What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Begin mapping of Cardano and Diploma of Applied Blockchain
Milestone Outputs
Identify and align the Cardano CBA modules to the assessable outcomes of the accredited units.
Acceptance criteria
The identified outcomes showcasing the alignment between both courses will be documented for potential articulation.
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Design and create course elements
Milestone Outputs
Design any missing learning elements and assessment criteria required to ensure Cardano CBCA graduates meet the articulation requirements.
Acceptance criteria
Create components required to meet the assessment frameworks.
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) using the Cardano CBCA modules
Milestone Outputs
Establish a clear RPL framework that allows accredited providers of the Diploma of Applied Blockchain to accept and credit graduates of the Cardano CBCA with articulation.
Acceptance criteria
Complete an RPL framework
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Revision of the RPL framework
Milestone Outputs
Revision of frameworks and preparation for publishing of the proposal outputs
Acceptance criteria
Complete the revision and sign-off
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Deploy to existing RTOs and onboard new ones globally
Milestone Outputs
Publish the course and articulation pathway
Acceptance criteria
Publish the proposal on our website, and notify the Cardano Foundation and communities about the articulation of the Diploma of Applied Blockchain (10849 NAT) by the Australian Skills Quality Authority with Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) Course.
Publish Cardano CBCA articulation through RTO’s offering the accredited Diploma of Applied Blockchain.
Publish Cardano CBCA articulation as a recognised entry pathway to the Diploma of Applied Blockchain (Displayed on the accredited course framework document)
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Docs link contains all mapping, content, and assessment development.
The Project Closeout Report and Project Close-out Video will be a part of the evidence of this final milestone.