vote pending
Cardano sponsorship for Professional Fighter Michael Heckert Fight Camp (1 Year)
Current Project Status
vote pending



Cardano does not currently market in combat sports, limiting its visibility within this dynamic community and missing out on a key opportunity for brand growth and engagement.

zenGate Global

3 members

Cardano sponsorship for Professional Fighter Michael Heckert Fight Camp (1 Year)

Please describe your proposed solution

Perception of the Problem:

Cardano's current absence from the combat sports marketing arena limits its visibility and potential influence within a global, engaged sports audience. This missed opportunity restricts growth in a demographic known for its enthusiasm and loyalty.

Approach to the Solution:

We propose to bridge this gap by sponsoring Michael Heckert, a professional fighter in the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) and a rising star in the popular world of MMA and combat sports. By showcasing the Cardano logo on he and his team's fight kit, we can tap into the immense marketing potential of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and other combat sports. This strategy harnesses the thrill and widespread visibility of televised fights, directly engaging the passionate and growing combat sports community.

Engagement Strategy:

The project will engage combat sports fans, Cardano community members, and the broader cryptocurrency audience. By intertwining Cardano's innovative technology with the primal and popular appeal of combat sports, we aim to create a new nexus of interest that will attract enthusiasts from both worlds.

Demonstration of Impact:

We will measure the impact through increased brand visibility, tracked by media mentions and social media engagement metrics during and after fight events. Additionally, we will monitor the growth in Cardano community numbers and engagement levels, assessing how effectively the sponsorship converts interest into active community participation. Testimonials and surveys from the combat sports audience will further validate the reach and influence achieved through this sponsorship.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Positive Impact on the Cardano Community:

Our project will have a multifaceted positive impact on the wider Cardano community by enhancing brand visibility, fostering community engagement, and creating new avenues for adoption. Sponsoring Michael Heckert and his professional fight camp as global ambassadors places Cardano at the forefront of the growing MMA industry, a sport that crosses diverse social, economic, and cultural boundaries. With the MMA community generating $196 million in sponsorship revenue in 2023 alone, Cardano will gain access to millions of passionate fans worldwide, many of whom are younger, tech-savvy, and aligned with the forward-thinking mindset that blockchain represents(

MMA Scene)(Fightful).

This sponsorship is a unique marketing initiative for Cardano, allowing it to tap into new, untapped markets and connect with audiences typically harder to reach through traditional advertising channels. By associating Cardano with a trusted athlete like Michael Heckert, who exemplifies discipline, dedication, and a global presence, we will galvanize the next generation of Cardano adopters. This will strengthen the existing Cardano community by bringing in new users, investors, and developers who resonate with the ethos of transparency, sustainability, and technological innovation that Cardano embodies.

Measuring Impact:

We will measure the impact of this sponsorship both quantitatively and qualitatively:

Quantitative Metrics:

Increased Social Media Engagement: Tracking growth in Cardano-related hashtags, posts, and engagement on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as Michael Heckert and his team promote Cardano.

Sponsorship ROI: The Heckert Fight team will effort to assess how much visibility Cardano gains per dollar spent on the sponsorship.

Qualitative Metrics:

Community Feedback: We will regularly seek feedback from the Cardano community on the effectiveness of the sponsorship through various tools to adjust our strategies in real-time based on direct input from Cardano supporters and other feedback.

Media Coverage and Public Sentiment: By monitoring media coverage and public sentiment, we will effort to assess how well the Cardano brand is received in the MMA space and how that perception translates into positive branding for Cardano as a whole.

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:

We intend to share the results of this project transparently with the entire Cardano community. This will be achieved through multiple channels:

Community Reporting: We will effort to publish reports documenting the sponsorship's progress, including fight schedules, event outcomes, and the specific branding initiatives carried out by the Heckert fight camp. These reports will be available on Cardano forums such as X (formerly Twitter), Catalyst platforms, and via social media updates.

Photographic and Video Documentation: To keep the community engaged and aware of the team’s efforts, we will share photos and videos of key moments, including fights, training sessions, and Cardano-branded gear. This will not only be entertaining but also serve as a record of the fight camp’s activities and brand ambassador duties.

Two-Way Community Interaction: We will maintain an open line of communication with the Cardano community to gather input on branding and sponsorship initiatives. This ensures that future decisions reflect the community’s preferences and that they feel actively involved in shaping the brand’s global presence.

Data and Performance Metrics: In line with Cardano’s values of transparency, we will make available any appropriate data gathered from social media engagement, user onboarding, and event visibility, so the community can assess the effectiveness of the sponsorship.

By combining quantitative analysis with qualitative feedback, we can help ensure that the impact of this project is measurable and that the Cardano community remains informed and involved every step of the way. This project will not only enhance Cardano's global visibility but also build a deeper, more connected community that supports Cardano’s growth and innovation.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Capability and Feasibility:

We believe that we are well-positioned to deliver this project with high levels of trust, accountability, and measurable success. Our team will faithfully ambassador the Cardano brand, and effort to win the hearts of new potential Cardano Community members, as well as unify them under a common sports figure in the MMA industry.

Capability to Deliver:

Experienced Team: Michael Heckert and his professional fight camp have a proven track record in the MMA world. As an athlete with a global reputation, Michael is well-versed in the responsibilities that come with high-level sponsorships, including representing brands in the public eye with professionalism and integrity. The fight camp includes experienced coaches, nutritionists, and recovery specialists, ensuring that every aspect of the athlete’s career is managed effectively, creating a professional environment for promoting Cardano.

Track Record in Managing Projects:

We have previously managed marketing and sponsorship initiatives that required strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and financial accountability. Michael is a brand ambassador for the Snek community. We would like to offer them as a reference.

Steps for Trust and Accountability:

Clear Budgeting and Financial Management: We will effort to allocate all funds with complete transparency. A detailed outlined projected budget will be established before the project begins, outlining all expected costs for sponsorship, branding materials, marketing campaigns, and administrative expenses. We will effort to publish financial reports at regular intervals, ensuring that every community member knows how the funds are being used. These reports will include cost breakdowns for fight camp expenses, digital campaigns, and sponsorship fees, providing clarity on how funds contribute to the project's success.

Regular Progress Reporting:

We will effort to provide regular updates on the project’s progress, including milestones such as fight appearances, social media campaign results, and community engagement metrics. These reports will be available to the Cardano community through open channels like Catalyst forums, blogs, and social media, ensuring that our progress is visible and transparent.

Proven Success of MMA Sponsorships:

MMA sponsorships are a well-established marketing strategy with a demonstrated return on investment. We have seen firsthand how brands partnering with fighters have gained visibility and achieved global recognition.

Athlete’s Consistent Readiness: Michael Heckert’s fight camp ensures his constant state of physical and mental readiness, which makes the sponsorship highly feasible. His dedication to maintaining peak fitness through year-round training and modern recovery techniques ensures that he remains eligible to compete in global events, maximizing the sponsorship’s exposure.

Measurable Metrics for Success: We will use both quantitative and qualitative metrics to track the success of this initiative, including social media engagement, new user onboarding to Cardano wallets, and community feedback. These metrics will serve as validation points to measure the impact of the sponsorship and whether our approach is driving the desired outcomes.

Steps for Feasibility Validation:

Pilot Phase: We will launch a pilot phase of the sponsorship during one of Michael’s upcoming fights, using this as an opportunity to measure immediate brand exposure and fan engagement. Data collected from this phase, including social media impressions, fight viewership, and Cardano-related interactions, will validate the feasibility of expanding this approach.

Collaboration with Marketing Experts: When possible and feasible we will collaborate with marketing professionals. Their insights and expertise will help us adjust campaigns that maximize visibility and ROI, ensuring the feasibility of our broader strategy.

