not approved
BOWERY-ocfug: updating traditional bricks & mortar green grocery that lives in web 3
Current Project Status

‘Urban Farmer’ DApp>surplus/deficit trade cloud-based advanced contracts marketplace supply analytics and insights, farm direct into own greengrocery retail network making supply secure & profitable


Cardano lacks end-to-end solution rebalancing vulnerability, discrimination, & profitability for farmers to make food supply secure, transparent and traceable, readdressing the supermarkets dominance

Impact Alignment
Value for Money
BOWERY-ocfug: updating traditional bricks & mortar green grocery that lives in web 3

Please describe your proposed solution

How we perceive the problem we are solving:

Our problem address's the long term security of all of our food supply chains, supporting the empowerment back to the majority small holder farmers who grow our food and we'll be more and more reliant in the future of the climate change of the planet. our end to end solution increases the affective distribution of the Cardano blockchain into a minimum of over 42% of the UK high streets, seeding, educating the citizen to customer on the effectiveness of Cardano gaining their trust in their food security fro the traceability and transparency of what every they are eating and where it came from.

Our proposal further develops a next iteration of the UF that builds a DApp that is an MVP that resides on a side chain where datas is stored, yet all financial problems are needed to occur on the Cardano main net. A software DApp that offers cloud based advanced contracts, supply analysis and insights from farm into our own green grocery retail network of stores


  1. produce status
  2. inventory management
  3. supply chain
  4. operational
  5. order management
  6. surplus & deficit trading
  7. regional & international price variation tracking
  8. payment & delivery & reputation tracking
  9. supplier & customer reliability rewards
  10. Commercial intelligence of customers
  11. human resource-seasonal labour

The reasons for our approach:

  1. To provide a simple and easy to use solution for farmers to sell their produce securely and profitably
  2. Increase the understanding and benefits of the Cardano blockchain from farm to retail to begin the adoption of digital contracts into food supply to ensure the price set is the price paid.
  3. Promote and communicate traditional farming and greengrocery are at the forefront in securing our food and nutrition digitally and securely
  4. Addressing the dominance of a handful of business's/supermarkets that have created a power vacuum/imbalance which threatens the future of nutritious and affordable uk greengrocery and comestibles increasing of which reduces the resilience of our food supply.
  5. support the adoption of Cardano by local food business's and organisations rebalancing the supply chain from the dominance of the supermarkets whilst leading the advance in natural farming practices by insetting CO2 making it a focus that can be understood and actioned locally.

We're a 'no baggage' retailer with direct trade and payment for farmers that incorporates much needed contracts security/transparency for both inward and outward trading whilst developing the support for a just transition into regenerative farming practices and Carbon insetting programs.

Who are the primary stakeholders we engage:

Horticultural farmers/producers

Trade organisations e.g. NFU

Food Manufacturing

Grocery Retailers e.g. local greengrocery

Packers & Distributers

Gov Regulatory and Certifying Agencies

How we will demonstrate impact:

Transparency & Traceability: supply a transparent view of the entire supply chain to trace the journey from F2F. Demonstrating traceability metrics e.g. reduced time to trace products & accuracy in tracking

Quality Assurance: developing from UF with cultivation practices, harvest times, transportation conditions and storage environments. Metrics on food-borne illnesses and or improved shelf life monitoring loss and waste

Cost Savings: efficiency gains, reduced paper work, minimising loss & waste

Market Access/Premium pricing: Farmers gain access to new trading markets and customers, begin command premium prices for produce, showcasing and driving quality standards, monitoring fluctuations in market and market reach demonstrating market access and profitability.

Customer feedback: Seasonal/Quarterly surveys and customer feedback on product, quality, trustworthiness and sustainability, increasing positive shifts in customer sentiments/increasing loyalty, understanding (direct) impact on customer behaviour.

Regulatory Compliance: demonstrating Food safety, influencing industry standards helping stakeholders to avoid penalties, increasing strong reputation/trust with farmers/producers to trade.

Simply measuring and analysing we can effectively demonstrate the impact our service can have across the entire food supply chain from efficiency, transparency, traceability, profitability to customer trust and regulatory compliance.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Value to Cardano Community:

To summarise; We'll measure our impact on the users who subscribe and support in measuring our qual/quant-seasonal/quarterly reporting and transactional volume of surplus, deficit and general trading of produce, supply chain efficiency to volume of transaction across own greengrocery retail, independents and Multiple grocery retail (who adopt our service).

