Please describe your proposed solution
From the birth of cryptocurrency in 2008 till somewhere in 2018, the field had been male dominated. Until 2017, females have had limited knowledge and have shown little interest.
According to an article by, there is a serge in the involvement of females in blockchain currently, with a rise in percentage to 37% in 2017 from 8.5% in 2008. With this increase being a positive news, majority of these females are from the Asian continent, with just a hand-full coming from Africa.
Also, people with disability till now, have had a major challenge in achieving financial stability, which contributes to them falling pray to various forms of maltreatment and social setback, leading to self pity, streetism and economic dependency.
In Ghana for instance, many people are of the notion that, until you have achieved higher education and exposure, your chances of attaining financial stability is very low. Even though Ghana has come a long way to ensure that many of its citizens have access to secondary education, the approach is still lacking the ability to provide financial stability to its citizens. Females, who in most home, have a lower probability of furthering their education to the tertiary level, usually find it very hard to sustain themself financially, unless through marriage, which is usually not something they are ready for as at the time. People with disability also are usually neglected by friends and family, without any form of help. They end up on the streets, begging to be able to make ends meat.
This project largely involves females and people with disability who have little access to financial support. We seek to mobilize these individuals through a series of workshop to educate them on financial literacy, and to introduce them to the Cardano Ecosystem.
We aim to get these people through community engagement and house visitation, then mobilize them for the workshop.