over budget
Cardano Solutions for Impact
Current Project Status

Needs assessment of 450+ impact entrepreneurs across developing countries ->Intro to Blockchain, Cardano and Project Catalyst workshops.


Lack of in-depth knowledge & awareness of how impact entrepreneurs in developing and emerging markets can benefit from the use of blockchain

Addresses Challenge


1 member

Cardano Solutions for Impact

This proposal offers a comprehensive approach in understanding impact entrepreneurs needs and developing tools and business solutions based on identified needs, in a few steps:

  1. Survey of approximately 450 impact entrepreneurs across developing and emerging markets, who have participated in Accelerate2030, the world’s leading program supporting entrepreneurs to scale their solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals. The entrepreneurs sourced and supported through Accelerate2030 come from developing and emerging markets, addressing issues ranging from access to health, sustainable water management, to waste valorization, climate action, and financial inclusion of disadvantaged communities, many of them being also pioneers in driving the circular economy transition. The survey will be conducted across 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Latam, East Europe, with an aim to understand the status quo and needs of these entrepreneurs when it comes to the use of blockchain (and Cardano particularly), especially in terms of improving traceability, supply chain management, identification and payments, impact measurement, etc.

  2. Delivering 3 intro workshops to this community on blockchain and Cardano, focusing on the opportunities to enhance their business, operations and access to finance through the use of blockchain, particularly through Cardano and Project Catalyst.

  3. Supporting a selected group of companies in integrating blockchain (Cardano) in their businesses, joining the Project Catalyst community and showcasing them at the Building Bridges Week in Geneva (https://www.buildingbridges.org/).

The proposal is a combination between a Feasibility Study and a business-oriented training to set a strong basis for the further development of relevant business solutions on Cardano, and for business and impact entrepreneurs in the Cardano ecosystem to have a pathway to a new global network for further positive impact.

The insights from this research will serve as a strong basis for the future work of the Cardano community in developing tools that are relevant and appropriate to the needs of entrepreneurs across the globe, who would use this technology to generate significant impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Accelerate2030 works with high impact potential companies, with significant contributions to the SDGs, but not all of them are fully harnessing the potential of blockchain technology and they therefore represent an interesting, untapped segment to engage with Cardano, who can in the future use the technology to integrate blockchain in their operations and/or develop relevant B2B and B2C solutions.

Based on the survey insights, we will jointly deliver introductory workshops to educate companies about the opportunities to integrate blockchain in their business, which will give further more in-depth understanding about the opportunities with this target audience, and will hopefully infuse concrete interest and next steps for a sub-group among them to get more involved with Cardano and develop concrete solutions in collaboration with the Cardano community.

These companies will then be featured at the Building Bridges Week in Geneva, alongside the wider topic of blockchain as a driver of innovative financing for the SDGs.

This overall process will lead to the development of highly relevant, needs-based innovative products and services that increase efficiency, transparency, and stakeholder engagement as well as expand business to new areas.

Metrics we will use to measure our success for this proposal:

  • # of companies surveyed to understand their needs for Cardano-based solutions
  • # of companies introduced to blockchain and Cardano
  • # of companies joining Project Catalyst community
  • # of companies identifying opportunities to integrate Cardano in their business
  • # of companies applying for Project Catalyst Funding
  • # of audience reached in a communications campaign

In our long term vision, we will be able to the measure the following metrics as a result of the successful implementation of this proposal, i.e. these metrics will become relevant and measureable after Accelerate2030 ventures enter the Cardano ecosystem:

  • #of existing companies proposing Cardano-based solutions
  • #of partnerships / joint ventures created between companies
  • $ additional funding from other sources for the funded proposals
  • $ projected cost savings
  • $ projected revenue increase

The whole process we outline starts with a survey, and collecting a satisfactory number of responses is usually quite cumbersome as people are not easily drawn to answer to surveys when there is no concrete benefit attached to them. To offset this challenge we are proposing the steps outlined thereafter, where entrepreneurs are actually invited into a series of workshops and an opportunity to join Project Catalyst, and also an opportunity to join the Building Bridges Week in Geneva, so it would be in a way an application process for a learning and connections opportunity following the survey.

Project Roadmap

  • May 2022: Project inception

Defining the design of the survey, workshops and selection criteria for participating companies in the next phases - in collaboration with the Project Catalyst team and relevant Cardano for Impact stakeholders (e.g. Cardashift).

  • June - July 2022: Launch of Survey & Application Process

Launching a survey across 450+ Accelerate2030 companies to collect insights about the current status of use of blockchain technologies, and their needs in using blockchain. The survey will be framed as an application to join an opportunity to learn about blockchain, particularly Cardano and join the Project Catalyst and unlock potential funding opportunities.

  • August - October: Intro workshops on Blockchain and Cardano

Based on the insights from the survey, and the experiences of CardaShift and CatalystSchool, 3 workshops will be delivered for approximately 50-100 companies who express interest in integrating blockchain in their businesses.

  • August - September: Selection companies to integrate Cardano in their business and develop in-depth use cases that can be shared with the Cardano & Accelerate2030 communities

Companies will be supported to integrate Cardano into their businesses, with a focus on how blockchain can help increase their impact, improve their operations and/or access finance. In-depth use cases will be developed and shared with the Cardano and Accelerate2030 communities. These entrepreneurs will also ideally eventually become community champions that can support other entrepreneurs in their ecosystem benefit from Cardano & blockchain technology.