Our fees structure is across on all B2B trades and B2C transactions, the latter increases with the 'ocfug' loyalty & partnership programmes into retail, (loyalty cards project to increase transactions by 7% from launch)

  1. increase scalability throughput for Cardano
  2. improve security & privacy for Cardano users
  3. Increased flexibility and customisation for Cardano DApp developers
  4. Enhanced interoperability with other blockchains
  5. Increased adoption of Cardano by business's and organisations
  6. Increased investment and innovation into farming community and greater local food security
  7. Reduce distribution and counterfeit food supply & UPF consumption
  8. increase the access to food educational recourse
  9. Reduce loss & waste streamlining supply chains
  10. Reduced environmental impact of food production
  11. increase blockchain activity on Cardano blockchain

This project whilst created to primarily engage with the UK customer, is in practical words a live case study as far as country by country to demonstrate with a sizeable number (69m citizens) the depth of opportunity for the Cardano blockchain to influence across the entire global food supply chain, converging the 600m+ small holder farmers and their trading activity, influencing at an earlier stage into emerging key agricultural global markets which in practical terms means the global industrial food supply complex will not have a commanding foot hold dictating what, when, where, how and by whom our food is produced and distributed.

Rebalancing the supply chain means that our marketplace product will substantiate what is grown and where, what is a surplus or deficit, developing a transparent supply chain that supports farmers in their decision making for the following planting season/year knowing whats being grown else where locally, regionally, globally so farmers can supply sufficiently ensuring prices are kept at a profitable rate not falling below to the supermarket threshold of cheeper food, controlling inflation, increasing their profits only.

The final output in an annual report on results and the following year of what will be available, this will frame to the customer what to expect in the coming year and how to =plan and forecast their inputs and focus on what produce/products to invest in.

NB: something we've not included is the influence of the restaurant, hospitality industry and 'media-chef' professionals. Currently it is not understood and or practiced by a majority (there are some hero's out there) their involvement in seasonal supply and partnership alignment and loss/waste practices that can show leadership in what customers buy and therefore produce at home.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

The development team have a broad and substantial experience of financing and bringing into service and scaling brand, marketing and operational projects across FMCG grocery, data analytics and the Cardano Community.

Development of technical transitions and in particular the Cardano ecosystem is lead by Razali Samsudin who's highly active across the Catalyst community, recognising and committing partnerships that at the foremost benefit the Cardano community.

Rupert Leigh has extensive experienced relationships across farming, grocery, financial and entertainment*. has a track record of leading and engaging stakeholders, delivering projects on time and within budget.

*The brand of BOWERY-ocfug was conceived from the one live music venue that made them all, CBGB-omfug based out of the Bowery NYC.

(BTW: a Bowery is the name the Dutch give to a farm)

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Stealth:

The Bowery

  • Engage and confirm development team
  • Collaborate with Urban Farm (UF) to DESIGN and specify the marketplace
  • Engage 'Grounded Research' company consulting with farmer groups and wholesalers on testing access, technical and operational SaaS feasibility
  • Consult with NFU (National Farmers Union) national Horticultural national operations
  • Develop marketing and communications & brand design brand blueprints

Milestone 2: Stealth

7 & 7

  • Collaborate with UF to build marketplace to initial spec
  • Develop tokenomics loyalty and trading standards model
  • Testing surplus & deficit trading marketplace application
  • Coordinate accreditation of ocfug food guild developed with NFU and British Retail Consortium, define standards for marketplace and greengrocery retail.

Milestone 3: Stealth

I Zimba

  • Collaborate with UF on testing and feedback , plus continued iterations of development 1st test of smart contracts
  • Consultation with retail and property partners for geographical and fiscal feasibility across 249 acknowledged primary UK high streets, narrowing down to between 7 or 11 primary towns/cities to launch greengrocery sites

Milestone 4: Stealth

Pollinator (Blondie)

  • Testing tooling and assets in mainnet ensuring they work as designed
  • Testing the transfiguration between UF to ocfug marketplace
  • Communications and brand planning
  • Brand & visual identities
  • Final Consultation with stakeholder partners

Final Milestone: Launch

'Patience' (GnR)

  • Present ocfug marketplace MVP
  • Begin seed round

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

rupert leigh (CEO - project lead)


A track record of multi disciplined supply chain, manufacturing, marketing & operations of originating, launching and scaling cutting edge and environmentally responsible brands across food, retail and entertainment with a passion & purpose to transforming sectors and brands through culture

Razali Samsudin (CTO - web3 and content lead)


16+ years interdisciplinary educator. Founder of Sustainable ADA, Impact Web3, and Streets of ADA. Co-author of the first Cardano Impact Report 2023. Veteran Project Catalyst ecosystem having successfully proposed and delivered impact projects across funds 4 - 11. Part of the Cardano community since 2020.

Elliot Rueben (COO - Systems/Retail)


leader in digital transformation, principally at the juncture between high tech, marketing and digital in practice. A marketeer by trade, strategist by design

Dean Rickets/Watchman (CMO - brand & Comms)


The Watchman agency is a strategic marketing company that combines cultural expertise with a mature vision specialising in 'how people live in cities, or if you prefer Urban Culture'.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Urban Farmer DApp

A percentage of our budget across stage A is in part incorporated into the cost of the overall total budget of the Urban Farm DApp developing in-house within the Cardano Community our ocfug marketplace trade component.

**Total: 150,000ADA / $52,635.00 (03/05/24)

Development team

Represents project management & administration of the separate business devisions

ADA project lead/management (15 hrs / 6 months)

ADA Tech/software (15hrs per week / 6 months)

ADA Operations (15hrs per week / 6 weeks )

ADA Brand/Marketing/Comms (15hrs per week / 6 weeks)

Total: 97,669 ADA £ 34,272


Q&Q data Research engaging with Farmers and trade organisations, developing roadmap into the retail integrant.

20839 ADA /£8,500 Grounded Research - direct to farmer Q&Q

17600 ADA / £6,315 Urban Farmer - Report back into project lead with quarterly & six month community reporting.

Total: 38439 ADA / £14,815

Administration, Travel, Misc

Total: 13892 ADA / £5000

<u>TOTAL ADA budget: 300000</u>


Lloyd Duhom @ 'Urban Farmer' (UF) DApp:


We've partnered (agreed licence, one of five members of pioneer board seat) with UF as our foundation of an end to end solution that builds an historical data management and supply chain marketplace for farmers that allows them to trade surplus and buy deficit to confirm and supply secure contracts where the UF DApp monitors real time data from the farm of what they climate change they are experiencing and what that means for future grow and supply models; Whilst customising and updating traditional bricks and mortar greengrocery to become the most future facing fresh and nutritious fruit, vegetable &amp; comestible (local) high street retail network that lives in web3 ensuring farmers they have a safe and trusted partner &amp; partnership to retail their produce at a profit that rebalances demand and supply in how the current supermarkets models dominate grocery.

Without the foundation of UF DApp, the project would not secure the trust and loyalty end to end that the farmer to trade safely and securely where other SaaS solutions have a lesser view on the total market as not incorporating an end to end solution. Our product not only offers the farmer a stake in what they are growing, but in the trading to contracted supply and final price based on the Cardano principles of people, purpose, technology, research and opportunity driving the adoption and development of the infrastructure.

Clare Otridge @ Grounded Research:


A market research specialist in the food, drink and agri sector to support understanding of their audience, customers and members with 15yrs of delivering actionable insights &amp; strategic solutions.

Alex Stevens @ National Farmers Union

(Chief Sustainable Supply Chain Advisor)


'Partner' in as much as they have a directive to ensure their members are the primary objective. We'll be working with and developing a road map with the Horticultural team of regional growers in England &amp; Wales)


Alex Godfrey @ Savills

Developing a seed round foot plate working plan and business strategy for green grocery retail aligning with NFU supply chain working groups.

Tara Mei @ Mahalo

Comestible wholesale and supply

linkedin - website

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The proposed budget for this project delivers excellent value considering the scope of the work and the potential impact on the Cardano ecosystem of multiple and high volume daily transactions within the spread of Farm to Retail.

The side chain surplus and deficit trading marketplace is crucial for adoption aligned with the smart contracts as they transcend confirmation outside of the marketplace to prove the adoption across grocery retail increasing the reach of the Cardano ecosystem in our every day transactional lives with constant trading and buying and fees from trading and selling B2B &amp;B2C.

The bricks and mortar BOWERY greengrocery chain is a catalyst towards early and all adoption with retail to ensure there is limited push back and interference from the supermarket chains, building the narrative and collective voices of rebalance of a secure and profitable food supply chain. For Cardano to be leading the smart contracting into retail not only for internal marketplace that creates and builds a reputation of trust with Farmer, it starts to become translatable to the every day citizen customer with their purchase and receipt further more enhancing the and building of the Cardano ecosystem into our every days lives.

if the adoption in the UK as an individual market can be proven, the acknowledgment and therefore adoption into other country and continent markets would be assured to give Cardano the edge over other systems from a base level trust and stamp of approval from UK farmers.

Lastly, by creating a future facing bricks and mortar greengrocery business that lives in web3 the opportunity to drive real change into our food supply chain can become a reality chipping away at the archaic dominance of the supermarkets and UPF manufacturers creating the future of food nutrition and food poverty in all our countries.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa