Please describe your proposed solution.
A Cardano based hotel guest loyalty management system can enhance the efficiency, security, and transparency of loyalty programs. Traditional loyalty programs often face challenges such as fraud, lack of transparency, and limited interoperability. Cardano Blockchain can address these issues by providing a decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger.
There is a Prototype already built on Cardano blockchain called Cloud10 Loyalty Management System (LMS).
Project: Cloud10 Loyalty Management System (LMS)
Project Ownership: Cloud10 Hospitality Pvt Ltd
Repository: <>
- Cloud10 Loyalty Management System (LMS) is a platform to help hotel businesses to integrate, implement and manage their loyalty programs. It provides a centralized platform for tracking customer interactions, managing rewards and incentives, and analysing customer behaviours and preferences.
- The system is designed as a pluggable module for Channels or Booking Engines of the hospitality domain.
- This will encourage hotel guest to book same property or same brand property and increase return customers for hotel business.
- The rewards include a discount offer on room rates, food and beverage coupons, and many more. A reward program can have a point-based system, where the guests can redeem points as per the policy.
Key Functionalities:
Customer Backend:
- A decentralized customer backend on the Cardano blockchain can provide a secure and transparent way to store customer information, including their purchase history, loyalty program status.
- Transaction records can be stored on the blockchain to maintain an immutable history of each customer's purchases, enabling retailers to provide personalized offers and recommendations based on their purchase history.
- The use of smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain can enable retailers to implement loyalty programs that can automatically reward customers based on their purchases and other predetermined criteria.
- With Cardano's high level of security, customers can be assured that their personal data is protected and cannot be tampered with or hacked.
- Overall, a decentralized customer backend on the Cardano blockchain can offer numerous benefits for retailers and customers, including increased transparency, security, and personalized experiences.
Rewards management: A module for managing rewards and incentives, such as points, discounts, free products, or exclusive offers.
Customer Engagement: Tools for engaging customers, such as targeted messaging, personalized recommendations, and social media integrations.
Analytics and reporting: A dashboard that provides insights into customer behaviour, program performance, and ROI.
Administration and security: Tools for managing program rules, settings, and access levels, as well as ensuring compliance with data protection.
A High Level Technical Design of implementation(the LMS Prototype)
Plan Forward:
Industry Feedback: Moving forward, with the prototype in its final stages and most functionalities in place, the next crucial step is to bring it to market and gather valuable industry feedback. Based on this feedback, there may be necessary adjustments and enhancements required in certain functionalities.
Adapt: Anticipating that variations may arise in the implementation of the point/reward system, as different hotel groups have diverse perspectives and unique approaches, we are prepared to tailor our system to accommodate these variations.
Partnerships: Our strategic business development plan places a strong emphasis on cultivating industry partnerships and seamless integration. To achieve this, we will focus on expanding our suite of APIs and adaptors, ensuring compatibility with a wide array of heterogeneous systems prevalent in the hospitality sector.
Incentives: Recognizing the importance of user adoption in the initial stages, we acknowledge the need to provide support to hotel clients by offering subsidized points and rewards for users. This strategic approach is pivotal in jumpstarting the adoption process and ensuring a smooth takeoff for our platform.
We have identified Pilot Clients
- Hotel Trimoorti Kolkata, India
- TBK Villas, Goa
- Ewan Ajman Suites Hotel , UAE
As we work with many other industry clients, getting more pilot or beta hotels is relatively easy task.