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Art, Artist and Tech Showcase at Art Basel Miami
Current Project Status

We will feature current Cardano artists and attract new creators to showcase at Art Basel Miami, demonstrating Cardano’s advanced technology for digital assets and enhancing global visibility.


Limited visibility and appreciation of Cardano’s superior technology for digital assets in global art markets and mainstream media.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


1 member

Art, Artist and Tech Showcase at Art Basel Miami

Please describe your proposed solution

The Cardano ecosystem boasts a thriving community of digital artists whose innovative work is underrepresented in global art markets and mainstream media. Our proposal to showcase Cardano art at Art Basel Miami aims to address this gap by highlighting the unique capabilities of Cardano's blockchain technology for digital assets.

Observing how Tezos established itself as a significant player in the art blockchain space during Art Basel 2021 through strategic investments, despite having fewer technological and ecosystem advantages, underscores the potential for Cardano. With its more vibrant and robust overall ecosystem and superior technology stack, Cardano can position as the premier blockchain for artists and creators.

Approach and Rationale:

Our approach involves engaging with the community to curate a diverse collection of digital artworks created and managed on the Cardano blockchain, emphasizing the platform's strengths in security, scalability, and interoperability—qualities that make it ideal for digital art and assets. By collaborating with for state-of-the-art display hardware and partnering with experienced event organizers, we ensure a professional and impactful presentation that aligns with international art exhibition standards.

Engagement and Beneficiaries:

The project will engage:

  • Cardano Artists: Providing them a prestigious platform to gain visibility and recognition.
  • Art Collectors and Enthusiasts: Introducing them to the unique qualities of Cardano-hosted digital art.
  • General Public and Media: Educating them about the capabilities of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies.

Impact Demonstration:

We will measure our impact through:

  • Artist Engagement: Number of Cardano artists (established and newly onboarded!) participating, and their feedback.
  • Visitor Statistics: Attendance numbers, both physically and virtually, and interaction data.
  • Media Coverage and Social Media Metrics: Analyzing the extent and sentiment of coverage before, during, and after the event.
  • Sales and Follow-up Interests: Tracking sales of artworks during the event and subsequent inquiries or engagements indicating sustained interest.

Uniqueness and Importance to Cardano:

This initiative is unique as it not only promotes the artists but also serves as a practical demonstration of Cardano's superior technology for managing digital assets. By bridging the gap between the blockchain world and mainstream cultural sectors, this event will foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Cardano's potential in art and beyond. Enhanced visibility and reputation will attract new users and developers to Cardano, contributing to its growth and vitality, and positioning it as the best chain for artists and creators.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The project's success will bring significant value to the Cardano community by elevating our profile as a hub for innovative digital art and as a leading technology for creators. Showcasing Cardano's capabilities in handling digital assets at a prestigious international art fair will highlight the technical strengths and versatility of the blockchain, drawing attention from artists, collectors, and tech enthusiasts alike.

Measuring Impact:

  1. Quantitative Metrics:
  • Artist and Artwork Engagement: Track the number of Cardano artists applying to participate, and the diversity and creativity of the submissions.
  • Event Attendance: Measure the number of visitors attending the event physically and engaging online through live streams or interactive features.
  • Sales and Follow-ups: Record sales of artworks during the event and track follow-up interactions indicating sustained interest in Cardano’s art community.
  • Media Reach: Analyze media coverage volume and sentiment across various channels, including social media metrics like shares, likes, and comments.
  1. Qualitative Feedback:
  • Artist Satisfaction: Gather feedback from participating artists regarding their experience and the perceived benefits of using Cardano for their digital artworks.
  • Audience Engagement: Collect visitor feedback during and after the event to assess their understanding and appreciation of blockchain technology in the art sector.

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:

  • Community Reports: We will compile detailed reports summarizing event outcomes, artist and audience engagement, and media coverage. These reports will be shared with the Cardano community through official Cardano forums, community meetings, and newsletters.
  • Media and Press Releases: Collaborate with media partners to ensure coverage that highlights the success and innovations demonstrated at the event, thereby promoting Cardano’s technology.
  • Online Platforms and Social Media: Utilize platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to post event highlights, interviews with artists, and discussions about the technology, which can further educate and attract a broader audience.

By effectively measuring the impact and sharing the outputs, the project aims to solidify Cardano's position as a leading blockchain for digital arts and innovation, thereby attracting new users, developers, and artists to the platform and enriching the ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team is uniquely qualified to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability, leveraging our extensive experience and proven track record in event marketing, event management, and digital art gallery operations. Here’s how we ensure the success and feasibility of the proposed project:

Capabilities and Experience:

  • Event Marketing and Management Expertise: Our team members have orchestrated numerous successful events, demonstrating strong organizational skills, marketing acumen, and operational efficiency.
  • Digital Art Gallery Operations: We have direct experience in running digital art exhibitions, ensuring we understand the nuances of showcasing digital art effectively and engagingly.
  • Proven Track Record with Catalyst Projects: We have previously managed and successfully executed Cardano Catalyst projects on time and within budget, which underscores our capability to handle project funds responsibly and deliver on community expectations.

Validating Feasibility:

  • Feasibility Studies: Prior to full-scale execution, we will conduct feasibility studies involving key stakeholders (artists, tech providers, venue managers) to ensure all logistical, technical, and creative aspects are aligned and executable.
  • Pilot Testing: We will run a pilot test showcasing a small selection of artworks in a controlled setting to gauge audience response and refine our display and engagement strategies.

Trust and Accountability Measures:

  • Transparent Budgeting: All budget allocations will be clearly outlined and shared with the community, including detailed breakdowns of how funds are spent.
  • Regular Updates and Reporting: We will provide regular progress reports to the Cardano community through forums and dedicated channels, ensuring transparency and open lines of communication.
  • Independent Audits: Engage third-party auditors to review financial handling and project outcomes, ensuring accountability and proper use of funds.
  • Community Feedback Mechanisms: Implement mechanisms to gather and incorporate community feedback throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring the project remains aligned with the community’s interests and expectations.

Sharing Results and Learning:

  • Post-Event Analysis: After the event, we will conduct a thorough analysis and share a comprehensive report detailing what was successful and areas for improvement.

Our approach is designed to ensure that the project not only succeeds in terms of execution but also in fostering greater trust and collaboration within the Cardano community, thereby enhancing the collective capability and reputation of Cardano as a leading platform for digital creativity.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Event Planning and Partnership Development

Objective: Secure event logistics, partnerships, and begin detailed event planning.

Duration: Month 1-2

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Launch of the artist application portal.
  • Selection criteria and voting mechanism established.
  • Signed agreements with for hardware provision and with event organizers.
  • Initial marketing campaign to solicit artist entries and partnerships.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • Artist application portal operational with initial applications received.
  • Voting system tested and operational.
  • Agreements and contracts with hardware providers and event organizers signed and secured.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Screenshots of the application portal and list of applicants.
  • Copies of signed agreements and contracts.
  • Reports from the voting platform showing functionality and initial user engagement.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Marketing and Community Engagement

Objective: Ramp up marketing efforts and community engagement activities.

Duration: Month 3-5

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Comprehensive marketing campaign across multiple platforms, focusing on increasing awareness and attendance.
  • Community engagement events such as webinars, live Q&A sessions with artists, and previews.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • Reach of marketing campaign measured by engagement metrics (e.g., clicks, shares, attendance at webinars).
  • Positive community feedback and increased ticket pre-registrations or inquiries.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Marketing analytics reports.
  • Recordings or summaries of community events and feedback forms.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Final Event Execution

Objective: Successfully conduct the art showcase at Art Basel Miami.

Duration: Month 6-7

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Execution of the Art Basel Miami event showcasing Cardano digital art.
  • Collection of feedback from attendees and participants.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • Event held as per the planned schedule without significant disruptions.
  • Feedback indicates high satisfaction among attendees and participants.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Photographs, video recordings, and attendee testimonials from the event.

Final Milestone: Milestone 4: Project Close-out and Reporting

Objective: Complete project reporting and evaluate the impact.

Duration: Month 8

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Comprehensive close-out report detailing project successes, challenges, and learnings.
  • A detailed video summarizing the project’s outcomes and impact.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • Comprehensive close-out report submitted with insights into project management, event success, and areas for improvement.
  • Documentary video capturing key moments, feedback, and the overall impact of the event.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Final project close-out report.
  • Documentary video including analytics of attendance, sales, and media coverage.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

David Harris - Project Director

Arvid Lithander - Creative Director

Wes Parkinson/Rare EVO - Project Consultant

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1: Event Planning and Partnership Development

Objective: Secure event logistics, partnerships, and begin detailed event planning.

Duration: Month 1-2

Budget Allocation: 50,000 ADA ($25,000 USD)

  • Artist Application Portal Setup: 2,500 ADA ($1,250 USD)
  • Legal and Contractual Agreements: 12,500 ADA ($6,250 USD)
  • Including contracts and deposits for exhibition space and other logistics.
  • Initial Marketing Campaign: 15,000 ADA ($7,500 USD)
  • Event Planning and Logistics: 20,000 ADA ($10,000 USD)

Milestone 2: Marketing and Community Engagement

Objective: Ramp up marketing efforts and community engagement activities.

