Please describe your proposed solution.
Monday 6th February 2023; The world woke to the news of a tragic earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria so badly, it was one of the greatest earthquakes to hit the region in decades, scores died and hundreds were injured and thousands were left hungry, homeless, and hopeless. It was such a pathetic situation, the magnitude of the earthquake, death, dearth, and destruction of course could not miss the media globally and for almost a week, this was at the center of the news globally. Globally many canvassed support for the affected countries of Turkey and Russia, and as a person and team we wanted to also help, unknown to us this was going to be the beginning of a lot of shocking revelations.
Wednesday 8th February 2023; I had a meeting with my team at Remostart, we decided that we will assist this community by
(I) providing little financial assistance to the few Syrians and Turkey citizens in our platform
(ii) Giving jobs to persons from this community as a means of aiding to cushion the challenge they are facing
Thursday 10th February 2023: We reached out to the few talents we had from this community, the first shocker we discovered was that Syria has been banned by the USA, and as such they do not have access to any payment infrastructure, they are totally cut off from all payment facilities that the rest of the world commonizes, this was a great shocker to me. Few of them prior to that time had any knowledge of crypto, so we had to start Cardano education before even thinking of helping them.
The other shocker was how it was hard to give most of them jobs, from the language barrier to complaints of having poor or no connectivity, to no laptop access coupled with other very valid excuses which is hard to comprehend from afar. After a month of trying, I realized that what they needed was more than just money, jobs etc, I got to realize that this challenge was not only limited to Syria and Turkey but a lot of the Arabic community, I realized that what but a community dedicated to helping each other. This is how I began nurturing the idea for an Arabic work DAO.
So before proposing, I decided to start a workgroup community on WhatsApp and Telegram for them, in the first month we had about 50 members, in the second month we had about 100 members and in the 3rd month about 250 members a link to this groups can be found here
As this community grows and her mission begins to expand, issues like treasury, governance etc among the community have begun to spring up it has become critical that we go beyond just a community on WhatsApp and Telegram to a functional DAO. This movement to the establishment of a functional Cardano DAO for the Arabic community is what this proposal seeks to achieve.
Functions of the Arabic work DAO:
(I) Organising seminars, workshops, etc that help its members better qualified for jobs
(ii) Seeking beneficial opportunities or job openings for each other
(iii) Training members on communication skills (Especially English improvement) to help them with interviews, communication with colleagues etc
(iv) Review CVs of each other and have HR ethics sessions in their DAO town halls
(v) Collaborate toward complex jobs or gigs
(vi) Offer translation services to the Cardano and other blockchain communities
(vii) Have work therapy sessions where they come together to share the challenges they face in the workplace and offer comfort to one another
(viii) help with the job-hunting process etc.
(ix) Provide cardano education to all its members
As a DAO the treasury will be derived from
(I) Collective jobs and projects are done together
(ii) Percentage on translation jobs and gigs done in the ecosystem
(iii) Donations from other community members who have been helped and assisted to get jobs
The usage of the treasury will go into:
(I) faciltation rewards for those working in the DAO
(ii) Organising events and symposiums that will help improve her members
(iii) Paying for tools needed for the functioning and operation of the DAO
(iv) Paying for tools that will help improve the work productivity of the members
(v) Renting collective workspace facilities to help improve the productivity of the members
(vi) Assist with regional and community projects that will help the general Arabic-speaking communities
(vi) Provide help to their communities in instances of disaster.
The treasury spending will be determined by the collective votes of the community members.
GOVERNANCE: Like every other DAO governance will be key, the governance structure will be determined by community members of the DAO, we will in the period of the project assist them in effective governance structuring and be there till the first vote is done. All governance action will be instigated using ADA deposits.
WHAT WE NEED: For a start, we will need to assist this community with a lot before it can grow to become a self-functional DAO, this is what this proposal is seeking funding for. To get access to some very essential resources that will help the newly formed DAO to operate efficiently till when its treasury become sufficient to carry it through(approximately 6 months). We will need to pay for DAO tools and get access to all governance features, specifically, if we want to use clarity DAO for this project, we will need to pay for some AI tools like the Ai meeting summary tool etc. We will also need to employ someone who is well vested in DAOs who will teach the community on DAO, governance and practically ensure that they are capable of running by themselves before leaving completely.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
Here are some excerpts from the campaign brief that shows how relevant this proposal is to them
What does success look like?
There are no better ways to manage your DAO than to use Cardano DAOs. From Small Business to Global Communities.. Cardano DAOs deliver.
Key Metrics to measure
Number of Communities engaged in collaboration using Cardano DAO creation tools.
Number of DAOs that use Cardano as governance/management chain in 6 months.
The first success of this challenge is in our ability to manage DAOs using Cardano DAOs in this case we are using clarity DAO which is a Cardano based DAO and we will be onboarding currently about 250 members of the community into the DAO, which means 250 new wallets and as the DAO grows this could mean thousands of new wallets as well.
Second, we are moving our Arabic community into a Cardano DAO which is directly important to the first metric in this challenge of engaging in collaboration using Cardano DAO creation tools which in this case is the usage of the Cardano Clarity DAO creation tool.
Finally, we are helping the challenge to increase the number of DAOs using Cardano as a governance/management chain.
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
The number of persons in the Arabic DAOs and the number of wallets opened directly contribute to the numeric growth of the Cardano ecosystem
The amount of money in the treasury of the DAO contributes to the overall volume of the ecosystem
The frequency of transactions in the DAOs means more fees going to the overall treasury of the ecosystem
The impact projects carried out by the DAO in the region, will give positive goodwill to the ecosystem and directly influence how people see the Cardano ecosystem
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
Month 1
Plan: Arabic DAO Formation
Month 2:
Plan: Trainings and Facilitation on DAOs, governance, expectations etc
Month 3:
Plan: Meeting and translation tools/personnels
Month 4:
Plan: Governance settings
Month 5:
Plan: Treasury and Legal
Month 6:
Plan: Self-dependency expansion