Please describe your proposed solution.
FUNINTEC ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS FOR DEVELOPERS CARDANO, is an artificial intelligence tool that allows developers to build decentralized applications on the Cardano Blockchain faster and more securely. Provides real-time code hints, reference tracking, and security analysis.
Within the blockchain escosystem the preference of use is an element closely related to the utilities and tools that the user has to perform them, due to this the popularity of the tools depend on the usability and reliability that the user has towards the tool to use.
In this sense, it is important to generate and make available platforms of tools that are easy to handle and use so that users, specifically developers, have access to them in order to develop their products without the need to acquire new knowledge and dedicate additional work time.
Starting from the implementation of tools with artificial intelligence which facilitate the adoption of new technologies in terms of being more manageable and adaptable to the needs of each user or organization.
The development of new products is vital for the sustainability of the Cardano ecosystem, that is why the creation of new platforms to support developers will guarantee the growth of the community.
A marketing campaign aimed at developers to showcase the platform's features and benefits, in addition to short courses on the use of AI tools with certification and academic rigour, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the platform.