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[ADAXON] HarmonyAI: Mental Health for Cardano DeFi
Current Project Status

HarmonyAI pioneers a secure Cardano chatbot using federated learning for personalized mental health support in DeFi’s dynamic landscape. Preventing emotional distress, fostering good finance health.



HarmonyAI solves the problem of lack of mental health support for Cardano DeFi users, hindering their well-being and resilience in navigating financial complexities using a federated learning setup.


2 members

[ADAXON] HarmonyAI: Mental Health for Cardano DeFi

Please describe your proposed solution.

In the dynamic world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), trading freedom can lead to compulsive behaviors resembling gambling addiction. HarmonyAI addresses this challenge by empowering users with informed decision-making and providing mental health support. We aim to promote responsible trading practices, preventing financial and emotional distress in the DeFi ecosystem.

Introduction to Secure DFL - The basic framework for our solution:

Secure DFL (Secure Decentralized Federated Learning) is a privacy-preserving machine learning framework. It leverages the security and immutability of blockchain technology for decentralized federated learning. Internally integrated with encryption technologies such as Differential Privacy (DP), Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC), GPG, etc., it ensures user privacy, allowing users to train models without exposing personal information. The feasibility of this framework is demonstrated in the demo, which also provides a user-friendly interactive interface:

The Secure DFL framework, which has undergone experimentation, provides a solid technological foundation for our solution. Our framework seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art deep learning models and serves as a good benchmark for Blockchain-AI developers. It has two modes of operation as explained on the GitHub page. This work was detailed in two publications at IEEE Blockchain and Beyond conference last November. The latest work addresses practical real-world considerations while porting to the Cardano blockchain - first via MIlkomeda sidechain feasibility and in the future via native Plutus implementation as in this proposal.


In collaboration with our esteemed partner, HugoByte Network Labs, we are excited to unveil their profound expertise in providing decentralized infrastructure for AI. Their dedicated support will play a crucial role in optimizing our model's effectiveness.

In tandem with our valued partner, The Love Hope Company, we are thrilled to announce their commitment to offering extensive technical expertise in the realm of mental health care. Their dedicated support will play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness of our model. Additionally, they will spearhead a beta test for our platform, ensuring a robust and refined solution that aligns seamlessly with the evolving landscape of mental health support. This collaborative effort underscores our collective commitment to delivering a cutting-edge and impactful solution for the well-being of our users.

Secure Federated Learning on Cardano:

Secure DFL, a blockchain-based framework on Cardano, enables collaborative model training without sharing raw data. Participants, identified as nodes, undergo a secure and scalable process. Features like Secure Multi-party Computation (SMPC), secure storage in IPFS, and privacy-preserving learning, including differential privacy measures, ensure confidentiality. SMPC Collaborative Model Aggregation allows nodes to jointly compute an aggregated model while preserving individual privacy. This innovative approach fosters trust in the decentralized chatbot ecosystem, offering a secure, scalable, and privacy-centric environment for language model training on Cardano.

<u>Proof of Implementation on Testnet:</u>


Our proposal includes a tangible demonstration of our solution through a robust implementation on the Cardano EVM testnet via Milkomeda. The provided link ( showcases the deployment of our smart contract, capturing crucial transactions and operations that validate the functionality and effectiveness of our solution.

Node Registration: The testnet transactions include operations related to node registration, demonstrating the seamless onboarding process for participants in our decentralized infrastructure. This ensures that the network is open and accessible for all potential contributors.

Model Distribution: The recorded transactions on the testnet reflect the distribution of machine learning models, a critical aspect of our solution. This process is fundamental to the continuous learning and improvement of our chatbot's responses, enhancing its efficacy over time.

Status Change: Internal transactions on the testnet also capture status changes within the system. These transitions signify the dynamic nature of our decentralized infrastructure, showcasing the adaptability and responsiveness of the chatbot to evolving conditions.

Evaluation Reward: One of the key components of our solution is the incentivization mechanism, and the testnet transactions provide evidence of evaluation rewards. This ensures that participants in the network are appropriately recognized and rewarded for their contributions to the overall success of the HarmonyAI project.

By offering this transparent view into our testnet implementation, we aim to provide voters with a concrete demonstration of the real-world applicability of our solution. The testnet operations serve as a testament to the viability and functionality of our decentralized chatbot infrastructure on the Cardano platform.

The current proposal to scale it to a solution involves four main components:

Solution Features and Enhancements:

  • Additional enhancements or improvements compared to the testnet implementation.
  • Scalability features to accommodate native Plutus implementation.

User Interface and Experience:

  • An intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
  • Ensuring accessibility for individuals with varying technical backgrounds.

Security Measures:

  • Security protocols in place to protect user data and maintain the confidentiality of mental health interactions.
  • Any additional security features implemented to safeguard against potential threats.

Community Engagement and Support:

  • Plans for community engagement, feedback mechanisms, and support channels.
  • A strategy for building and nurturing a community around the solution, encouraging user participation and contribution.

Collaborations Strengthening HarmonyAI:

LoveHope Partnership:

  • Objective: Collaborating with Chennai-based mental health startup LoveHope for enhanced mental health support.
  • Benefits: Shared vision, expanded reach, and leveraging innovative technology.
  • Mutual Support: HarmonyAI supports LoveHope’s mission, and LoveHope provides valuable insights.

Metazord Collaboration:

  • Institute Overview: Partnering with Metazord, a blockchain institute in India.
  • Shared Interest: Both entities share a common interest in advancing blockchain technology.
  • Collaborative Role: Metazord contributes to the technical development of HarmonyAI.
  • Educational Initiatives: Joint workshops and training programs planned to educate and share knowledge.

These collaborations contribute to HarmonyAI's success, fostering a positive impact on mental health and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Overall Impact:

HarmonyAI aims to address the challenges of timely support and limited availability of mental health professionals by leveraging advanced federated learning technologies on the Cardano blockchain. Our solution provides a private and always-available decentralized application (DApp) in the form of a chatbot, offering convenient and confidential mental health support to users.

By utilizing federated learning, HarmonyAI ensures the privacy and security of user data while enabling continuous learning and improvement of the chatbot's responses. This approach allows for personalized and effective support, even in the absence of direct human intervention.

Our project will engage mental health professionals, data scientists, and blockchain experts to develop and deploy the HarmonyAI infrastructure. We will collaborate with mental health organizations and communities to gather valuable insights and ensure the relevance and effectiveness of our solution.

The unique aspect of HarmonyAI is its integration of advanced technologies with the decentralized nature of Cardano. This combination enables scalable and secure mental health support, providing accessibility to individuals worldwide. By leveraging Cardano's ecosystem, we contribute to the growth and adoption of blockchain solutions for real-world applications, emphasizing the importance of privacy, data sovereignty, and innovation in the Cardano community.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.

HarmonyAI aims to bring significant value to the Cardano community by pioneering mental health support for DeFi users. Success will be measured through user feedback, adoption rates, and improved mental well-being indicators. We'll share outcomes through community reports, workshops, and collaboration with Cardano-based projects, fostering a culture of well-being within the ecosystem.

Those who value privacy and security in their mental health counseling and appreciate the blockchain's decentralized and secure nature. With the rise of remote work, individuals who work from different locations and may find it challenging to access traditional counseling services, thus our project is greatly valuable to them. Those who reside in areas where traditional mental health resources are scarce or inaccessible. Emphasizing Cardano's commitment to addressing global mental health issues to enhance its global reputation.

To attract individuals who are initially unfamiliar with blockchain to learn about it and enter the Cardano ecosystem, we are designing an enticing reward program to motivate new users to engage with the Cardano ecosystem. This program may include airdrops, coupons, or other incentive mechanisms to boost user participation and increase transaction volume. The goal is to elevate user engagement and raise awareness about the benefits of blockchain technology and the opportunities offered within the Cardano ecosystem.

Positive Impact on the Cardano Community and Value Proposition:

  • Enhanced Ecosystem
  • HarmonyAI contributes to Cardano's growth beyond financial applications, showcasing its potential in addressing real-world challenges.
  • Increased Adoption
  • The focus on mental health attracts a diverse user base, fostering greater community engagement and adoption.
  • Global Recognition
  • Addressing mental health on Cardano gains international attention, elevating the platform's global standing.
  • Reputation Boost
  • Prioritizing privacy, security, and flexibility underscores Cardano's commitment to ethical practices, building trust among users and stakeholders.

Measurement of Impact:

  • Quantitative Metrics:
  • Track the number of users engaging with HarmonyAI for mental health support.
  • Monitor growth in user base and community participation.
  • Qualitative Indicators:
  • Conducting anonymous surveys and collecting feedback from participants. Performing statistical analysis on this data, such as quantifying the number of individuals assisted in areas with a lack of mental health care, the demographics of those receiving help (different age groups), satisfaction levels, and other relevant indicators to quantify the impact.

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:

  • Regular Updates:
  • Provide frequent progress updates and milestone achievements on the HarmonyAI website and social media channels.
  • Community Engagement:
  • Actively engage with mental health organizations, blockchain enthusiasts, and technology forums to share findings and raise awareness.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations:
  • Form partnerships with mental health professionals, academic institutions, and research organizations, extending the project's reach.
  • Knowledge Dissemination:
  • Present findings at conferences, workshops, and industry events to foster knowledge exchange and inspire further research.
  • Future Research and Development:
  • Leverage results from HarmonyAI as a foundation for refining the platform, expanding use cases and contributing to advancements in privacy-preserving machine learning within the Cardano ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team consists of highly skilled professionals with expertise in relevant fields, ensuring our capability to deliver the HarmonyAI project with high levels of trust and accountability.

Dr. Bharath Ramesh, Ph.D. in Computer Science, is a pioneering force at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and blockchain. As CEO of Adaxon Pte. Ltd, his expertise shines in developing trustless federated frameworks, evident in his publication on decentralized and confidential deep learning. Leading the HarmonyAI project, Dr. Ramesh is dedicated to applying technology for societal impact, aiming to revolutionize mental health support on the Cardano blockchain. With a profound background in AI, decentralized systems, and blockchain, he is a visionary shaping the future of technology.

Su Hongxu, CTO, Adaxon Pte. Ltd (and our entire team at Adaxon)

  • In his role as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Su Hongxu has showcased exceptional coding proficiency, making substantial contributions to our team throughout the past year (<>). His expertise in functional programming languages, particularly in Haskell and C/C++, positions him as a valuable asset for steering our development efforts within Cardano's programming language. Hongxu's commitment and skills significantly enhance our team's capabilities, ensuring that we are well-equipped to navigate the intricacies of Cardano's programming landscape.

Capability and Feasibility:

Collaborative Partnerships:

  • HugoByte Network Labs Collaboration:
  • Partnering with HugoByte Network Labs brings collaborative development capabilities, enriching the project with critical expertise in scalable blockchain middleware for AI.
  • MetaZord Collaboration:
  • Collaborating with MetaZord, a reputable blockchain institute in Coimbatore, India, enhances the project's technical foundation and provides enthusiastic developers.

Adaxon Team:

  • Expertise in AI, Blockchain, and IIoT:
  • Dr. Bharath Ramesh, core member of Adaxon, is an expert in AI and IIoT, with notable contributions to blockchain research.
  • Other team members - Su Hongxu (Blockchain), Jyothi Kiran (UI/UX) and Balamuralidhar V (Community manager), to name a few. Proven Track Record:
  • Adaxon's track record includes the successful development of projects like Fetachain - Cardano IIoT Framework.

Financial Accountability:

The proposed budget reflects a meticulous breakdown, demonstrating responsible financial planning.

Validation and Feasibility:

A well-structured milestone approach ensures systematic development, testing, and optimization. Additionally, the project's success will be measured through user engagement, satisfaction, and community participation.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1

Port the existing infrastructure and chatbot to Plutus for improved capabilities, security, and seamless integration with Cardano's native smart contract language.

  • Timeline: 3 months
  • Success Criteria:
  • Successful porting of the chatbot infrastructure to Plutus.
  • Improved capabilities and security.
  • Projected Cost: 35,000 ADA

>Milestone 2

Conduct rigorous testing and optimization of the chatbot's performance, accuracy, and privacy measures.

  • Timeline: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: High-performance chatbot with accurate responses and effective privacy measures.
  • Projected Cost: 30,000 ADA

>Milestone 3

Engage the Cardano community in testing the chatbot, gather feedback, and integrate improvements based on user suggestions.

  • Timeline: 2 months
  • Success Criteria:
  • Positive feedback from community testing.
  • Iterative improvements reflecting user suggestions.
  • Projected Cost: 25,000 ADA

>Milestone 4

Gather user feedback and iterate on the chatbot's features and user experience based on the received feedback.

  • Timeline: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: Positive user feedback on the effectiveness and usability of the chatbot.
  • Projected Cost: 15,000 ADA

>Milestone 5:

Prepare comprehensive documentation of the project, including technical specifications, user guides, and project reports.

  • Timeline: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Complete project documentation ready for dissemination.
  • Projected Cost: 15,000 ADA

Regular updates and reports will be shared with the community and stakeholders to provide visibility into the project's progress and outcomes.

Total Projected Cost: 120,000 ADA

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Project Team:

Dr. Bharath Ramesh - CEO, Adaxon Pte. Ltd

  • Role: Project Lead - AI and Blockchain Expert, providing guidance and expertise in the application of federated learning and blockchain technology.
  • LinkedIn: <>
  • Relevant Publication: "A Trustless Federated Framework for Decentralized and Confidential Deep Learning"

Su Hongxu - CTO, Adaxon Pte. Ltd

  • Role: Blockchain Expert, providing guidance and expertise in the application of federated learning and blockchain technology.
  • LinkedIn: <>

Irfan - CEO, HugoByte Network Labs

  • Role: Technical partner for overseeing the development and implementation of the chatbot infrastructure on the Cardano blockchain.
  • LinkedIn: <>

MetaZord, Coimbatore, India - Blockchain Institute

  • Collaborative partner, contributing expertise and resources in blockchain research and development.

Adaxon Team (and additional Members at LoveHope):

  • Roles: Highly skilled professionals for project management, financial auditing, and company secretary.
  • Skills Needed for Recruitment: Proficiency in natural language processing (NLP).
  • Experience in federated learning and AI technologies.
  • Familiarity with blockchain development and smart contracts.
  • Knowledge of mental health support systems.

The Love Hope Company: Pioneers in Mental Health Support

  • Introducing The Love Hope Company, a groundbreaking mental health service dedicated to fostering well-being and healing. As the first-of-its-kind in the mental health landscape, they offer a comprehensive range of services, including therapy, support groups, and mental health workshops. Based in Chennai, India, they proudly advocate #NoShameInHealing, promoting a stigma-free approach to mental wellness. HarmonyAI is honored to collaborate with such impactful endeavors for the betterment of global mental health.


  • We have engaged directly with the team members mentioned above, ensuring their willingness and commitment to supporting the project.
  • Direct communication channels are established with team members through various platforms, including Discord and Telegram

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Milestone 1: Port to Plutus for Improved Capabilities and Security - 35,000 ADA

  • Detailed analysis and planning for Plutus integration.
  • Code refactoring and adaptation to Plutus smart contract language.
  • Testing to ensure seamless integration with Cardano's native capabilities.
  • Implementation of security measures for enhanced protection.

Milestone 2: Performance Testing and Optimization - 30,000 ADA

  • Development of comprehensive test cases to evaluate performance.
  • Iterative testing cycles to identify and address bottlenecks.
  • Optimization of codebase for enhanced response times.
  • Implementation of privacy measures and security enhancements.

Milestone 3: Community Testing and Iterative Improvements - 25,000 ADA

  • Creation of community engagement strategies for testing.
  • Coordination of testing events and user feedback collection.
  • Iterative development based on community suggestions.
  • Implementation of improvements reflecting user preferences.

