(https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1434518415155384321),) and also in this video by Charles Hoskinson, starting around 12:50: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1OyKAELNozzKb.
Technical Goals
<u>Proof of Concept for Malleability in Plutus</u>
The first step for this project is to write a design that allows a simple "open" contract with malleable transactions where one UTXO can be substituted for another.
The deliverables for this phase will be:
A study detailing the feasibility and design for AVOUM on Plutus.
A set of proposed API modifications (to the PAB, etc.) to enable malleable transactions.
Budget and Timeline
We estimate this initial phase will involve (not necessarily full-time) one senior architect and one senior engineer for approximately one month, whose efforts will cost $26,500.00.
Future Steps for subsequent Catalyst Funds:
The second step will be to develop a change to the node software so it can correctly run the auction contract.
The third step will be to develop a general-purpose library for "open" contracts in Plutus.
The fourth and last step will be to develop a general-purpose library for malleable transactions in the node.