reward claiming - Users accrue rewards daily and can claim accrued rewards anytime during the staking-lock up period. This flexible claiming process allows users to withdraw accrue rewards at their discretion multiple times during the lock-up period and create new staking vaults for additional rewards. The Genius Yield Staking platform is live and as of June 30, 2023, the platform had a Total Value Locked (TVL) of $5.5 million USD from four projects. <>
  6. Atlas - Atlas is Genius Yield's state-of-the-art Plutus Application Backend (PAB) in Haskell. Atlas is an off chain, backend tool that allows dApps to interface with the Cardano blockchain and execute Plutus smart contracts. Genius Yield has open-sourced Atlas, making the solution available to any Cardano developer. A high-quality PAB will increase innovation and developer adoption on Cardano by significantly reducing the resources new developers would need to create dApps. Some of the biggest projects on Cardano, such as World Mobile, which is building the first mobile network built on the blockchain, is utilizing Genius Yield's PAB for its technology. <>

In conclusion, our development team has delivered on three innovative products that are live and providing value to the community. With our proven ability to deliver high quality products, we firmly believe our strong development team will also be able to deliver an options protocol that provides immense value and utility to users.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The proposal sets forth two primary objectives.

Objective 1

The first objective involves launching the Smart Order Routers (SOR) framework as an open-source software solution. Expanding on this notion, the SOR is designed to be a user-friendly software, accessible to users with a broad spectrum of programming skills. A particular emphasis is placed on catering to those who are less experienced; it should not only be simple to install and operate but also be easily adaptable for the implementation and enhancement of new order matching strategies. This will be accomplished by the notion of an order book (totally abstracted from the blockchain) where you have sell and buy orders and can focus only on the most convenient way to match them.

Objective 2

The second objective seeks to provide comprehensive documentation detailing the key components of the framework, along with a tutorial specifically addressing the development of strategies.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestones 1: DEX, querying-orders and transaction-building API

Time required: 1 month

Milestones 2: Order Book design and implementation

Time required: 1 month

Milestones 3: Strategy system

Time required: 1 month

Milestones 4: Matching Order Bot

Time required: 1 month

Milestones 5: QuickCheck properties and safety mechanisms + Dockerization

Time required: 1 month

Milestones 6: Technical documentation + Usage Tutorial + Open-sourcing

Time required: 1.5 months

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Deliverables 1: DEX, querying-orders and transaction-building API

Design of a general API in charge of querying orders abstracting the source of the information. It will be possible to use many options like Blockfrost, Maestro, among others. The API will also need to support transaction building, signing, and submissions. Implementation of the particular instance for the Genius Yield DEX.

Deliverables 2: Order Book design and implementation

Design and implement a general notion of an order with the main goal of abstracting any complexity related to the blockchain.

Deliverables 3: Strategy system

Related to the previous milestone, design a strategy environment that uses the order book to create matching between the orders. Implement a couple of concrete strategies that will help as examples.

Deliverables 4: Matching Order Bot

Assembly all the previous points to have a first running version of the SOR.

Deliverables 5: QuickCheck properties and safety mechanisms + Dockerization

Given the SOR will be an autonomous bot, the framework will provide QuickCheck properties to “try out” the implemented strategies checking they behave as expected, before running in the real environment.

The SOR framework will come with everything ready to start performing order-matching after some quick configurations.

Deliverables 6:Technical documentation + Usage Tutorial + Open-sourcing

The framework, in the mid-long term, must be easy to understand and more interesting extend. Thus, a complete documentation of each component of the SOR is key.

One of the key points of this framework is usability for non-expert users that, in the beginning maybe, just what to run the bot and implement their own strategies. Thus, the framework will provide a proper tutorial about order books and how to implement strategies.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

DEX, querying-orders and transaction-building API

$50/hr x 2 devs x 5 weeks x 40hr/week = $20 000

Order Book design and implementation

Time required: 1 month

$50/hr x 2 devs x 5 weeks x 40hr/week = $20 000

Strategy system

Time required: 1 month

$50/hr x 2 devs x 5 weeks x 40hr/week = $20 000

Matching Order Bot

Time required: 1 month

$50/hr x 2 devs x 5 weeks x 40hr/week = $20 000

QuickCheck properties and safety mechanisms

Time required: 2 weeks

$55/hr x 2 devs x 2 weeks x 40hr/week = $8 000


Time required: 2 week

$55/hr x 1 devs x 2 weeks x 40hr/week = $4 000

Technical documentation

Time required: 2 weeks

$55/hr x 1 devs x 2 weeks x 40hr/week = $4 000

Usage Tutorial

Time required: 2 weeks

$55/hr x 1 devs x 2 weeks x 40hr/week = $4 000

Prepare for open sourcing

Time required: 2 weeks

$55/hr x 1 devs x 2 weeks x 40hr/week = $4 000

TOTAL ($) = $104 000

TOTAL ($0.3/ADA) = 346 666 ADA

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Laurent Bellandi - Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder

Laurent is a serial entrepreneur who has focused on digital/online businesses for over 20 years. Lately he co-founded both Genius Yield, one of the most innovative DeFi protocols, and the Genius X accelerator. At Genius X he manages the day-to-day operations of the program and launchpad operating team, formulating the long-term business strategy and leading strategic decisions.

Dr. Lars Brünjes - Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder

Lars is a mathematician and Haskell developer. As Director of Education at Input Output Global (IOG), the engineering research company behind the development of the Cardano blockchain, Lars has taught thousands of people how to build smart contracts. As Chief Technology Officer of Genius X (and Genius Yield), Lars leads research & development with the technical team, and has written the smart contract code for Genius X Launchpad, and other products on the Genius X platform.

Dr. Sothy Kol-Men - Chief Regulatory Officer & Co-Founder

Sothy has over 20 years of experience in digital finance, investments, building new ventures, and regulation. He is a legal expert, guiding Genius X (and Genius Yield) through legal and regulatory matters for fintech rules and regulatory compliance, particularly for the Genius X Launchpad. Sothy is also a highly regarded professional in the Swiss and European crypto network, where he leverages his network for originating high-potential founders and projects for the Genius X Accelerator Program.

Marvin Bertin - Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder

Marvin is an Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning engineer who spent years working in biotech on early cancer detection blood tests using next-generation DNA sequencing. Later he worked as a senior crypto consultant, developing DeFi products for clients on the Ethereum and Cosmo blockchains. Marvin, along with Dr. Lars Brünjes, co-leads research & development for Genius X (and Genius Yield) and leads the creation of technology infrastructure and development behind the Genius X Launchpad, the NFT staking infrastructure, and many other products within the Genius X and Genius Yield platforms.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

DEX Order batcher are highly valuable on Cardano and play a foundational role in the operation of all DEXes on Cardano. In particular, given that Cardano uses the eUTxO paradigm, the interface between placing orders and consuming them is critical in the flow and availability of liquidity on DEXes. These cross-DEX order matching frameworks will fuel growth and innovation across the Cardano dApp ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

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    3m 24s
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  • EP1: 'd' parameter

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  • EP3: key_deposit

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  • EP4: epoch_no

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  • EP5: max_block_size

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