not approved
Cardano Alert: get notified on blockchain transactions matching your search criteria
Current Project Status

Users may subscribe to this service which watches the blockchain for pre-set criteria to be met. In case of a match the user is immediately notified of new transactions, e.g. by email.


Blockchain transactions not only transfer funds but also carry information. Currently, transaction receivers are not automatically notified; they have to explicitly search for this information.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


1 member

Cardano Alert: get notified on blockchain transactions matching your search criteria

Please describe your proposed solution

The goal is to enable individuals and businesses operating on Cardano to receive notifications when transactions in their favour happen, e.g. to a specific address.

The new service will allow a user to subscribe to a defined blockchain search. An agent will be launched which continuously searches the blockchain and new blocks for matches to the user's search criteria.

If the agent finds matches to the search, then it will communicate these results to the user.

At first only email will be implemented as communication channel. At a later stage a number of additional communication channels can be implemented, e.g. bots on chat systems. For business users such notifications can be delivered through defined interfaces like webhooks, Kafka streams or message bus connections.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Enhanced versatility: this project allows to couple business processes with on-chain transactions and smart contracts. A myriad of new use cases open up. I envisage that this will lead to higher transaction volume.

Improved user experience (UX): users receive immediate notifications when transactions in their favour happen.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

I have working experience with Cardano since its mainnet launch in 2017. I have been working with IOHK (later IOG) from 2018 until 2023 on the node and on commercial blockchain solutions.

I team up with Blockchain Data Analytics (BCA) who has delivered a number of solutions to the Cardano community.

The feasibility of such a messaging of blockchain events has been demonstrated internally by me in IOHK two years ago. I am very confident that I will be able to source more professionals from the BCA team, from data engineering to UX design, for delivering the proposed solution within the set timeframe.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: M1: design and architecture, and specifications

duration: 1 month

goal: design and architecture, and complete specification of implementations

output: publish documentation in Github repository

acceptance criteria:

  • Github repository contains documentation of design & architecture

Milestone 2: M2: search agent implementation

duration: 2 months

goal: implement search agent, implement email messaging

output: implementation in Github repository, documentation of test runs

acceptance criteria:

  • code committed to Github repository
  • document and demonstrate successful test runs

Milestone 3: M3: user interface, documentation, web app

duration: 2 months

goal: implement user interface

output: implementation in Github repository, working web app

acceptance criteria:

  • accessible web app

Final Milestone: M4: finalise and integrate project, documentation, presentations & user feedback

duration: 1 month

goal: present the solution to various Cardano community members and engage in collaborations and receive user feedback

output: documentation and presentation material in Github repository

acceptance criteria:

  • Github repository contains documentation and presentation material
  • web app as MVP accessible over the Internet to the public

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Alexander Diemand,

my role: initiating the project and leading the development to ensure delivery on every milestone.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

M1: $8000

M2: 2 x ($4000 + $4000 data engineer)

M3: 2 x ($4000 + $4000 UX designer)

M4: $8000 + $2000 travel costs

cloud infrastructure costs: $9000 (6 months at $1500 at month)

sum: $59,000

(1 ADA ~ $0.40 => 147000 ADA)

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The developed MVP is open to the public and demonstrates the idea of hooking up blockchain transactions as events to business processes. I see a number of use cases where this can be applied. The project's MVP allows the immediate registration of search terms and so an integration into a bigger project is possible within minutes. I envisage that this MVP will help succeed other projects on Cardano.



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