Please describe your proposed solution
There is a growing number of heavily engaged Cardano community members which not only support a large number of individuals and groups & projects who are building on Cardano, but who also look and care most of the Cardano ecosystem as whole. These folks usually wear many hats, such as Ambassadors, Mentors, Proposal reviewers, CIP editors, Stake Pool Operators and so on.. I call these folks Agents.. The problem is that these folks which are around the most, usually have a hard time to sustain themself and to operate within a supporting and effective framework which recognises and ensures the overall care-taking of these Agents.
With this proposal, I want to start an initiative to research and analyse this new emerging Role and to formalise and structure findings into an initial framework as well as a roadmap towards a full Ecosystem Agent Framework implementation. In addition, I will look at other Blockchain ecosystems to identify if there are already solutions to the same issue elsewhere and if so, to figure what can be adapted & adopted to avoid unnecessary duplications of efforts and misallocation of resources.
I will do this research on my own and will most likely run a bunch of meetings with relevant individuals, groups and entities to gather their insights, perspectives, ideas and needs on the topic. Any findings will be translated into publicly shared documents and additional content like online whiteboards or videos.
One important aspect of this efforts is not only the creation of a initial roadmap & framework, but also to start a wider conversation by raising awareness, stressing the importance and relevance and introducing previous, present and future