Duration: Month 3-5

Budget Allocation: 17,000 ADA ($8,500 USD)

  • Marketing Materials: 13,000 ADA ($6,500 USD)
  • Budget for extended digital and physical marketing campaigns.
  • Artist Attendance Subsidy: 4,000 ADA ($2,000 USD)
  • To subsidise costs oftravel and accommodations for up to 3 artists selected by the community to ensure their participation at the event.

Milestone 3: Final Event Execution

Objective: Successfully conduct the art showcase at ART SG.

Duration: Month 6-7

Budget Allocation: 15,000 ADA ($7,500 USD)

  • Final Event Logistics: 10,000 ADA ($5,000 USD)
  • Event Staff: 5,000 ADA ($2,500 USD)

Milestone 4: Project Close-out and Reporting

Objective: Complete project reporting and evaluate the impact.

Duration: Month 8

Budget Allocation: 15,000 ADA ($7,500 USD)

  • Documentation and Reporting: 11,000 ADA ($5,500 USD)
  • Production of a high-quality promotional quality close-out video and comprehensive close-out reports.
  • Post-Event Analysis: 4,000 ADA ($2,000 USD)
  • Data collection and preparation of detailed impact reports, including feedback analysis and media coverage evaluation.

Contingency Fund

  • Budget Allocation: 5% of total budget (5,000 ADA / $2,500 USD)
  • Reserved for unexpected costs and potential offset of fluctuation in ADA/USD.

Our project depends on the hardware sponsor,, and event organizer partners. is essential for providing the specialized hardware needed to display digital art effectively at Art Basel. Additionally, collaboration with event organizers is crucial for securing the venue, managing logistics, and ensuring the event aligns with Art Basel's standards and schedule. These dependencies are critical for the successful execution and impact of our showcase.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project has been carefully calculated to represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem by ensuring that every ADA spent contributes directly to enhancing the visibility and understanding of Cardano's capabilities, particularly in the realm of digital arts. Here's how the project costs align with these goals and ensure effective use of funds:

Justification of Costs:

  1. Event Planning and Logistics: The allocation for event planning and logistics is justified by the need for a professional setup that matches international art showcase standards. The costs cover venue rental, technology setup (including high-quality displays provided by, and logistical support, ensuring the event runs smoothly and leaves a positive impression on attendees. This is crucial for attracting high-profile attendees and media coverage.
  2. Marketing and Artist Subsidy: The budget for marketing and artist subsidies ensures that the event gains maximum visibility within and beyond the Cardano community. By investing in robust marketing strategies, including digital marketing, physical advertisements, and community engagement initiatives, we aim to reach a broad audience, increasing the potential for mainstream media coverage and attracting new users to Cardano. Supporting artists directly by subsidizing their attendance not only enriches the event but also fosters a stronger sense of community and loyalty among Cardano creators.
  3. Legal and Contractual Agreements: Ensuring comprehensive legal and contractual preparations, including secure agreements with service providers and venue managers, mitigates risk and protects the interests of the Cardano community. These costs are aligned with standard legal fees for contract preparation and review.
  4. Documentation and Reporting: The allocation for high-quality promotional video production and detailed reporting ensures that the outcomes of the event can be effectively communicated to the Cardano community and beyond. This helps to build and maintain trust, demonstrating the tangible benefits of investing in community-driven projects.

Supporting Evidence for Cost Effectiveness:

  • Comparative Market Analysis: The budget was determined by obtaining multiple quotes from service providers and comparing these with industry standards to ensure competitive pricing.
  • Industry Standards: The fees for professional services like legal, marketing, and event management are benchmarked against typical rates in the industry, adjusted for the quality and experience required for an international art event.
  • Historical Data: Costs are also informed by historical data from similar events previously funded by Catalyst projects, where the return on investment in terms of community growth and engagement was significant.

Value for Money for the Cardano Ecosystem:

  • Enhanced Visibility: By showcasing Cardano’s technology in a prestigious art setting, the project significantly boosts Cardano's profile as a leading blockchain for digital arts, attracting new artists, collectors, and developers.
  • Community Growth: The event serves as a platform for community engagement and growth, drawing in new users interested in the fusion of technology and art.
  • Long-term Benefits: The high-quality documentation and promotional materials produced will serve as enduring resources to promote Cardano’s capabilities in various forums, conferences, and online platforms, extending the value of the event well beyond its conclusion.


  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa