Filming the work being done is one of the most effective ways to measure the visible progress of Project Catalyst proposals. We will be documenting the work being done in these countries with professional quality and compiling the footage into a digestible format that most will see and understand. In completing this work, we will illustrate to the Catalyst and Cardano communities the effect of community-based funding. This will also address issues of fraudulent proposals, ensuring that the work is actually being done and funds are not misallocated.
We aim to successfully audit over four proposals to start; as we aim to establish a baseline for future auditing with a 'proof of concept'.
Added below are preliminary measures meant to show our own transparency in working in Ecuador already, with the Fundación Hogar de Esperanza. In showing this preliminarily, we hope to foster the trust that we will accurately and truthfully audit other South American proposals.
Showing investors the results of their investment; seeing funds and work in action will garner further trust in the community and emphasize more transparency.
Creating pride in the accomplishments made possible through funding. Seeing the work done will further the sense of community and a common goal towards a better global future.
Risks include circumstances surrounding the Covid Pandemic and its ability to change the landscape of travel and international work. Additional risk comes from operating in a 3rd world country; a potential lack of policing and other unknown variables could compromise the shoot. These latter risks can somewhat be mitigated with proper funding and pre-production research.