Subject to the success of our proposal named Cardano Community in Geneva under the ScaleUP Cardano's community challenge, these companies will be showcased in person at the international Building Bridges Week 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland, as a tangible example of how Cardano can enhance SDG-related business solutions.

Main deliverables and outputs:

  • Co-designed survey among Accelerate2030 and Project Catalyst, launched across 450+ companies
  • 3 Intro Workshops to blockchain and Cardano to an audience of 50-100 companies: General education for entrepreneurs regarding blockchain technology and opportunities. Sessions with entrepreneurs that are considering blockchain but do not know where to start.
  • Identification of high-impact green/circular companies integrating blockchain in their business, as a showcase of how Cardano can deliver needs-based solutions to entrepreneurs

Design and Execution of Survey and Application Process: 6.000

  • Design survey
  • Launch an Outreach campaign
  • Manage Application process

Organise the design and delivery of 3 Intro workshops on Blockchain and Cardano: 6.000

  • Identify best practices, content and experts in the Cardano community
  • Organise and host workshops

Organise the selection and support of companies to integrate Cardano in their business: 12.000

  • Screening & Selection process
  • Cardano experts support
  • Accelerate2030 support

Marketing and Communication, incl: social media campaign, newsletter campaign


Impact management, reporting and coordination: 5.000

Total: $35.000

We are an experienced team located in Geneva and across the globe managing Accelerate2030 since 2016: <https://accelerate2030.net/team/>

While we are new to the community we are already in contact with Cardano Foundation and various catalyst communities such as Cardano4Climate, SustainableADA and the Catalyst school. We are looking forward to further collaboration with like minded people and communities. We are also aware of projects such as Cardashift which could have synergies with our startup community.

Ljupka Mitrinovska

Co-founder and Global Program Manager of Accelerate2030, Impact Hub Geneva

Inspired by the great potential of entrepreneurs, Ljupka has dedicated 10+ years in the area of innovation and start-up support. Since 2016 she has been working at Impact Hub Geneva, involved in building and managing Accelerate2030. Prior to Accelerate2030, Ljupka has worked in different organizations in the NGO, public and private sector across Europe. She holds an MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from University of Manchester.

Alexandra 'Santu' Boëthius

Co-founder of Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne and Strategic Lead of Accelerate2030

Santu Boethius is the co-founder of Impact Hub Geneva and Impact Hub Lausanne, part of the leading community of social innovation and entrepreneurship in Switzerland and across the world. She initiated Accelerate2030 in 2016 with her team and partners, and is driving the strategic development of the program. She has spoken at various fora such as the UN General Assembly, and the World Investment Forum and holds an MSc in political science from the London School of Economics.

Emily Skovran

Impact Management & Program Development Coordinator at Accelerate2030, Impact Hub Geneva Emily has been working with the Accelerate2030 Global team at Impact Hub Geneva since 2019. Her work focuses on impact measurement, project management, program coordination, partnerships for the SDGs, and wellbeing. Prior to Accelerate2030, Emily worked in non-profit and educational settings in Singapore, Thailand, Switzerland, and the United States. Emily holds a master’s degree in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Mala Henriques

Global Program Coordinator at Accelerate2030, based in Medellin, Colombia

Mala brings people, ideas and resources together to develop innovative, creative projects that tackle local and global inequalities to foster social justice. Originally from London, Mala has lived in Medellin, Colombia since 2013 where I have grown a powerful professional network through starting her own business and community, joining other local and international communities as well as attending and hosting a variety of events. Since joining Impact Hub in 2018, Mala has co-created, fundraised for and delivered several entrepreneurship support programs nationally and internationally, and has personally mentored and coached more than 20 impact entrepreneurs helping them reach their potential. Mala specializes in impact measurement, project management and program design, she is also an active member of Global Shapers Medellin.

Adaeze Nwadike

Communications Lead at Accelerate2030, based in Lagos, Nigeria

Adaeze Nwadike is a Digital Strategist from Lagos Nigeria who specialize in helping organizations develop and execute innovative digital marketing strategy. She discovered her passion for women’s empowerment at a young age, and is the founder of Airen Foundation, a non profit organization dedicated to creating holistic solutions to issues Nigerian women face, starting with maternal and infant mortality. She has a degree in Economics from Calvin University, Michigan.

The Accelerate2030 team has extensive experience in impact management, having managed complex logframes with partners in development agencies, and a dedicated impact management team.

At project inception, we will set up an M&E plan to track the progress based on the project plan and KPIs outlined here:

  • of companies surveyed to understand their needs for Cardano-based solutions
  • # of companies introduced to blockchain and Cardano
  • # of companies joining Project Catalyst community
  • # of companies identifying opportunities to integrate Cardano in their business
  • # of companies applying for Project Catalyst Funding
  • # of audience reached in a communications campaign

A successful project for us would be one where we can get a significant number of responses from the initial survey in order to build a learning and integration experience for companies that is highly relevant to their needs. In an ideal scenario we will be able to educate a significant number of entrepreneurs and have a significant group take their first steps in integrating Cardano in their businesses.




  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa