vote pending
Blockchain for Sustainability: Collaborative Roundtable Discussion Between Sustainability Experts, Blockchain Industry leaders, and Policymakers from the European Union Commission.
Current Project Status
vote pending



The sustainability sector lacks coordinated collaboration between policymakers, blockchain industry innovators, and sustainability experts. This creates a fragmented approach and slows down progress.


1 member

Blockchain for Sustainability: Collaborative Roundtable Discussion Between Sustainability Experts, Blockchain Industry leaders, and Policymakers from the European Union Commission.

Please describe your proposed solution

The problem we are addressing stems from a lack of coordinated collaboration between blockchain technology innovators, sustainability experts, and policymakers. The absence of these connections limits the ability to harness blockchain’s potential to tackle sustainability challenges, leading to fragmented approaches, inconsistent regulations, and missed opportunities for impactful environmental initiatives.

Our approach centres on organising a roundtable discussion that brings together key stakeholders: sustainability experts, industry leaders from blockchain projects, and EU policymakers. This structured conversation will enable the exchange of knowledge, collaboration on best practices, and exploration of the practical application of blockchain technology to enhance sustainability efforts. Through this dialogue, we will address specific challenges identified in prior discussions and reports, including how to combat greenwashing, improve energy efficiency, and enhance the traceability of sustainability efforts.

The project will engage participants from various sectors, such as environmental NGOs, blockchain innovators, and representatives from EU regulatory bodies, creating a cross-disciplinary platform. By fostering this collaboration, we aim to generate actionable strategies that can be implemented by both the blockchain industry and policymakers to drive sustainability outcomes.

Our impact will be measured by the extent to which the discussions influence future regulatory frameworks, industry practices, and project funding. The roundtable’s outcomes will be consolidated into a report containing actionable recommendations for EU institutions and industry leaders, aiming to make blockchain a core enabler of sustainability initiatives. This unique cross-sectoral dialogue is designed to benefit blockchain projects, like those in the Cardano ecosystem, by integrating them into sustainability efforts at both the regulatory and industry levels. For the Cardano community, this represents a significant opportunity to position the platform as a leader in sustainable blockchain solutions, unlocking new use cases and fostering stronger connections with EU institutions.

In addition to fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue between blockchain innovators, sustainability experts, and policymakers, the roundtable aims to provide participating projects with valuable insights into EU funding opportunities. We will invite representatives from DG GROW and DG CLIMA to the event to explain how blockchain projects can access EU resources to support sustainability initiatives. This makes the roundtable not only a forum for strategic discussion but also an opportunity for blockchain projects to gain a practical understanding of navigating EU institutions and funding mechanisms.

Held in Brussels, the roundtable will include a series of visits to key EU institutions, giving participants a first-hand experience of how these entities operate and allowing them to better understand the landscape they need to engage with. We plan to invite relevant blockchain projects to join us for the event, offering a comprehensive day that merges strategic discussions, practical guidance, and direct exposure to EU decision-makers. This will help bridge the gap between policy, innovation, and practical implementation, ultimately advancing the role of blockchain in sustainability efforts.

The project aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

It supports SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy by fostering the use of blockchain for energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure is addressed through the project's emphasis on innovative blockchain technologies, promoting sustainable and resilient infrastructure.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production by ensuring transparency and traceability in supply chains, encouraging sustainable practices.

SDG 13: Climate Action is a central focus, as the project directly tackles climate-related challenges like carbon tracking.

Finally, it aligns with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals by fostering collaboration between policymakers, industry leaders, and sustainability experts, highlighting the importance of cross-sector partnerships for achieving these global goals.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The roundtable will have a significant positive impact on the Cardano community by positioning the platform as a leader in blockchain-driven sustainability initiatives. By bringing together experts and policymakers from DG GROW and DG Clima, along with projects from the blockchain space, we will create an environment for learning, collaboration, and growth.

Impact Measurement:

  • Quantitative: The success of the roundtable will be measured through participation metrics, such as the number of experts, policymakers, and projects attending, as well as the feedback collected from participants.

  • Qualitative: We will conduct a post-event feedback survey with the participating projects to understand their experiences and gather insights on how the discussions helped them. Additionally, we will collect interviews from policymakers and sustainability experts to gather their perceptions of blockchain’s potential for sustainability as well as their suggestions for further action.

  • Sharing Outputs: The insights and outcomes will be shared through a public report, webinars for the Cardano community, and targeted communications with relevant stakeholders.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team has the necessary experience and expertise to deliver this project with high levels of trust, accountability, and efficiency.

Mariana de la Roche, has coordinated several similar initiatives at both national and international levels, including organizing multi-stakeholder roundtables, sustainability initiatives, and blockchain-related events.

Mat Yarger, brings a wealth of experience in blockchain technology and its application in sustainability, having successfully led Demia's efforts in scaling carbon markets through secure data logistics.

Razali Samsudin, has been a dedicated member of the Cardano community for several years and brings a wealth of experience in the sustainability sector. Razali has successfully implemented several Catalyst projects, offering deep insights into how blockchain technology, specifically within the Cardano ecosystem, can drive sustainability initiatives. His expertise in navigating Catalyst processes and his experience working at the intersection of blockchain and environmental impact make him an invaluable addition to our team. Razali’s involvement will ensure that our roundtable and subsequent activities are aligned with both community-driven goals and best practices for sustainable blockchain applications.

We are also supported by Dr Joachim Schwerin, Principal Economist in the Digital Transformation of Industry unit within the Directorate-General Internal Market at the European Commission. Joachim is assisting the project in an advisory role, helping us secure the venue inside the EU Commission and connecting us with key regulators interested in blockchain and sustainability. Joachim will not claim any resources from the project and will focus on ensuring the project’s alignment with EU sustainability and digital transformation goals.

Team Capabilities:

Our team has a proven track record in organising events involving diverse participants, from government institutions to industry leaders and non-governmental organisations. Past successful initiatives include contributions to global blockchain and sustainability frameworks and working with EU institutions, ensuring the project's high-level visibility and relevance. Moreover, we are leveraging an established network of sustainability experts, blockchain innovators, and policymakers, ensuring that the event is well-supported by relevant stakeholders.

Having previously worked on several projects in collaboration with EU institutions, we are familiar with the processes and requirements to engage EU bodies like DG GROW and DG Clima. This background ensures that we can guide projects in navigating EU funding opportunities.

To validate the feasibility of the project, we have already secured initial commitments from several participants, including sustainability experts, blockchain leaders, and EU regulators. Additionally, our partnerships with Demia and BC100+ provide a solid foundation for organising this event with high standards of coordination and logistical support.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Event Planning and Coordination

  • Description: Secure the venue in Brussels, confirm participation from experts, industry leaders, and EU policymakers, and finalise the roundtable agenda.

  • Milestone Output(s): Confirmation of the event venue, finalised participant list (including key individuals from DG GROW and DG Clima), and a detailed agenda.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Secured venue booking, confirmed participation from at least 10 sustainability experts and industry leaders, and an approved final agenda shared with all participants.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Roundtable Event Execution

  • Description: Host the roundtable in Brussels in an EU Institution building and facilitate discussions between sustainability experts, blockchain industry leaders, and EU policymakers.

  • Milestone Output(s): Successful execution of the roundtable with active participation, discussion sessions on sustainability, blockchain, and EU regulatory opportunities.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Completion of the event, signed attendance from at least 30 participants, and initial feedback gathered from attendees.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Post-Event Reporting

  • Description: Compile a comprehensive report summarising the discussions and key insights from the roundtable. The report will focus on actionable recommendations and highlight the role blockchain can play in addressing sustainability challenges.

  • Milestone Output(s): A report detailing the key outcomes and recommendations from the roundtable.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Distribution of the report to all participants, positive feedback from stakeholders, and publication of the report for the broader blockchain and sustainability community.

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: Strategic Plan for Identifying EU Grants and Funding Opportunities

  • Description: Develop a strategic plan that focuses on keeping the dialogue between blockchain projects and EU regulators open. A key part of this plan will be practical tools and advice to help projects identify potential EU grants and funding opportunities. This section will guide participants on where to find available funding streams and programs relevant to blockchain and sustainability initiatives.

  • Milestone Output(s): A formal strategic plan that provides blockchain projects with information on how to navigate EU institutions and funding programs, and tools to identify the most relevant funding opportunities for their sustainability initiatives.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The strategic plan is distributed to stakeholders, includes practical advice on where to find EU grants and funding opportunities, and receives positive feedback from participants.

Final Milestone: Final Milestone: Project Completion Report and Video

Prepare and submit a comprehensive project completion report along with a video summarizing the project, its outcomes, and its impact on the Cardano community. This milestone ensures that the project is properly closed out and that all results are documented for the Catalyst community.

Milestone Output(s):

  • A detailed project completion report including all milestones, outcomes, and financials.
  • A summary video highlighting the event and its significance.
  • Submission of all documentation to the Project Catalyst platform.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Approval of the final report by the Project Catalyst team.
  • Positive feedback from the Catalyst community on the summary video.
  • Confirmation of project closure from Project Catalyst.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Mariana de la Roche W. – Project Lead


Role: Mariana will oversee the overall coordination, planning, and execution of the roundtable. She will manage communication with all participants, including blockchain projects, EU regulators, and sustainability experts, ensuring that the event aligns with the goals of the EU Blockchain Manifesto. She will also play a critical role in crafting the final report and strategic plan for identifying EU grants and funding.

Experience: Mariana is a member of the INATBA and a well-established expert in blockchain and sustainability, regularly engaging in high-profile discussions about how blockchain technology can drive social impact. Her leadership ensures the event aligns with both the broader EU sustainability agenda and the strategic goals of the Cardano ecosystem.

Mat Yarger – Co-Organizer and Industry Expert (Demia)


Role: Mat will bring industry insights and expertise, especially in blockchain solutions for sustainability, contributing to both the roundtable discussions and the final report. He will also work on identifying synergies between industry needs and regulatory frameworks, helping guide blockchain projects through the complexities of implementing sustainable solutions in cooperation with local governments and stakeholders.

Experience: Mat has extensive experience in leveraging blockchain technology for carbon markets and sustainability. As the founder of Demia, a leading blockchain company in this space, his work focuses on scalability, data logistics, and secure collaboration for sustainability projects.

Razali Samsudin – Sustainability and Cardano Ecosystem Expert


Role: Razali will contribute as an advisor and facilitator, ensuring that the roundtable aligns with the Cardano ecosystem’s values. He will also help ensure that the post-event strategic plan identifies the most relevant EU funding opportunities for Cardano-based projects, bringing his experience in implementing Catalyst projects to bear.

Experience: Razali has been involved in the Cardano ecosystem for 4+ years, contributing to several successful sustainability initiatives within the community. As the founder of Impact Web3 and Sustainable ADA, his deep knowledge of both sustainability and blockchain technology, along with his practical experience in the implementation of Catalyst projects, positions him as a key member of the team.

Dr Joachim Schwerin - Advisor (EU Commission)


The project team includes Dr Joachim Schwerin, who serves as Principal Economist in the unit responsible for the Digital Transformation of Industry within the Directorate-General Internal Market - DG GROW at the European Commission.

Joachim will act as an Advisor &amp; Supporter for this project, offering his expertise and helping secure the room for the roundtable inside the EU Commission premises. He will also facilitate connections with other regulators interested in blockchain and sustainability topics. It is important to note that Joachim will not claim any resources from the project. His role will focus on providing advice and ensuring the roundtable aligns with the broader objectives of the European Commission’s sustainability and digital transformation goals.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Budget Breakdown:

  1. Travel and Accommodation for Experts and Industry Leaders: 10,000 ADA
  2. (Covers expenses for up to 10 key participants to attend the event in Brussels)
  3. Coordination and Logistics: 23,000 ADA
  4. (coordination of the event, technical support for virtual participation, on-site logistics, agenda setting, preparatory calls and selection of projects and participants.
  5. Event Materials, Reporting, and Final Documentation: 30,000 ADA
  6. (Includes creation of event materials, follow-up reports, and other documentation)
  7. Post-Event Coordination and Report Publication: 30,000 ADA
  8. (Preparation of the final post-event report, including recommendations and follow-up actions)
  9. Project Management (7.000 ADA)

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The roundtable presents significant value for the Cardano ecosystem by bringing attention to the role blockchain technology can play in addressing global environmental challenges, specifically within the framework of EU sustainability initiatives.

It offers a unique opportunity to position Cardano as a leader in sustainable innovation, particularly through use cases related to energy efficiency, carbon tracking, and decentralised governance for environmental initiatives.

Members of the Cardano community—such as developers, stake pool operators, project leaders, and enterprises building on Cardano—stand to benefit directly from this discussion, which explores how blockchain projects can align with European sustainability goals.

Moreover, the roundtable will address how Cardano-based projects can gain access to EU funding and resources, a topic of increasing importance as more EU sustainability grants are tied to blockchain innovation. By exploring avenues to integrate Cardano into policy-level sustainability frameworks, the roundtable aims to elevate the platform’s visibility among EU policymakers, positioning Cardano as a technology of choice for future sustainability-focused public and private sector projects.

A potential impact emerging from this initiative could include a rise in the number of EU projects adopting Cardano technology, the amount of funding secured by Cardano projects in the EU, and increased participation by Cardano ecosystem members in cross-sector sustainability initiatives.

These outcomes would not only bolster Cardano's influence in the regulatory landscape but also enhance its reputation as a sustainable, scalable blockchain platform, driving further adoption and strengthening its ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
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  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
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  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
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  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
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  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
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  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

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    4m 59s
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