- Telegram: @FelixfromSwarm
The end goal
Let’s create an enriching, open and safe environment, where people from different communities can find common ground and share knowledge, resources, skills, ideas and visions with one another.
Alignment with strategic goals for Fund9
- Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem.
- Opening the doors to other communities can increase the number of Catalyst members and broaden their perspectives and knowhow.
- Turn Cardano into an open source project.
- Learning from other open source communities can help Cardano become an open source project, too.
- Accelerate the growth and evolution of developer & app ecosystem.
- The biggest contribution of this Challenge is exactly in the developer and app ecosystem, increasing the number of interoperable dApps and bringing in curious developers from outside of the Cardano community.
Accompanying slides
To present the Challenge outside of Catalyst, you can use these helpful slides: