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BluCrypt: Privacy-First Cardano-based Instant Messaging dApp
Current Project Status

Building on our prior work, we propose BluCrypt: a decentralized, secure, and confidential app on Cardano. It ensures confidentiality with end-to-end encryption, tamper-proof history & user anonymity.


Web 2.0 messaging platforms lack adequate security measures, leaving users vulnerable to privacy breaches and identity management issues. We need privacy-first solutions to protect personal data.

Value for money
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2 members

BluCrypt: Privacy-First Cardano-based Instant Messaging dApp

Please describe your proposed solution.

The proposed solution is a blockchain-based privacy-preserving chat solution that revolutionises communication by providing secure and confidential conversations. It uses cutting-edge technologies, such as end-to-end encryption and blockchain immutability, to ensure the utmost privacy for users. Messages exchanged on the platform are encrypted from end to end, protecting their content from unauthorised access or eavesdropping. Additionally, the chat solution implements user anonymity, allowing individuals to engage in conversations without revealing their true identities. This protects sensitive information and gives users a sense of security. The blockchain technology used by the chat solution ensures a tamper-proof message history, creating an immutable and transparent record of conversations. This not only enhances trust among users but also serves as a robust audit trail for compliance purposes, adding an extra layer of integrity to the communication process. In summary, the blockchain-based privacy-preserving chat solution combines end-to-end encryption, user anonymity, and blockchain immutability to deliver a secure and confidential communication experience. By leveraging these technologies, the instant messaging DApp solution addresses the growing concerns about privacy in online conversations and offers individuals a reliable platform for private discussions while protecting their sensitive information from unauthorized access.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

BluCrypt's proposed solution directly addresses the challenge of privacy and security in online communication. By providing a privacy-first instant messaging platform built on Cardano, it aligns with Cardano's mission to create a secure and decentralized ecosystem.

The project brings several benefits to the Cardano ecosystem. Firstly, it enhances the reputation of Cardano as a platform that prioritizes user privacy and data security. This can attract privacy-conscious individuals and organizations to join the Cardano community, increasing its user base. Additionally, BluCrypt's solution contributes to the overall growth and strength of the ecosystem by providing a valuable tool for secure communication, fostering trust among users and encouraging active participation.

In terms of impact, the project has the potential to solve a key problem of privacy and identity theft in online conversations. By offering end-to-end encryption, tamper-proof history, and user anonymity, BluCrypt ensures that individuals' conversations remain confidential and their personal information is protected. While the exact number of users or usage/transactions cannot be quantified without specific data, the project aims to attract a significant user base seeking secure and private communication solutions. It is expected to contribute to the overall growth and adoption of Cardano as a privacy-focused blockchain platform.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The success of the BluCrypt project will be measured through various indicators and metrics. Firstly, the number of active users and their engagement with the platform can serve as a quantitative measure of adoption and acceptance. Increased user registrations, message exchanges, and user feedback on the platform's privacy features would demonstrate its effectiveness in addressing the problem of secure communication.

Qualitative measures are equally important in assessing the project's impact. Conducting user surveys or interviews to gather feedback on their satisfaction with the privacy and security features of BluCrypt can provide valuable insights. Understanding users' perceptions, trust levels, and overall experience can help gauge the effectiveness of the solution and identify areas for improvement.

In the short term, the innovation of BluCrypt is expected to attract privacy-conscious individuals and organizations to the Cardano ecosystem. This influx of users can contribute to the ecosystem's growth, enhance community engagement, and stimulate further development of privacy-related applications on Cardano. Over the long term, BluCrypt's success can establish Cardano as a leading platform for privacy-focused communication solutions, strengthening its position in the market and attracting more users and developers.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

To share the outputs and results of the BluCrypt project, we will regularly update the Cardano community and wider audience through blog posts, articles, and press releases, ensuring transparency and visibility. Additionally, we will collaborate with relevant stakeholders within the Cardano ecosystem, including community members, developers, and potential partners, to share the outputs and impact of the project. As part of this plan, we have established a pilot program with the LoveLace Club and Gods of Block community. This pilot program will allow us to directly engage with these communities, gather their feedback, and incorporate their insights into the further development of BluCrypt. The pilot program participants will have early access to the chat solution, enabling them to test its functionality, provide feedback, and suggest improvements.

Through the pilot program and other community engagement efforts, we aim to create a feedback loop with the Cardano community, ensuring that their opinions and experiences are incorporated into the project's development. This direct interaction with the community will not only enhance the quality and usability of BluCrypt but also foster a sense of ownership and engagement among community members.

Furthermore, the results generated from the BluCrypt project, including the feedback from the pilot program participants, will serve as a foundation for further research and development activities. We will analyze the user feedback, performance metrics, and security assessments to identify areas of enhancement and explore opportunities for expanding the functionality of the chat solution. The insights gained from the project and the pilot program will inform future iterations, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with evolving user needs and industry standards.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Our team possesses the necessary capabilities and experience to deliver the BluCrypt project with high levels of trust and accountability. We have already demonstrated our expertise in social messaging through two proof-of-concept demonstrations in the Gods of Block (GOB) project and for the LoveLace Club (LLC) Community by our Blockchain Lead Dev, Sam Jeff. While these demonstrations were not at scale and did not encompass the same capabilities as BluCrypt, they provided valuable insights and paved the way for our current endeavor.

Furthermore, our team has gained valuable insights from our participation in the FetaChain project during Fund9 Catalyst. In FetaChain, we showcased the encryption and decryption of on-chain data, demonstrating our proficiency in data security and privacy. These experiences have equipped us with the knowledge and expertise needed to develop a privacy-focused chat solution like BluCrypt.

Regarding fund management, we understand the importance of trust and accountability. We have established robust processes and internal controls to ensure proper management of funds. We are committed to transparency and will provide regular updates and reports on the allocation and use of funds throughout the project's duration. Our track record of responsible financial management and adherence to accountability standards further reinforces our capability to manage funds properly.

In summary, our team's capabilities, demonstrated through previous proof-of-concept demonstrations, collaboration with the Cardano community, and expertise in data security, position us as the best-suited team to deliver the BluCrypt project.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for the BluCrypt project are as follows:

  1. Develop and deploy a blockchain-based privacy-preserving chat solution: The primary goal of the project is to design, develop, and launch the BluCrypt chat solution that ensures end-to-end encryption, user anonymity, and tamper-proof message history on the Cardano blockchain.
  2. Ensure scalability and usability: The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a privacy-first instant messaging dApp at scale. We will focus on optimizing the solution for scalability and user-friendly functionality to accommodate a large user base.
  3. Validate the effectiveness of privacy and security measures: We will conduct thorough testing and security audits to validate the effectiveness of the end-to-end encryption and user anonymity features. The goal is to ensure that user conversations remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access.
  4. Solicit user feedback and iterate based on user needs: Throughout the project, we will actively engage with the communities, as well as other users, to gather feedback on their experience with BluCrypt. User feedback will be crucial in identifying areas for improvement and fine-tuning the solution to meet user needs and expectations.

To measure the achievement of these goals, we will employ the following approaches:

  1. User adoption and engagement: We will track the number of users who download and use the BluCrypt application, as well as their level of engagement and frequency of interactions within the platform. Increasing user adoption and active engagement will be indicators of the solution's usability and appeal.
  2. User feedback and satisfaction surveys: Regular surveys and feedback collection mechanisms will be implemented to gauge user satisfaction and obtain qualitative insights into their experience with BluCrypt. We will evaluate user feedback to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance user satisfaction.
  3. Security audits and vulnerability assessments: Independent security audits will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the encryption and security measures implemented in BluCrypt. Any identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses will be addressed promptly to ensure the solution's robustness.
  4. Community involvement and partnerships: The level of community involvement will serve as a measure of the project's impact and acceptance within the Cardano ecosystem. Building partnerships with relevant stakeholders and receiving endorsements or collaborations will demonstrate the project's value and relevance to the Cardano community.

In terms of implementation, we will leverage our previous experience with proof-of-concept demonstrations in the Gods of Block project and the LoveLace Club Community. We will build upon these foundations and utilize the insights gained from the FetaChain project to develop a scalable and feature-rich instant messaging dApp. Additionally, we will closely monitor the updates and advancements in Cardano's blockchain technology to ensure compatibility and leverage any new capabilities that enhance the feasibility of our approach.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Research and Design (Duration: 1 month)

  • Conduct comprehensive research on privacy-preserving messaging solutions and blockchain integration.
  • Define the architecture and technical specifications of the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Develop wireframes and user interface designs.

Success criteria: Completion of research and design documentation, wireframes, and UI designs.

Projected cost: $2,000.

Milestone 2: Backend Development (Duration: 2 months)

  • Implement the backend infrastructure for the BluCrypt chat solution, including user registration, message encryption, blockchain integration, and data storage.
  • Set up the necessary servers and databases.
  • Develop the necessary APIs and protocols for secure communication.

Success criteria: Functional backend infrastructure with secure encryption and blockchain integration.

Projected cost: $4,000.

Milestone 3: Frontend Development (Duration: 2 months)

  • Develop the frontend components of the BluCrypt chat solution, including user interface, chat functionality, and user anonymity features.
  • Implement end-to-end encryption mechanisms on the client-side.
  • Ensure seamless user experience and intuitive navigation.

Success criteria: Fully functional and user-friendly frontend interface with end-to-end encryption and user anonymity.

Projected cost: $4,000.

Milestone 4: Testing and Security Audit (Duration: 1 month)

  • Conduct comprehensive testing of the BluCrypt chat solution, including functionality, performance, and security.
  • Perform penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
  • Address any identified issues or vulnerabilities.

Success criteria: Completion of testing phase and resolution of identified issues.

Projected cost: $2,000.

Milestone 5: Community Pilot Program (Duration: 1 month)

  • Collaborate with the Cardano communities for a pilot program of the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Gather user feedback and insights to improve the solution.
  • Evaluate user experience, performance, and overall satisfaction.

Success criteria: Positive feedback and engagement from pilot program participants.

Projected cost: $2,000.

Milestone 6: Launch and User Onboarding (Duration: 1 month)

  • Officially launch the BluCrypt chat solution to the public.
  • Implement user onboarding processes and documentation.
  • Conduct marketing and awareness campaigns to attract users.

Success criteria: Successful launch of the BluCrypt chat solution with a significant number of users onboarded.

Projected cost: $6,000.

Note that the projected costs for each milestone are based on specific resource requirements and market conditions ($20,000 equivalent ADA has been quoted previously at current prices). A detailed budget breakdown will be provided in the subsequent question.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Research and Design Deliverables:

  • Research documentation on privacy-preserving messaging solutions and blockchain integration.
  • Technical specifications and architecture design for the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Wireframes and UI designs for the chat application.


  • A well-informed understanding of existing privacy-preserving messaging solutions and their integration with blockchain technology.
  • Clear technical specifications and architecture plan for the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Visual representation of the chat application through wireframes and UI designs.


  • Completion of research documentation, technical specifications, and design deliverables.
  • Feedback and validation from the project team and stakeholders on the adequacy and clarity of the research and design outputs.

Milestone 2: Backend Development Deliverables:

  • Fully functional backend infrastructure for the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Implementation of user registration, message encryption, blockchain integration, and data storage.
  • Developed APIs and protocols for secure communication.


  • Backend infrastructure capable of handling user registration, secure message encryption, and seamless integration with the blockchain.
  • Established APIs and protocols for secure communication and data transfer.


  • Successful implementation and functioning of the backend infrastructure, meeting the defined technical specifications.
  • Testing and validation of the APIs and protocols for secure communication.

Milestone 3: Frontend Development Deliverables:

  • User-friendly frontend interface for the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Implementation of chat functionality, user anonymity features, and end-to-end encryption mechanisms.
  • Intuitive navigation and seamless user experience.


  • A visually appealing and intuitive frontend interface for the chat application.
  • Functional chat features, including message exchange, user anonymity, and end-to-end encryption.
  • Smooth user experience and navigation within the application.


  • User testing and feedback on the usability, functionality, and performance of the frontend interface.
  • Validation of the implemented chat features and user anonymity mechanisms.

Milestone 4: Testing and Security Audit Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive testing reports covering functionality, performance, and security aspects of the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Identified vulnerabilities and issues addressed.
  • Finalized version of the chat solution with improved security measures.


  • Thoroughly tested chat solution, ensuring its functionality, performance, and security.
  • Addressed vulnerabilities and resolved issues to enhance the overall security of the application.


  • Completion of testing reports highlighting the results of functionality, performance, and security testing.
  • Confirmation of vulnerability resolutions and security enhancements.

Milestone 5: Community Pilot Program Deliverables:

  • Collaboration with the LoveLace Club and Gods of Block communities for a pilot program.
  • Gathered user feedback and insights to improve the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Evaluation of user experience, performance, and overall satisfaction.


  • Active involvement and engagement of the LoveLace Club and Gods of Block communities in testing and providing feedback on the chat solution.
  • Valuable user insights and feedback to identify areas of improvement and refinement.
  • Enhanced user experience and satisfaction based on user feedback.


  • Feedback and participation from the LoveLace Club and Gods of Block communities in the pilot program.
  • Evaluation of user feedback and incorporation of relevant improvements into the chat solution.

Milestone 6: Launch and User Onboarding Deliverables:

  • Official launch of the BluCrypt chat solution to the public.
  • Implemented user onboarding processes and documentation.
  • Marketing and awareness campaigns to attract users.


  • Public availability of the BluCrypt chat solution for users to access and utilize.
  • Smooth onboarding experience for new users with clear documentation and guidance.
  • Increased user base through effective marketing and awareness initiatives.


  • Successful public launch of the BluCrypt chat solution.
  • Number of new user registrations and user engagement metrics.
  • Feedback and satisfaction levels of users during the onboarding process.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Budget Breakdown:

Research and Design: $2,000

  • Research and documentation: $500
  • Technical specifications and architecture design: $500
  • Wireframes and UI designs: $1,000

Backend Development: $4,000

  • Backend infrastructure development: $1,000
  • APIs and protocols implementation: $3,000

Frontend Development: $4,000

  • Frontend interface development: $1,000
  • Chat functionality and encryption: $3,000

Testing and Security Audit: $2,000

  • Testing reports and analysis: $1,000
  • Vulnerability resolution: $1,000

Community Pilot Program: $2,000

  • User feedback gathering and evaluation: $1,500
  • Performance and user satisfaction improvements: $500

Launch and User Onboarding: $2,000

  • User onboarding processes and documentation: $1,000
  • Marketing and awareness campaigns: $1,000

Third-Party Products/Services:

  • Cloud hosting services for backend infrastructure: $2,000
  • Code audit and security consultation: $1,000
  • Publicity and marketing campaigns: $1,000

Total Project Budget: $20,000 (1 $ = 3.45 ADA approx)

We are seeking funding from the Catalyst Fund to cover the majority of the project budget. However, we are open to exploring additional funding opportunities through partnerships, sponsorships, or community donations to supplement the project budget if needed.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Our project team consists of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise in various areas. Each team member brings unique skills and knowledge to ensure the successful implementation of the BluCrypt project. Here are the team members and their roles:

Dr. Bharath Ramesh (Project Lead):

  • Role: Project management, overall coordination, and strategic direction.
  • LinkedIn: Dr. Bharath Ramesh

Our partner team at Beleaf Technolgies (Community and Business, Blockchain Dev):

  • Role: Dev assistance, Community engagement, partnerships, and business development.
  • LinkedIn: Siva C

Sam Jeff (Blockchain Development Lead):

  • Role: Smart contract development, blockchain integration.
  • LinkedIn: Sam Jeff

Harish (UI/UX Design):

  • Role: User interface and user experience design.
  • LinkedIn: Harish

Satvik (Creative Design):

  • Role: Graphic design and branding.
  • LinkedIn: Satvik

Fayaz M (Full-stack Developer):

  • Role: Backend and frontend development, database management.
  • LinkedIn: Fayaz M

Our team members have expertise in their respective fields and have been actively engaged in the Cardano community. They possess a deep understanding of blockchain technology, including the specific features and capabilities of the Cardano blockchain. We have a direct line of communication with each team member, ensuring efficient collaboration and timely progress updates.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the BluCrypt project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways. Firstly, the project addresses a critical need for privacy-preserving communication on the blockchain, which is a growing concern in today's digital landscape. By providing a secure and confidential messaging solution, BluCrypt enhances the overall user experience and trust within the Cardano ecosystem.

The costs associated with the project have been carefully considered and justified based on various factors. We have taken into account the expertise and skills required by the team members, their market rates, and the complexity of the project's development and implementation. The budget also includes expenses related to project management, documentation, community engagement, and reporting back to the community, ensuring a comprehensive approach to project delivery. Additionally, we have conducted a thorough analysis of the costs in relation to industry standards and market rates. We have considered typical freelance rates, average wages in relevant countries, and the level of effort required for each task and milestone. This ensures that the proposed budget aligns with the value delivered and represents a fair investment for the Cardano ecosystem.

Furthermore, the project team's experience and expertise in the Cardano blockchain ecosystem contribute to the value for money proposition. Our team members have a deep understanding of Cardano's capabilities, technical intricacies, and community dynamics. This enables us to efficiently utilize resources, leverage existing knowledge, and deliver a high-quality solution within the allocated budget.

In summary, the cost of the BluCrypt project represents value for money by addressing a critical need, justifying the expenses based on industry standards, and leveraging the team's expertise in the Cardano ecosystem. The proposed budget ensures the project's successful implementation while maximizing the benefits for the Cardano community.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
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  • EP3: key_deposit

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    3m 48s
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  • EP5: max_block_size

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    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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    4m 59s
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