vote pending
Bridging the knowledge gap: Translating Lido Nation articles into Swahili
Current Project Status
vote pending



Access to blockchain education in Africa is limited due to language barriers. Translating Lido Nation’s articles to Swahili will provide localized knowledge on Cardano and blockchain technology.


2 members

Bridging the knowledge gap: Translating Lido Nation articles into Swahili

Please describe your proposed solution

We are addressing the critical problem of limited access to blockchain education in Africa due to language barriers. By translating Lido Nation's blockchain articles from English into Swahili, we will bridge the gap between essential blockchain knowledge and the learners who need it most.

Our approach focuses on making education accessible in the predominant local language, Swahili, which is spoken by millions across East Africa. This project aligns with our belief that education should be inclusive, and language should not be a barrier to learning. By localizing blockchain content, we empower African learners to engage with and participate in the Cardano ecosystem without struggling with English-language resources.

The project will directly engage African blockchain enthusiasts, learners, and those looking to explore the Cardano ecosystem. By providing accessible educational content, we anticipate broader engagement and increased adoption of blockchain technology in the region.

Our impact will be demonstrated through the increased number of Swahili-speaking users accessing and benefiting from the translated articles on Lido Nation. Metrics such as user engagement, feedback, and interaction with the content will help measure success.

What makes our solution unique is the focus on localized education for a specific region with a language that is vastly underrepresented in the blockchain space. This project will benefit African learners by providing the resources needed to become knowledgeable participants in the Cardano and blockchain communities. It is crucial for Cardano because it opens up an untapped market of learners and innovators, fostering inclusion, innovation, and growth within the ecosystem.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Our project addresses the critical issue of limited access to blockchain education in Africa due to language barriers. By translating Lido Nation's blockchain articles into Swahili, we aim to create a more inclusive educational environment for millions of potential learners. This initiative will empower Swahili-speaking individuals to engage with and participate in the Cardano ecosystem, fostering a diverse community of blockchain enthusiasts and innovators.

We will measure our impact quantitatively through:

  • User Engagement: We will track the number of Swahili-speaking users accessing the translated articles through analytics tools.
  • Feedback and Interaction: Collect data on user interactions, such as comments, shares, and questions related to the content.

We will feature the translated articles prominently on Lido Nation’s website, ensuring easy access for users. The success of our project will bring significant value to the Cardano community by:

  • Expanding Reach: Opening up the Cardano ecosystem to a previously underserved market, fostering diversity and inclusivity.
  • Encouraging Innovation: Empowering learners to contribute new ideas and projects, enhancing the overall growth and innovation within the Cardano network.
  • Building a Knowledgeable User Base: Creating a well-informed community of Swahili speakers who can advocate for and participate in the Cardano ecosystem effectively.

By breaking down language barriers, we not only enrich the Cardano community but also foster a more inclusive and diverse blockchain environment that can drive future advancements.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Existing Capabilities and Team Expertise:

Trusted Organization: Our partner Lido Nation, has been a reliable player in the Cardano community for years, demonstrating consistent engagement and support. They have successfully navigated multiple funding rounds, showcasing their ability to manage resources effectively and execute projects to completion. Lido Nation has a history of successfully completing its proposals, further reinforcing its credibility and commitment to delivering value to the community.

Established Partnership: We have a strong existing partnership with Lido Nation from when we were contracted to translate their content to Swahili, with a proven track record of delivering quality work.

Trust and Accountability in Fund Management:

Transparency: We will provide regular progress reports detailing project milestones, financial expenditures, and team activities. These reports will be shared with the relevant stakeholders.

Budget Management: Funds will be managed through a designated Cardano wallet to ensure transparency and minimize the risk of misuse.

Oversight: We are open to having the Lido Nation team to provide guidance and ensure project goals are being met.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Our project will take 12 months and will be broken down into three key milestones. Each milestone will ensure progress toward the successful completion of the translation and dissemination of blockchain content in Swahili. Below is a breakdown of the milestones:

Preparation and Initial Translations

Months 1-4

Key Activities:

  • Content Selection: Identify and prioritize the first 25 sets of Lido Nation blockchain articles to be translated.
  • Translation Kickoff: Start the translation process for the first 25 selected articles and publish them.
  • Platform Setup: Checking in with Lido Nation to ensure the website is well equipped to host and display translated content. There is a translation tool that is already up and will only need to be monitored to ensure it works properly.

Milestone 2: Intermediate Translations

Months 5-8

Key Activities:

  • Continued Translations: Translate the next 25 selected articles and publish.

Final Milestone: Project Evaluation and Expansion Planning

Months 9-12

Key Activities:

  • Continued Translations: Translate the last 20 selected articles and publish.
  • Impact Evaluation: Assess the overall impact of the translated content through user engagement data.
  • Final Report: Compile a report detailing the project’s success, lessons learned, and recommendations for future translation projects or expansions.

Each milestone will ensure steady progress towards making blockchain knowledge accessible to Swahili speakers. With these goals, we will guarantee that the project is on track and delivers value both to the learners and the broader Cardano community.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Sallyanne (Team Lead Translator)

  • Role: As the team lead translator, Sallyanne will oversee the entire translation process, ensuring that the quality of the translations meets the project's standards. She will coordinate the team's efforts, manage timelines, and serve as the primary point of contact between the translation team and stakeholders. She will also be responsible for promoting the translated articles in the selected channels (Ngong Road Blockchain Lab X channel and Swahili channel on the Cardano forum)

Tabitha (Translator)

  • Role: Tabitha will assist Sallyanne in the translation process, focusing on specific articles while contributing to the overall quality and consistency of the translations. She will work closely with Sallyanne to receive feedback and make necessary revisions to improve the translated content and conduct research on blockchain terminology and concepts to ensure accurate translations.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

The total cost for the project for the duration of 12 months is 9450 ADA. This cost will cover:

  • 70 articles translated: 8750 ADA (125 ADA per article ~ $50 per article)
  • All translated articles posted in the Swahili channel on the Cardano forum: 350 ADA
  • All articles promoted on the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab X channel: 350 ADA

We are partnering with Lido Nation, an established Cardano and Blockchain education platform. We have previously translated their published articles from English to Swahili through their funded proposal in Fund 9. Lido Nation already has the content and they produce more content weekly, in addition, they have a large number of Swahili speakers gained from that funded proposal and from their incentivized Swahili learning program funded in Fund 10.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The investment in translating blockchain educational content into Swahili is a strategic move that promises significant returns for the Cardano ecosystem. By fostering inclusion, empowering local communities, and providing measurable outcomes, the project not only delivers immediate value but also sets the stage for sustainable growth and innovation within the ecosystem. This approach ensures that the funds invested yield high impact, enhancing both the Cardano network and its global community.



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