This documentary series is about the fundamentals of Cardano explaining the real basics combining real life use cases where possible.
It is intended for newcomers. People with zero-knowledge about Cardano and blockchain in general.
We are filming in the studio in Prague, Czech Republic. It will be combined with online interviews as well. We expect the impact of the project mainly in Czech Republic. Let's start locally and slowly build-up towards global impact.
Please watch the trailer:
One of the goals of this challenge is to share stories about Cardano throughout the world. The Blockchain Class aims to do exactly that.
Distribution Option 1: We are actively trying to reach Czech television with this project. So one possibility is to broadcast the results there. That's the best option, but I can't guarantee this yet.
Distribution Option 2: The videos are distributed on our website via Vimeo and then organically to the viewers.
I might need help here. In essence I'm a documentary filmmaker so I can create the content, but I need a marketing specialist who knows how to deliver the videos to a wider audience.
As in any documentary / educational programme the challenge is to find the right people for the interviews and showing the stories that resonates throughout the community.
That's tricky, but I believe we are experienced enough to provide the right content. Czech Republic and Prague especially is a crypto friendly place. It's a home of Satoshi labs - company bringing Trezor. We have lots of developers, builders and a strong Cardano community as well. So I believe there are stories to cover here. Let's start locally and slowly build-up towards global impact.