Milestone 4: User Feedback and Iterative Improvements - 15,000 ADA

  • Implementation of mechanisms for user feedback collection.
  • Detailed analysis of user suggestions and preferences.
  • Iterative development cycles for continuous improvement.
  • Enhancements to features and usability based on user input.

Milestone 5: Project Documentation and Reporting - 15,000 ADA

  • Compilation of technical specifications, user guides, and project reports.
  • Creation of visually engaging and informative project documentation.
  • Ensuring clarity and accessibility for both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Dissemination of the final project report to the community.

Additional Elements:

  • Publicity / Marketing / Promotion / Community Engagement: Covered under community testing and engagement strategies.
  • Project Management: Implicitly included in each milestone's projected costs.
  • Documentation: Included in Milestone 5.
  • Reporting Back to the Community: Regular updates, milestone achievements, and the final project report integrated into the plan.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

HarmonyAI's project costs align with the value it brings to the Cardano ecosystem. Careful estimation considers industry benchmarks, expertise, and deliverables. Costs represent an investment in top-tier talent, ensuring a robust and scalable mental health solution. This approach ensures efficient resource utilization, fostering long-term value for Cardano users and the broader community.

The HarmonyAI project's cost aligns strategically with the Cardano ecosystem, offering significant value:

  1. Cardano-Centric Development: Porting to Plutus reflects commitment to Cardano's native smart contracts, ensuring seamless integration and improved security.
  2. Security and Performance: Rigorous testing (Milestone 2) aligns with Cardano's focus on security, contributing to the ecosystem's robustness.
  3. Community Engagement: Funds for community testing (Milestone 3) highlight a Cardano-centric approach, fostering community involvement and ownership.
  4. User-Centric Design: Resources for user feedback and improvements (Milestone 4) adhere to Cardano's user-centric philosophy, enhancing the overall user experience.

Overall Justification:

  • The costs are proportionate to the complexity and expertise required for each milestone.
  • They are in line with industry benchmarks for similar blockchain and AI development projects.
  • The allocation of funds reflects a commitment to quality, security, and community engagement, ensuring that the project delivers substantial value to the Cardano ecosystem.
  • The strategic investment in each milestone ensures that HarmonyAI delivers tangible value to the Cardano ecosystem, making it a judicious and impactful use of resources

<u>Detailed justification for each milestone:</u>

Porting to Plutus (Milestone 1 - 35,000 ADA):

The cost reflects the pivotal transition of the chat bot infrastructure to Plutus, Cardano's native smart contract language. This milestone involves intensive coding, adaptation, and security enhancements. The funds allocated are essential for the successful integration, contributing to improved capabilities, and ensuring the project's alignment with Cardano's long-term vision for enhanced security and functionality.

Testing and Optimization (Milestone 2 - 30,000 ADA):

Rigorous testing and optimization are critical for delivering a high-performance and secure chat bot. The allocated funds cover testing environments, quality assurance processes, and privacy measures. This investment ensures that the chat bot meets the highest standards of accuracy and privacy, enhancing its overall effectiveness.

Community Engagement and Testing (Milestone 3 - 25,000 ADA):

Engaging the Cardano community is fundamental for real-world feedback. The allocated funds cover community outreach, user testing, and coordination efforts. This investment aims to foster a collaborative approach, incorporating diverse perspectives and preferences into the development process. The resulting feedback loop contributes to the creation of a more inclusive and user-friendly chat bot.

User Feedback and Iterative Improvements (Milestone 4 - 15,000 ADA):

Gathering and implementing user feedback are integral to achieving user satisfaction. The allocated funds cover mechanisms for feedback collection, detailed analysis, and iterative development cycles. This investment supports continuous improvement, responsiveness to user needs, and the evolution of the chat bot to meet the dynamic expectations of its users.

Project Documentation and Reporting (Milestone 5 - 15,000 ADA):

Comprehensive documentation ensures transparency and facilitates knowledge transfer. The allocated funds cover the creation of technical specifications, user guides, and project reports. This investment is crucial for disseminating project insights, enhancing the broader Cardano knowledge base, and providing a valuable resource for future development and research.



  • EP2: epoch_length

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