vote pending
ChainMate: Blockchain Talent Marketplace for the Cardano Community
Current Project Status
vote pending



The lack of a dedicated platform for the Cardano community to easily access and hire skilled professionals such as developers, digital marketers, content writers, and translators for their projects.


3 members

ChainMate: Blockchain Talent Marketplace for the Cardano Community

Please describe your proposed solution

The core problem we aim to address is the disconnect between talented professionals (developers, digital marketers, content writers, and translators) and the Cardano community's needs. Despite the growing demand for skilled individuals to drive Cardano projects, there remains a lack of a centralized platform where these talents can connect, collaborate, and showcase their expertise. This fragmentation inhibits innovation and slows down the adoption of Cardano technology.

Approach to the Solution:

We propose building a comprehensive blockchain talent marketplace website that serves as a marketplace for talent in the Cardano ecosystem. Our platform will allow professionals to create profiles, list their skills, and connect with businesses or individuals looking for specific services. This approach fosters a collaborative environment where projects can thrive through shared knowledge and expertise.

Project Engagement:

Our project will engage a diverse array of stakeholders, including:

  • Talents: Freelancers and professionals seeking opportunities in the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Businesses: Organizations or individuals looking to hire skilled talent for their projects.
  • Community Members: Cardano enthusiasts wanting to learn and contribute to ongoing projects.

Demonstrating Impact:

To prove the effectiveness of our solution, we will establish key performance indicators (KPIs), such as:

  • The number of registered professionals on the platform.
  • The number of successful project collaborations facilitated through our site.
  • User satisfaction metrics obtained through surveys and feedback.
  • The overall growth in project outputs related to Cardano.

Unique Aspects of the Solution:

What sets our solution apart is its focus on the Cardano ecosystem. Unlike generic freelance platforms, our site will be tailored specifically for Cardano-related projects, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Additionally, we will integrate educational resources and mentorship opportunities, further empowering users to improve their skills and knowledge.

Importance to Cardano:

By creating a dedicated space for talent and resources, our platform will contribute to the overall growth and adoption of the Cardano ecosystem. We believe that facilitating connections between skilled professionals and project owners will drive innovation and enhance the quality of projects within Cardano. This initiative is crucial for strengthening the community and ensuring its sustainability, ultimately positioning Cardano as a leading player in the blockchain space.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Our project aims to create a significant positive impact on the wider Cardano community by facilitating connections between talented professionals and projects seeking their expertise. This will lead to the following key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Project Quality: By connecting skilled developers, digital marketers, content writers, and translators with Cardano projects, we will elevate the overall quality of work produced within the ecosystem. This can result in more innovative solutions and higher success rates for projects.
  2. Increased Collaboration: Our platform will encourage collaboration among community members, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. This will stimulate knowledge exchange and the development of best practices, which can further enhance the Cardano ecosystem.
  3. Skill Development: By offering mentorship opportunities and resources, we will support the professional development of individuals in the Cardano community. This will equip them with the necessary skills to contribute effectively to projects and adapt to the evolving blockchain landscape.
  4. Economic Growth: Our platform will help create job opportunities within the Cardano ecosystem, allowing professionals to monetize their skills while supporting the growth of projects. This will contribute to the economic sustainability of the community.

Measuring Impact

To measure the impact of our project, we will implement both quantitative and qualitative metrics, including:

  • User Growth: Tracking the number of registered professionals and businesses on the platform over time.
  • Project Collaborations: Measuring the number of successful collaborations facilitated through our site, including the completion of projects and client satisfaction.
  • Feedback and Surveys: Conducting regular surveys and feedback sessions with users to assess their experiences and the perceived value of the platform.
  • Economic Metrics: Monitoring the financial growth of professionals and businesses utilizing our platform, such as the average income generated through projects.

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities

We intend to share the outputs and opportunities resulting from our project through multiple channels:

  1. Community Reports: We will produce regular reports detailing the progress of our project, including user growth, project collaborations, and success stories, which will be shared within the Cardano community via newsletters and forums.
  2. Webinars and Workshops: Hosting webinars and workshops to showcase successful projects, share insights from industry experts, and provide guidance on using our platform effectively.
  3. Social Media Engagement: Actively engaging with the Cardano community on social media platforms to share updates, celebrate milestones, and highlight user success stories.
  4. Partnerships: Collaborating with other Cardano initiatives and organizations to amplify our reach and impact, ensuring that our outputs benefit the broader ecosystem.