  1. Community Feedback Loop: By incorporating a feedback loop with the Cardano community, we will be able to continuously validate our approach and adjust strategies as needed. If something isn't working, we’ll quickly course-correct based on community input whenever appropriate and feasible, ensuring that we stay aligned with the project’s goals.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Sponsorship Onboarding and Team Branding

Timeline: Month 1

Acceptance Criteria:

Secure the sponsorship agreement with Michael Heckert and his fight camp, detailing responsibilities and branding requirements.

Design and produce branded gear, including Cardano logos, to be worn by Michael and his team during fights, training, and media appearances.

Develop and initiate a digital marketing strategy for Cardano's involvement in MMA, focusing on Heckert’s personal brand and fight camp.


Signed sponsorship agreement.

Photographic and video evidence of branded gear production.

Initial social media announcement of the partnership across Cardano and Michael Heckert's platforms.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: First Major Fight Event with Cardano Branding

Timeline: Month 3

Acceptance Criteria:

Michael Heckert fights in his first sponsored event, prominently displaying the Cardano logo across his fight kit and in media coverage.

Track and report on initial engagement metrics (social media, website visits, etc.) from fight week promotions.


Fight footage and photographs showcasing Cardano branding during the event.

A detailed report on the exposure gained, including social media impressions, fan engagement, and audience reach from the event.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Community Feedback and Engagement Activation

Timeline: Month 4-5

Acceptance Criteria:

Launch a community feedback loop to gather input on sponsorship effectiveness, brand perception, and suggestions for future engagement.

Host an online town hall or AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Michael Heckert and his team to foster deeper community interaction with Cardano supporters.


A report summarizing community feedback, social media analytics, and fan sentiment.

Documentation of the AMA, including recorded video and any resulting community-driven action points.

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: Expanded Media Campaign and Second Fight Event

Timeline: Month 6

Acceptance Criteria:

Launch a broader digital and traditional media campaign, leveraging the exposure from the first fight and promoting Michael Heckert’s next bout.

Michael and his fight camp continue to promote Cardano at a second major MMA event, ensuring increased media exposure for the brand.


Fight footage and media content showing Cardano’s branding.

Comprehensive media report highlighting increased brand visibility and the second fight's impact on Cardano’s community engagement.

Final Milestone: Final Milestone: Project Close-Out Report and Video

Timeline: Month 7

Acceptance Criteria:

Produce a final project report summarizing the sponsorship’s impact, including key metrics, media engagement, and the overall reach of the Cardano brand through this initiative.

Create a video showcasing highlights from Michael Heckert’s sponsorship journey, including fight footage, community engagement, and the broader media campaign.


Final report covering project milestones, brand exposure, and quantitative/qualitative metrics of success.

Close-out video highlighting the success and potential future opportunities for Cardano through continued involvement in MMA.

Legal Disclaimer

Michael Heckert, his fight team, and associated representatives ("Heckert Fight Team") hereby declare that any participation in events, promotions, or activities related to the proposed Catalyst-funded project is undertaken on a voluntary basis.

By accepting Catalyst funding, it is acknowledged that participation in mixed martial arts (MMA) or related training, events, and promotional activities inherently involves risks, including but not limited to physical injury, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances that may affect Michael Heckert's ability to perform his duties as outlined in the project proposal.

In the event of such injury, illness, or any other unforeseen situation that may prevent Michael Heckert from performing, neither Michael Heckert, the Heckert Fight Team, nor their representatives shall be held liable or responsible for any delays, cancellations, or non-performance resulting from these events. The Heckert Fight Team shall be held harmless from any claims, liabilities, or damages arising out of or related to Michael Heckert's inability to fulfill his obligations for any reason.

Any reimbursement or compensation arising from such events, including but not limited to lost opportunities, or project-related costs, shall be made at the sole discretion of Michael Heckert and the Heckert Fight Team, and there shall be no obligation on their part to provide such reimbursement unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing.

