The proposed solution is a first step in developing a supply-chain that incentivizes independent landowners and community organizations to cultivate industrial hemp on land contaminated by toxic waste and heavy metals pollution. The hemp plant can survive and thrive while absorbing extremely high levels of toxins and pollutants. Although the plants grown for this purpose are technically toxic, they can still be harvested safely and converted into sustainable biomass electricity (or used for other industrial purposes). While it's cleaning the soil, hemp also cleans the air! According to James Vosper, CEO of GoodEarth Resources:
"One hectare (2.47 acres) of industrial hemp can absorb 22 tonnes of CO2 per hectare. It is possible to grow to 2 crops per year so absorption is doubled. Hemp's rapid growth (grows to 4 metres in 100 days) makes it one of the fastest CO2-to-biomass conversion tools available, more efficient than agro-forestry. Biomass is produced by the photosynthetic conversion of atmospheric carbon. The carbon uptake of hemp can be accurately validated annually by calculations derived from dry weight yield. This yield is checked at the weighbridge for commercial reasons prior to processing. Highly accurate figures for total biomass yield and carbon uptake can then be made, giving a level of certainty not available through any other natural carbon absorption process."
Hemp has the potential to revitalize soil, clean the air, and generate sustainable economic benefits for cultivators. Due to the relatively recent decriminalization of the hemp plant in the United States, there's a dearth of quality field data demonstrating the effectiveness of its phytoremedial power. Cultivators would be encouraged to collect soil data demonstrating hemp's utility for soil remediation.
The proposed solution addresses the Miscellaneous challenge in that it doesn't fit neatly into the other categories, yet it seeks to use Cardano technology to innovate. The world's soil contamination problem can be addressed in a unique and effective way via blockchain solutions made accessible to everyone by the Cardano toolset.
Building a decentralized network of hemp cultivators, hemp processors, and biomass energy producers would necessitate future Project Catalyst proposals in challenge categories similar to the following Fund8 Challenges: Open-Source Development, DApps and Integrations, Business Solutions (B2B & B2C), New Member Onboarding, Improve and Grow Auditability.
The requested funds will be used as rewards to kickstart an open and transparent community project driven by the missions/goals of ecological restoration, soil data curation, sustainable agriculture, and economic empowerment at a local level.
The main challenges or risks to this strategy is the vast scope of the concept and the different regulations in various localities. These can be mitigated by focusing efforts on specific counties within the US that meet two criteria:
A) High levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, iron, nickel, lead, mercury, and manganese in the soil and/or groundwater
B) Existing infrastructure for safe and efficient processing of hemp within a reasonable distance from cultivation site