By facilitating talent acquisition, fostering collaboration, and providing educational resources, our project will create a thriving environment that empowers the Cardano community and drives its growth and success in the blockchain space.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team's extensive experience and proven track record in project management, software development, and community engagement make us uniquely qualified to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability. Here are key aspects of our capabilities:

  1. Experienced Team:
  • Our team comprises professionals with backgrounds in software development, digital marketing, and community management, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the needs within the Cardano ecosystem.
  • We have successfully delivered previous projects that involved developing platforms for talent acquisition and community engagement, demonstrating our ability to execute similar initiatives effectively.
  1. Partnerships:
  • We have established partnerships with organizations like Lidonation and Ngong Road Children's Foundation. This collaboration enhances our capacity to manage resources efficiently and ethically.
  • These partnerships also help in leveraging their existing networks for outreach and community engagement, thus amplifying our impact.
  1. Transparent Processes:
  • We will implement transparent processes for fund management, including regular reporting and updates to stakeholders on budget utilization and project progress.
  • Utilizing project management tools, we will track expenditures and maintain records that can be audited by relevant parties, ensuring accountability.

Feasibility Validation

Market Research:

Comprehensive research has already identified the skills gaps in the Cardano ecosystem. This data informs the design and features of our platform, ensuring it aligns with the real-world needs of Cardano projects and users.

Pilot Program:

A select group of early users will participate in a pilot to test platform functionality. Their feedback will drive necessary improvements, refining both the user interface and backend operations. This iterative approach ensures that the platform is viable before full-scale launch.

User Engagement:

We will continue to engage the Cardano community through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to better understand their expectations and challenges. This direct input will shape further development and enhance the user experience.

Performance Metrics:

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user acquisition, engagement rates, and successful project collaborations will be used to measure the platform’s success. These metrics will allow us to track the platform’s growth and impact within the community.

Feedback Loops:

Continuous feedback from users will drive improvements, ensuring that the platform evolves alongside the needs of the Cardano ecosystem, fostering ongoing relevance and sustainability.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Project Planning and Requirement Analysis (Month 1)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • User surveys and focus group discussion reports.
  • A comprehensive project plan document that outlines requirements, objectives, timelines, and resources.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • At least 50 responses collected from user surveys.
  • Completion of 3 focus group sessions with participants from the Cardano community.
  • Approval of the project plan by key stakeholders and partners.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • Summary report of survey findings and focus group discussions.
  • Project plan document, including timelines and resources, shared with stakeholders.
  • Email confirmations or signed approval from stakeholders.

Milestone 2: Platform Development and Initial Testing (Months 2-3)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • Fully functional core features of the platform (user registration, talent profiles, job listings).
  • Internal testing reports documenting the functionality of the platform.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • All core functionalities developed as outlined in the project plan.
  • Internal testing results showing at least 90% functionality without major issues.
  • A beta version of the platform ready for pilot testing.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • Documentation of the development process, including code repositories.
  • Internal testing report highlighting functionalities and any bugs found, along with resolutions.
  • Access to the beta version of the platform.

Milestone 3: Pilot Program Launch and User Feedback Collection (Months 4)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • A pilot version of the platform launched with selected users.
  • User feedback report compiled from surveys and interviews.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • At least 100 users participating in the pilot program.
  • Collection of feedback from at least 70% of pilot users.
  • A report detailing user feedback, suggestions for improvement, and identified issues.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • List of pilot participants and their engagement metrics.
  • Summary report of feedback collected from users, including any implemented changes.

Milestone 4: Final Development and Public Launch (Months 5)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • Final version of the platform, incorporating user feedback.
  • Marketing and outreach materials to promote the platform.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • Implementation of all key feedback from the pilot program.
  • Public launch event organized, with at least 200 attendees (virtual or physical).
  • Availability of educational resources (guides, tutorials) for users.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • Documentation of changes made based on feedback, including before-and-after comparisons.
  • Attendance records from the public launch event.
  • Copies of marketing materials and educational resources shared with users.

Milestone 5: Impact Assessment and Project Close-out (Month 6)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • Comprehensive impact assessment report detailing the project's outcomes.
  • Project Close-out Report and Video summarizing achievements.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • Assessment report showing measurable impacts, such as user engagement and satisfaction metrics.
  • Successful submission of the Project Close-out Report and Video to stakeholders.
  • Presentation of findings to the Cardano community and stakeholders.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • Completed impact assessment report, including quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Video and written Project Close-out Report submitted to relevant parties.
  • Feedback received from stakeholders after presenting the findings.

Final Milestone: Impact Assessment and Project Close-out (Month 6)

A: Milestone Outputs:

  • Comprehensive impact assessment report detailing the project's outcomes.
  • Project Close-out Report and Video summarizing achievements.

B: Acceptance Criteria:

  • Assessment report showing measurable impacts, such as user engagement and satisfaction metrics.
  • Successful submission of the Project Close-out Report and Video to stakeholders.
  • Presentation of findings to the Cardano community and stakeholders.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion:

  • Completed impact assessment report, including quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Video and written Project Close-out Report submitted to relevant parties.
  • Feedback received from stakeholders after presenting the findings.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Emmanuel Odero – Project Lead

Role: Responsible for overall project management, ensuring milestones are met, and coordinating between development, marketing, and outreach teams.

LinkedIn Profile:

Expertise: Extensive experience in project management and blockchain integration in the Cardano ecosystem.

Emmanuel Shikuku – UI/UX and Lead Developer

  • Role: In charge of designing and developing the platform's back-end and front-end, ensuring scalability and security.
  • LinkedIn Profile:
  • Expertise: Senior full-stack developer with a focus on blockchain and smart contracts.

Sallyanne Atieno – Marketing & Outreach Specialist

  • Role: Will lead community outreach, user acquisition, and digital marketing strategies to attract experts and projects to the platform.
  • LinkedIn Profile:
  • Expertise: Proven track record in promoting blockchain platforms and building strong user bases she possess in-depth knowledge of the Cardano ecosystem and blockchain infrastructure.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

We are requesting a total of 50,000 ADA to fund the development, marketing, and management of our talent acquisition platform for the Cardano community. Below is a detailed breakdown of the proposed work and resources:

1. Platform Development (20,000 ADA)

  • Frontend and Backend Development: Full-stack development to ensure a user-friendly interface and robust backend.
  • Database & Cloud Infrastructure: Hosting and storage on scalable cloud services to support the platform.
  • Security Features: Integrating best-in-class security measures to protect user data, including encryption and two-factor authentication.

2. Third-Party Services & Tools (8,000 ADA)

  • Software Licenses: Necessary licenses for development tools, APIs, and software integrations.
  • Legal Services: Legal consultations for platform compliance and contractual agreements (GDPR, Data Privacy).
  • Code Auditing: Independent code auditing to ensure quality and security of the platform before the public launch.

3. Marketing, Promotion & Community Engagement (10,000 ADA)

  • Community Outreach & Promotion: Online campaigns, webinars, and community events to promote the platform and onboard users.
  • Content Creation: Production of marketing materials including videos, blog posts, and social media content for community engagement.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborations with Cardano influencers to create awareness and drive early user adoption.

4. Project Management (5,000 ADA)

  • Project Manager: Overseeing the development, marketing, and delivery timeline.
  • Task Management & Coordination: Use of project management software to coordinate the development and marketing teams.
  • Weekly Reporting: Regular updates on progress shared with stakeholders.

5. User Testing and Feedback (3,000 ADA)

  • Pilot Testing: Setting up the pilot program and gathering user feedback for improvements.
  • Focus Groups & Surveys: Engaging the Cardano community through surveys and focus groups to refine platform features.

6. Contingency (4,000 ADA)

  • Unforeseen Costs: Buffer to account for any unforeseen expenses, such as extended legal consultation, additional hosting needs, or extra promotional efforts.

Total Budget Request: 50,000 ADA

This funding will ensure the platform is delivered with high quality, strong security, and with the engagement needed to integrate smoothly into the Cardano ecosystem. Additional funding beyond this will be sourced through future partnerships and platform revenue.

No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of this project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem for several reasons:

  1. Platform Longevity and Scalability: The 50,000 ADA investment is targeted towards building a scalable talent acquisition platform that will serve the Cardano community over the long term. The platform is designed to continuously attract and connect skilled professionals with blockchain projects, creating a sustainable pipeline of talent that will contribute to the growth and success of the Cardano ecosystem.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness of Development: The costs associated with software development, cloud infrastructure, and security are in line with the average rates for full-stack development in our region. For example, the average software developer in Kenya charges around $25–$40/hour, while international developers often charge upwards of $50–$100/hour. By leveraging local talent without sacrificing quality, we ensure that the platform is built efficiently and cost-effectively.
  3. Third-Party Services and Legal Compliance: While legal services and code auditing may seem like high-cost items, they are necessary to ensure compliance with data privacy laws and the security of the platform. These costs are justified as they protect both users and the Cardano community from data breaches and legal risks, which would be far more expensive in the long run.
  4. Marketing and Community Engagement: The marketing and community outreach budget, set at 10,000 ADA, is a strategic investment to ensure rapid user adoption and engagement. By involving the Cardano community early and extensively, we are creating a platform that responds to real needs and drives active participation. This engagement will help foster growth within the ecosystem by attracting a diverse range of talents and projects.
  5. Proven Cost Allocation Process: The budget is carefully allocated based on industry-standard rates and our team's experience with similar projects in Kenya, Ghana, and the US. For instance, cloud infrastructure and security integration rates are based on our past projects where we deployed robust platforms using scalable and secure services.
  6. High Impact at a Reasonable Cost: By connecting skilled professionals with Cardano-based projects, the platform offers high-impact potential. The value it brings in terms of skills development, project success, and talent retention in the ecosystem far outweighs the initial cost of development. A 50,000 ADA investment today will lead to significant long-term returns through ecosystem growth, innovation, and increased talent utilization.

In conclusion, the project's costs are not only proportionate but represent a strategic, high-value investment for the Cardano ecosystem. We have ensured that each line item is cost-efficient, realistic, and necessary for delivering a high-quality, impactful product.



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