This disclaimer extends to all parties involved in the Catalyst project and related activities. By engaging with the Heckert Fight Team, it is agreed that all parties understand and accept the terms set forth in this disclaimer.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Michael Heckert- Cardano Fighter, BJJ Purple Belt, Mike Heckert broke onto the bare-knuckle scene in late 2023 where he faced a big power-puncher in Scott Lampert and outclassed him. Heckert was an amateur MMA champion in the promotion, Blackout FC based out of his home state of Kansas. He has a great frame for middleweight at 6’0” and he tends to use his reach and speed advantage to overwhelm his opposition.

BBHMM - Blockchain Better Have My Money SPO, BJJ Brown Belt - Chad Giardina

Stake Pool Operator on Cardano, sponsoring Mike and his mission to fight for Cardano in his corner.

John Santi

Heckert Fight Team

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

  1. Fighter Sponsorship: Fee for Michael Heckert to wear the Cardano logo on his fight kit including BKFC, Karate Combat, Crypto Fight Night, and any other sponsored fight
  2. Marketing and Promotion: Included within Sponsorship Fee: Design and production of promotional materials, and social media advertising campaigns are covered under the total sponsorship agreement, ensuring maximum visibilit
  3. Community Engagement: Included within Sponsorship Fee: Costs for hosting online and potential local community events, as well as tools for conducting surveys and gathering feedback, are include
  4. Operational Costs: Included within Sponsorship Fee: Project management and reporting are covered to ensure effective coordination and communicatio
  5. Third Party Services: Included within Sponsorship Fee: Legal and compliance consulting to adhere to advertising and marketing regulations is include

Total Budget: 25,000 ADA

Success depends on Michael Heckert’s ability to remain fit, healthy, and eligible to compete. Michael is deeply committed to his training, incorporating modern recovery techniques such as cryotherapy, physiotherapy, and nutrition optimization. He maintains a rigorous, year-round training regimen tailored to his fight schedule. Working closely with elite trainers and state-of-the-art gym facilities, Michael ensures his physical fitness is always at peak performance, keeping him ready for world-class competition. His constant state of readiness not only prepares him for scheduled fights but also opens up opportunities for him to step in when other fighters are ill or sidelined by injury. This makes him a reliable, go-to athlete for unique last-minute opportunities, further enhancing he and his team’s ability to be effective brand ambassadors for Cardano.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The sponsorship fee of 25,000 ADA to have Michael Heckert wear the Cardano logo on his fight kit during BKFC events provides substantial value for the Cardano ecosystem. This fee is justified considering the following points:

  1. Visibility and Reach: Combat sports, particularly bare-knuckle fighting, attract a large, dedicated viewership. Associating Cardano with a fighter like Michael Heckert, who participates in widely viewed events, ensures significant brand exposure. This exposure is far-reaching given the broadcast and streaming of these events, aligning the cost with potential global visibility.
  2. Engagement and Growth: The project is designed to engage not only current members of the Cardano community but also to attract new users interested in sports and sports betting. The visibility of the Cardano logo in such a dynamic setting promotes interest and discussion around Cardano, potentially increasing user adoption and wallet creation.
  3. Community Involvement: The sponsorship includes community engagement activities like meet-ups and interactive sessions, which are vital for community growth and satisfaction. These activities encourage current users to deepen their engagement and attract new community members by showcasing Cardano's commitment to supporting diverse interests.
  4. Cost Comparison: The cost of 25,000 ADA for a year-long sponsorship aligns with industry standards for sports sponsorships, which often run into the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars. Considering the unique audience and high engagement level of combat sports, the fee is competitive and reasonable. Moreover, the inclusion of marketing, promotional activities, community engagement, and operational costs within this fee makes it particularly cost-effective.
  5. Economic Context: When setting the cost, we considered the average sponsorship and marketing costs in similar sports contexts, confirming that our fee is on par with or below typical rates for similar exposure in other sports. The cost in ADA also reflects the current exchange rates and economic conditions, ensuring that the project remains financially feasible and attractive in terms of potential ROI for the Cardano ecosystem.

By accounting for these factors, the sponsorship represents not just an expenditure but an investment into the broadening of Cardano’s reach and influence, ensuring it is a cost-effective strategy that benefits the community and promotes the Cardano brand in a new and vibrant market.



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