The Ambassadors Guild is an initiative of an aligned and united body of highly experienced and commited Cardano Community members, dedicated to support, connect and motivate people in the Cardano ecosystem.
With the establishment of the Guild, Cardano Ambassadors self organize and coordinate actions and operations to support the Cardano Ecosystem in its growth and in the maintenance of crucial Community Communication Platforms & Hubs
Currently, the Ambassadors engagement is mostly voluntarily based. The lack of resources to reward the Ambassadors for their engagement and contribution, causes risks and dangers for building an sustainable concept.
This Proposal aims to enable resources which allows the Cardano Ambassadors Guild to build an first functional treasury which will be used to reward Cardano Ambassadors for their services as well to incentivize community initiatives and contributions which support an effective growth and maintenance of the Cardano Ecosystem.
By providing constant services to the Cardano Community, the Community based Ambassadors Guild and its activities belong to the Development Ecosystem as a part on its own.
Main announcements and updates will be displayed on the Ambassadors Guild Website and via social media channels
One challengeing fact we have to face is that nany Ambassadors have Day jobs and effective coordination can be slowed down by a lack of time from contributors. As coordination across many individuals requires additional engagement we risk overloading Ambassadors.
Clear Expectation Management and a step by step approach, focusing on small improvements will help us in establishing our formats and concepts