not approved
Cardano Multilingual Education Online Comic Book
Current Project Status

Online comic book can make a great weapon for mass adoption. With that in mind, this project focused on educational content that is fun to read, easy to understand and safe for young age.


Cardano increased brand awareness, quality of community, and mass adoption. The proposer intend to use online comic book as a media that never been used before.

Universe of Cardano

Impact Alignment
Value for money


2 members

Cardano Multilingual Education Online Comic Book

Please describe your proposed solution.

Cryptocurrencies still don’t have a good reputation especially in Indonesia and Cardano needs a new generation for blockchain adoption in Cardano. By this, we meant to change people's perspective towards Cryptocurrencies especially Cardano by publishing a comic to introduce them to Cardano’s ecosystem. Since online comics are popular between high-schoolers, college students and young workers, we believe this method will gain more educated people in Cardano Blockchain.

Reading an online comic is an interesting way to learn about new things. The main reason why people are not interested in the first place might be because they didn’t have a safe place to be informed. Therefore, by publishing this comic, we will create a safe way to gain an understanding about Cardano and minimize the risk of being scammed or robbed in the process of learning.

Based on (Literacy Rate by Age Group) more than 90% of the younger generation is literate. With this data, we can say that comics are still a relevant way to reach the young generations. Other than that, to support the diversity that exist, the proposer will include three different languages such as English, Bahasa and Mandarin. We believe the availability of different languages will grant more viewers, brand awareness and more audience from different parts of the world.

To verify the safety of words chosen for the comic, we will cooperate with some critical reviewers before publishing. Who we meant by critical reviewers are passionate comic readers, professional artists and others. This step will be done to avoid any violation towards the platform’s policy and also to protect Cardano's brand.

Webtoon Analytics | Manganato Analytics | Mangadex Analytics

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.

This project will be a benefit for the Cardano Community. Firstly, for common people, they will know much better about Cryptocurrency in Cardano Blockchain and gain more information about how to store their Cardano safely. Secondly, for people that have known Crypto, they will be a potential active user that does decentralized finance (DeFi) in Cardano Ecosystem. Third, there will be a new influx of newcomers from readers that might have curiosity about Cardano blockchain. Thus, Cardano will receive a new brand awareness from a new market segment that hasn't been touched by other Cryptocurrency.

Aside from that, this project isn't just a regular comic. We will use NFTs for the characters such as SpaceBudz, Summit's NFT Ticket, etc. Moreover, there will be episodes where the main character needs to do business by swapping her tokens with Cardano. In this way, we will also promote Cardano's dApps indirectly and in a unique way that no one has done before.

By publishing this project, we are sure people will be interested in finding out when they heard that Cardano Community has released a comic. It will also increase Cardano's popularity between teenagers and young adults since this comic is for all ages. Hence, the community will have new potential young active user in Cardano to keep the community going on.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Deborah Santoso ( (

  • Cardano Summit 2023 Jakarta Volunteer
  • Third Semester Student in Widya Mandala with Current 3.9 GPA
  • 2 Years experience in Designing for Marketing in FnB Business
  • Attendees in Cardano Hub Surabaya since july
  • Accountant in FnB Business and Cardano Blockchain
  • Events Coordinator in Accounting Major in Widya Mandala University

Caliburn (<>)

One of the team in funded proposal in Fund 10 Cardano Workshop Jakarta dan Cardano Hub Surabaya.

  • Organizer for Cardano Summit 2022 Jakarta and co-host for Cardano Summit 2023 Jakarta
  • Cryptocurrency Enthusiast since 2016
  • Twitter Space speakers to update Cardano to Indonesian Community
  • Collaboration Speakers about Cardano with several well known companies such as Triv, Ajaib (Indonesian Exchange).
  • Speakers in Cardano Online Workshop.
  • Cardano Surabaya and Jakarta Offline Meetup Host and Co-Host
  • Core Team of Cardano Indonesia Community
  • Twitter Influencer
  • Well known in Indonesia Crypto Community
  • NFT and Token Expert in Cardano and Other Blockchains.

Veronica Singajaya (<>)

  • University Student majoring in Visual Communication Design (Petra Christian University)
  • Very passionate in Illustration
  • Joined severals design competition such as “Silver Queen” design competition, “Emina” fashion illustration, “UBS” gold bar challenge, Ultigraph International Character Design Competition, etc
  • Head committee of Bharatika Creative Design Festival 2024
  • Current GPA 3.63/4.00
  • Recipient of “Petra Prestasi Excellent” scholarship awardee.


  • Volunteer for Cardano Summit 2022 and 2023 Jakarta
  • Cardano Hub Surabaya attendee
  • Fresh Graduate majoring Chinese Literature in Widya Kartika University
  • 790 TOEFL Score in July 2023
  • FnB Business Social Media Planner

Our team main goals:

  1. Onboard newcomers to Cardano Blockchain, specifically for high school, college, university students and working people.
  2. Drawings that are easy to understand and detailed for the readers to understand the educational contents.
  3. Safety of our drawings and the choice of words
  4. Focused on keeping the fun aspect in the comic
  5. Increase cardano blockchain brand awareness

Our team key metrics:

  1. Finish drawing and coloring of 15 Episode of online comic books
  2. Finish multilingual translation of 15 Episode in English, Indonesian, and Chinese
  3. Input 8 educational materials about Cardano into online comic books
  4. Increase telegram Cardano Indonesia Members from 900 to 1100
  5. Views of our comics reach 5000 in total on several website
  6. Numbers of our new twitter reach 300 followers
  7. Numbers of reach in twitter reach 5000 views per 30 days

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

March 2024:

  • Create social media for this projects
  • Delegate several task to team members for day to day operations
  • Connect and promote the comic in university groups
  • Content creation plan for Social Media
  • Create sketch for the characters in the comic
  • Create plan and topic for the online comic book
  • Contacting all website for publishing the comic
  • Create survey about comics books and genre
  • Analyze survey and web data for storyline
  • Engage with communities through our twitter account
  • Print and Design Brochure
  • Search reviewer with credibility for our online comic reviewers

>April 2024:

  • Sketch, Coloring & Finishing 4 Episode of the Comic
  • Translate 4 Episode of the Comic
  • Review and examine panels quality in drawing
  • Verify the safety of word in 4 Episode
  • Plan social media marketing
  • Brochure promotion in university
  • Twitter promotion in form of teaser and engage with communities

>May 2024:

  • Publish Episode 1-4 of the Online Comic in 1 Website
  • Sketch, Coloring & Finishing Episode 5-7 of the Online Comic
  • Translate & verify the safety of word in Episode 5-7
  • Gathering feedback from viewers in google form and comment
  • Promotion in Manga forum
  • Analyze data from reviewers

>June 2024:

  • Publish Episode 5-7 of the online comics
  • Sketch, Coloring & Finish Episode 8-10 of the Online Comic
  • Translate & verify the safety of word in Episode 8-10
  • Review and correct the comic
  • Research and Create quiz

>July 2024:

  • Publish Episode 8-10 of the online comics
  • Sketch, Coloring & Finish Episode 11-15 of the Online Comic
  • Translate & verify the safety of word in Episode 11-15 of the online comic
  • Publish the quiz for viewers
  • Post our project in Cardano Forum
  • Publish our comic in another website
  • Review and correct the comic
  • Analyze the viewers data in form of google sheet

>August 2024:

  • Make close out report
  • Evaluation of the comics books through google form (questionnaire)
  • Meeting to decide next course of action
  • Finalize the data in form of google sheets contain of reviewers and viewers feedback

All Milestones:

  • Finish drawing and coloring of 15 Episode of online comic books
  • Finish multilingual translation of 15 Episode in English, Indonesian, and Chinese
  • Input 8 educational materials about Cardano into online comic books
  • Increase telegram Cardano Indonesia Members from 900 to 1100
  • Views of our comics reach 5000 in total on several website
  • Numbers of our new twitter reach 300 followers
  • Numbers of reach in twitter reach 5000 views per 30 days

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

  1. Deborah Santoso (
  2. Coordinating team meetings
  3. Preparing the needs of marketing materials
  4. Finding the right outsource person to review the online comic book
  5. Create main-characters and sub-main characters
  6. Research and publish comics to Webtoon and several websites
  7. Gathering feedbacks from viewers
  8. Verifying storyline
  9. Caliburn (
  10. Create storyline for the online comic books
  11. Create educational materials topics about Cardano
  12. Researching and Gathering feedbacks data about our projects
  13. Review storyline into drawing
  14. Create topic of engagement for social media
  15. Create marketing plan for online promotion
  16. Veronica Singajaya (
  17. Create ideas from storyline and implement it into drawings
  18. Sketching the background and the side characters.
  19. Analyze colors that needed in the drawings.
  20. Detailing of all episode in the online comic books
  21. Verifying storyline
  22. Nessie
  23. Pick the right words to put into the online comic books
  24. Translating all online comic books into Chinese, Indonesian, and English
  25. Create topic of engagement in social media
  26. Join and engage in manga forum communities
  27. Post several teasers to increase engagement
  28. Verifying the safety of words

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Fixed Cost -4,488

  • Print 15 Episode x ₳1.2 x 30 Pcs = ₳540
  • Soft Cover 30 Pcs x ₳3 = ₳90
  • Trello Subscription ₳35 x 6 months = ₳210
  • Marketing Material
  • Brochure printing 1000 pcs = ₳150
  • Volunteer to give out brochure in university = ₳50 x 3 months = ₳150
  • Online Promotion ₳150 x 6 month = ₳900
  • Research
  • Storyline research
  • Create survey for Storyline ₳250
  • Analyze data for Storyline ₳250
  • Cardano topic research ₳250
  • Feedback Giveaways ₳20 x 3 person x 3 months = ₳180
  • Quiz Giveaways ₳15 x 5 winners x 2 times = ₳150
  • Outsource Reviewer
  • Word and Language Reviewer - ₳12 x 3 Reviewer x 15 Episode = ₳540
  • Canvas and Story Reviewer - ₳12 x 3 Reviewer x 15 Episode = ₳540
  • Cardano Topic Reviewer - ₳12 x 3 Reviewer x 8 Episode = ₳288

Reportings and Meetings -4,700

  • Monthly report = ₳100 x 6 months = ₳600
  • Onboarding meeting + Proof of Life (PoL) = ₳100 x 2 meetings = ₳200
  • Statement of Milestones (SoM) = ₳100/hours x 6 hours = ₳600
  • Creating Proof of Achievement (incl. meeting, proof-of-work, recap, etc.) = ₳200/PoA x 3 PoA = ₳600
  • Monthly Catalyst Coordinator meeting = ₳100/meeting x 6 meetings = ₳600
  • Create close-out report & close out report video = ₳100/hours x 6 hours = ₳600
  • Internal meeting = 25 ADA/person/meeting x 5 persons x 2 meetings/months x 6 months = ₳1,500

Working Hours -14,825

  • Project Manager - ₳4,535

  • Create Storyline ₳25 x 3 hours/Episodes x 15 Episodes = ₳1,125

  • Educational Material about Cardano ₳70 x 8 Episode = ₳560

  • Publish comic to websites ₳125 x 4 Websites = ₳600

  • Verifying safety of words (English), storyline & educational materials ₳12 x 5 person x 15 Episodes = ₳900

  • Post and create recap to Cardano Forum ₳40 x 15 Episodes = ₳600

  • Search and analyze reviewer ₳100 x 3 kind of reviewer = ₳300

  • Create quiz materials ₳150

  • Gathering Feedbacks ₳100 x 3 months = ₳300

  • Comic Artist - ₳5,850

  • Storyline to Pictures ₳70 x 15 Episode = ₳1,050

  • Sketching Panel ₳70 x 15 Episode = ₳1,050

  • Line Art ₳70 x 15 Episode = ₳1,050

  • Base Color ₳70 x 15 Episode = ₳1,050

  • Detailing ₳70 x 15 Episode = ₳1,050

  • Bonus to Finish 15 Episode = ₳600

  • Social Media Manager ₳2,040

  • Create topic ₳70 x 6 months = ₳420

  • Posting and engage to reader through our social media ₳70 x 6 months = ₳420

  • Create and edit promotional materials ₳100 x 6 months = ₳600

  • Post, engage and create topic of interest in manga forums ₳100 x 6 months = ₳600

  • Translator ₳80 x 15 Episodes x 2 Languages = ₳2,400

Total = ₳4,488 (Fixed Cost) + ₳4,700 (Reports) + ₳14,825 (Working Hours)

Total = ₳24,013

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

This project represents superb value for money. Firstly, most of the budget goes to manpower and it's very detailed of how this project handles the budget.

Making comics books are great for penetration to achieve mass adoption, since online comic books are easy to understand yet will unconsciously give readers understanding more about Cardano Ecosystem. Most people don’t understand English very well. Reading and knowing Cardano in their own language will make it easier for mass adoption.

Most of our target readers will be from the younger generation that will use blockchain even more. The earlier the better for them to become acquainted with Cardano blockchain.

Secondly, there aren’t many educational comics books out there. To be the first in this race of brand awareness will give Cardano a leap and stronger position in brand. Specifically our project online comic books are created by Students that have a lot of creativity and insight about their school and university life.

Thirdly, safety is one of the project motto. So this project will always be peer-reviewed by communities that are relevant to our projects. The reviewer consists of several people such as Cardano Enthusiast, students and artists. With these reviews, the proposer believes we can achieve higher level content for onboarding newcomers to the Cardano ecosystem.

  1. Introductions Educational Material: Consist on how to use Cardano Blockchain
  2. Brand Awareness: To Alleviate negative perspective about cryptocurrency and Cardano
  3. Fun Learning: Explain in drawings material and have a story that interests young people.
  4. Increased Adoption: Attracts new people to use Cardano Blockchain.
  5. Community Engagement: Keep on engaging with the comic community.
  6. Safety: Would be safe for students, and the information about cardano must be correct.

Prologue-1-ec0bbb.png Prologue-2-d9fd3e.png Prologue-3-f4255a.png



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa