Checkpoint will be accessible as a fully interactive, Web 3.0 optimised site. You will enter Checkpoint through the Multiverse whether you're on a VR headset, browser or any other device. The Checkpoint Multiverse is already available through - but you need an Oculus Headset. With the browser-based access, the Checkpoint Multiverse will be free to access for everyone across any device.
Already available on Oculus and FREE
- is the leading multiverse space currently available
Checkpoint will make the multiverse ubiquitous, making it accessible across all devices
The multiverse facilitates engagement with content and others in the space
The multiverse will be THE access point to all the content across the brand
The multiverse will allow connections to other sites and brands
The multiverse will connect to Web 3.0 wallets to allow for NFT integration
The multiverse will not only be the brand’s access point, but will allow for streaming, expos and much more
We try to give back where we can, and we think education is key. By using the cultural capital of videogames, we're able to use children, teenagers and adults' experiences and knowledge to place bigger ideas within context. Whether that's through our learning materials, our videos, audio documentaries or our long form features, we hope they give a perspective otherwise missed.
Checkpoint’s mission is to continue to explore the impact videogames have on the evolution of society, politics, culture and education.
We do this through our already existing multiverse - which is free.
All Checkpoint’s content is free for everyone.
Checkpoint encourages the audience to become active participants by offering multiple ways in which to engage with the brand.
To be at the cutting edge of evolving technology, delivering interactive content on the next iteration of the internet: Web 3.0
We don’t have any real risk in as far as creating and providing content as we already do this. Our main risk or edge is the fact we’ve identified a way to provide a real change in the wy people engage with content with our engage to earn model. In order for this to work, we need to be ubiquitous, with access to our content accessible to all no matter what device they’re on. The only main challenge is to get there first and own that space.