vote pending
Cardano NFT platform for DIY musicians - creating decentralized rock'n'roll future!
Current Project Status
vote pending



The alternative music scene struggles with limited financial resources, low visibility, few avenues for meaningful fan interaction, leaving artists dependent on outdated, centralized industry modelsthumbnail-f23030.png

Cardano NFT platform for DIY musicians - creating decentralized rock'n'roll future!

Please describe your proposed solution

There is no one that shares more of the same values than the alternative, independent, “Do it yourself (DIY)” music scene does with the Cardano community. Both have a strong sense of anti-authoriatism, decentralization, individual empowerment, social justice, community and cooperation - for the people by the people - without intermediaries. We are not here to disrupt the music industry - we are here to support the "smaller" artists, bring new transactions and continue to cherish the values.

We see independent musicians struggling:

  • with financial barriers, unreliable revenue streams, and limited direct support from their fanbase due to centralized industry models - they have problems recording, touring, buying equipment, signing labels;
  • with lack of meaningful engagement between DIY artists and fans where existing tools for interaction and crowdfunding are limited, failing to build long-term, sustainable relationships, despite community value grassroots support.

Our approach is conduct research and then to to create a platform with comprehensive set of tools to support musicians financially and creatively, including:

  • Microfinancing options that enable artists to receive support from their fanbase, without reliance on industry gatekeepers.
  • A decentralized NFT marketplace where musicians can mint and sell unique content, including albums, rehearsal recordings, live performances, and exclusive digital merchandise.
  • Crowdfunding and promotional campaigns that let fans invest in their favorite artists by purchasing NFTs or tokens, giving them access to exclusive content and decision-making rights, such as voting on tour locations, venues, and setlists

Objectives for this project:

  • Conduct market research to understand the needs of unrecognized and DIY musicians and artists, identifying gaps where blockchain can offer solutions.
  • Consult industry professionals, legal experts and coding experts to gather insights, shaping the platform’s development for sustainability and scalability.
  • Develop a detailed white paper outlining the platform’s vision, technical structure, and roadmap, to attract investors, partners, and early adopters.

We will engage both independent artists and their fans, uniting those who believe in creativity, self-empowerment, and the power of decentralized technology. This solution uniquely combines blockchain with the alternative music movement, constantly bringing new artists, fans and users to Cardano, aligned with its values of decentralization and individual empowerment. The solution is targeted towards alternative music circles, but is scalable to bigger audiences.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The project will have a solid positive impact on the Cardano community by constantly attracting new users who share its core values of decentralization, empowerment, and community support. By creating a platform where independent musicians can sell their work as NFTs and directly engage with their fans, we’re not just supporting artists - we’re bringing their fans into the Cardano ecosystem as active participants. Our impact will also be strongly seen in innovative decentralized solutions for the outdated music support models.

Our impact will be measured through metrics like:

  • NFT mints and sales → increased financial stability for artists through NFT sales, enabling sustainable careers.
  • Transactions on Cardano blockchain → new users buy, mint or sell content, bringing liquidity to Cardano ecosystem
  • Number of artists contributing → empowerment of artists to self-manage and promote their work, leading to greater artistic autonomy.
  • Number of platform users → growth of a decentralized community of artists and fans, creating stronger direct relationships and interactions.
  • Funds raised for artists’ goals → artists achieve their creative and professional milestones through direct support from their community.
  • Increased artist visibility → artists gain wider recognition, leading to enhanced career opportunities and broader fan bases.
  • Engagement within the community (blockchain and art/music) → creation of an interconnected blockchain-based art and music ecosystem that drives innovation and collaboration.
  • Number of transactions on Cardano → increased liquidity of Cardano (ADA) in decentralized markets, making it easier for users to transact and trade NFTs, fostering a more efficient and fluid ecosystem.

We’ll spread the word about our achievements through project reports, social media, forums, and collaborations with key stakeholders in both the Cardano and music worlds. We will use specialized media for coding, blockchain and music, which will give us an opportunity to reach unique visibility and reach with our unprecedented approach. The alternative music scene will also give us an opportunity to get much valued word of mouth, characteristic to the community.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team is uniquely qualified to deliver this project, combining expertise in music, blockchain technology, and project management. All of us come from the underground DIY community and share the common values of anti-autoriatism, decentralization, community engagement and social impact.

We have proven track records in successfully managing complex, community-driven and international projects, band tours and art exhibitions. Our experience ranges from developing socially impactful platforms/initiatives, impact measurement methods and social enterprises, leading blockchain workshops to organizing festivals and crowdfunding campaigns, music promotion and art.

To ensure high levels of trust and transparency, we will manage funds through clear and well-documented processes. We will implement milestone-based funding, releasing resources only when specific goals are met and verified.

We will validate our approach through detailed market research, consultations with key stakeholders, and technical feasibility studies. These steps will help refine our platform's design and brand, ensuring it aligns with the needs of independent musicians and the broader community. Our white paper will provide a detailed roadmap, outlining clear technical and business models, with feedback incorporated from all key stakeholders to ensure that our platform is not only feasible but sustainable long-term.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Research report

A. Milestone output - a comprehensive research report that summarizes consultations with musicians, promoters, studios, and other key stakeholders, identifying specific needs, challenges, and platform requirements. This report will include detailed feedback on technical needs, desired features, and potential adoption barriers.

B. Acceptance criteria (KPIs):

  • conducted interviews or focus groups with at least 50 musicians and other key stakeholders (e.g., promoters, studios, legal experts, blockchain developers).
  • collected at least 100 qualitative and quantitative data points on unmet needs, platform requirements, and challenges.
  • ensured that stakeholders come from at least 10 different roles in the music industry to get a broad range of perspectives.
  • archieved 100% documentation rate for all consultations, including meeting minutes, key insights, and action items.
  • 1 research report

C. Evidence of completion:

  • A comprehensive research report summarizing the feedback from all consultations, including a detailed assessment of identified challenges, opportunities, and the most critical features that the platform should implement.
  • A list of participants, focus group/interview summaries, and aggregated insights will be included as annexes to the report.

Milestone 2: Legal and technical consultation report

A. Milestone output: Conduct in-depth legal consultation report to address regulatory compliance surrounding crowdfunding, NFTs, and intellectual property rights. Additionally, perform technical assessments of the platform’s architecture to ensure scalability, security, and integration with Cardano blockchain technology. The consultations will focus on identifying potential legal and technical risks, along with solutions for ensuring platform sustainability and compliance.

B. Acceptance criteria (KPIs):

  • at least 3 in-depth legal consultations conducted with experts specializing in blockchain, intellectual property, and crowdfunding regulations.
  • at least 2 technical consultation sessions conducted, focused on platform architecture and integration with Cardano.
  • Identified and documented at least 5 key legal and technical risks related to platform compliance and architecture.
  • detailed mitigation strategies created for 100% of identified risks, covering regulatory, technical, and financial aspects.
  • 1 Legal and technical consultation report

C. Evidence of completion:

  • Meeting minutes or reports from consultations with legal experts, including documentation of identified risks and proposed mitigation strategies.
  • A feasibility study report outlining the technical architecture, key components, and the platform’s capacity for scalability and sustainability.
  • A summary of technical consultation with blockchain developers and architects to confirm the platform’s readiness for development.

Milestone 3: White paper

A. Milestone output: Develop a comprehensive white paper that provides a detailed explanation of the platform’s architecture, user journey, business model, market positioning, and technical roadmap. The white paper will serve as the foundation for further project development, partnership outreach, and investor engagement.

B. Acceptance criteria (KPIs):

  • The final white paper completed within 12 months of Phase 1 initiation.
  • collected and incorporated feedback from at least 50 key stakeholders (e.g., musicians, blockchain developers, legal advisors, financial experts).
  • At least 2 review rounds conducted to refine the white paper based on stakeholder insights and market analysis.

C. Evidence of completion:

  • Submission of the finalized white paper that includes detailed sections on the problem statement, solution overview, platform design, business model, financial projections, and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Documentation of feedback gathered from stakeholders and the changes implemented in the white paper based on their input

Final Milestone: A. Milestone output: Produce a comprehensive final report and an accompanying video that summarizes the entire research process, stakeholder engagement, consultation phases, and white paper development. The report will outline key findings, project achievements, lessons learned, and the next steps for platform development. The video will serve as both a project summary and a promotional tool, highlighting the platform’s vision and future goals to engage the community and potential partners.

B. Acceptance criteria (KPIs):

  • detailed final report that covers all project milestones, achievements, and future recommendations within 1 month after Phase 1 completion.
  • a high-quality video created of at least 3 minutes in length summarizing the project's vision, impact, and roadmap.
  • Distribution of the report and video to at least 100 stakeholders, including potential partners and the wider community.

C. Evidence of completion:

  • Submission of the final project report and video, including documentation of the research and development process, key findings, and future plans.
  • Proof of distribution to key stakeholders, such as meeting minutes or emails confirming receipt, alongside evidence of public dissemination (e.g., sharing via social media, newsletters, or community channels).

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Branimir Radaković - Project manager & technical writer

Will oversee the project’s execution and technical content development, as well as consultation with stakeholders around technical issues, legality, regulation and intellectual property.

Project manager with expertise in crowdfunding and blockchain, with experience including training 200+ teams in digital finance and alternative funding, organizing blockchain workshops, and supporting tech-driven projects. He will also lead stakeholder engagement, ensuring seamless collaboration with industry experts and the Cardano community.

LinkedIn: <>

Robin Hellman - Technical lead, solution builder

He brings solution-oriented thinking from his engineering background, combining in-depth knowledge from his Master of Science in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University with the practical skills of a product owner. He thrives on working with all sized teams to solve complex problems, particularly through novel techniques that offer fresh solutions to both new and old challenges. As Associate Director of SmartPlaces, Robin gained experience in the Cardano ecosystem, overseeing large-scale blockchain projects such as the “Non-Fungible Animals - NFA” NFT campaign for WWF Germany, and DeFi initiatives like OneRing. His expertise spans across various fields including ESG and sustainability, Web3 and blockchain, artificial intelligence, and marketing innovation. He is passionate about sustainable business, a core topic of his work. Robin’s blend of engineering knowledge, project management experience, and enthusiasm for creating positive change makes him a versatile and impactful leader in the Web3 and innovation space.

LinkedIn: <>

Ivana Miljkovic - Creative lead &amp; community engagement

Ivana will lead community engagement, gathering insights from artists, fans, industry professionals, promoters and studios, to shape the platform’s development.

With 15 years of experience as a digital artist and musician, her background includes 3 LPs, 2 soundtracks, 3 EPs, and 10 albums as a session musician, alongside founding a visual design studio called Ledolomci. Ivana’s creative vision and deep ties to the music community make her perfect for guiding user experience and platform design.


Teodor Petričević - Impact strategist &amp; lead white paper author

He will guide the strategic development of the platform and lead the creation of the white paper, highlighting the platform’s vision and impact, as well as a competitive analysis to identify gaps in existing platforms, helping define our Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and Unique Selling Point (USP).

Teo’s history of launching social enterprises and organizing music events gives him unique insight into the needs of unrecognized artists and their alignment with Cardano’s values. Teo brings over 20 years of experience in social innovation and blockchain, combined with a deep connection to the independent music scene.

LinkedIn: <>

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources


No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

Our project is about more than just a platform or a research - it’s an existing movement of independently spirited musicians and fans which unites with Cardano’s values on blockchain. We are bringing new transactions and liquidity, while giving artists the power to thrive without gatekeepers. They will fund their dreams through the direct support of their fans, and turn their creativity into real, tangible value on the blockchain. By investing in this project, the Cardano community is doing more than supporting technology; it's championing the ethos of decentralization, individual empowerment, and grassroots cooperation.

Every ADA we put into this project strengthens Cardano’s role as a force for real-world change, inviting like-minded creators and their supporters into the ecosystem. The immediate impact is clear: more artists and fans engaging with Cardano, more transactions fueling the network, and a vibrant community growing around shared principles. This isn’t just value for money; it’s value for the soul of the ecosystem - proving that Cardano is not just a blockchain, but a catalyst for empowering people to shape their own futures. Together, we’re building a decentralized, creative brand that creates immediate impact.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa