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This project will create infographics and educational materials to explain the Cardano Constitutional Committee Credential Manager software, which allows groups to collaborate as a Constitutional Committee member. This will include explanations of:
- Credential Manager Tooling
- Various roles enforced by smart contracts within the hierarchy
- An explanation of how each role differs and what they are responsible for
- How to create Certificate Authority and Certificate Signing Requests using credentials
- Minting of cold credential NFT
- How the tool can be used by an individual (as opposed to a group) to make their CC keys more secure
- How to create an Update Committee governance action to be a candidate for the Constitutional Committee
The project will also include six (6) live workshops held in the ABLE Discord Server for review and group discussion on the Guardrail Scripts. These workshops will follow a similar format to the previous community workshops that were essential for teaching Cardano users how to engage with SanchoNet and were even attended by Input-Output Engineers such as Sam Leathers.